News for April 2012

Beaten "Young Front" activists sentenced to 10 days of arrest

09.04.2012 Beaten "Young Front" activists sentenced to 10 days of arrest

Zmitser Kramianetski and Mikhail Muski were detained in Minsk on Saturday evening while waiting for a train at Kupalayskaya metro station. According to Charter’97, they were stopped for inspection because of a “Young Front” cloth badge on his backpack. There was a white-red-white flag and a cross of Euphrosyne of Polatsk on the cloth badge.

09.04.2012 Mass dismissals at Minsk metro

Metro train operators are leaving the official trade union en masse.

Zmitser Bandarenka not allowed to meet with his lawyer

06.04.2012 Zmitser Bandarenka not allowed to meet with his lawyer

On 5 April Mahiliou colony #15 where political prisoner Zmitser Bandarenka is serving his term was visited by his wife and lawyer.

Ales Bialiatski: "Basic unit became 100,000 rubles and prisoners may be the only people who are glad about it"

06.04.2012 Ales Bialiatski: "Basic unit became 100,000 rubles and prisoners may be the only people who are glad about it"

In one of his first letters from a working brigade of the Babruisk colony the human rights defender describes new circumstances, to which he is trying to adapt. He writes as usual, with subtle self-irony and the ability to note funny situations and characters in any life circumstances.

Anatol Sanatsenka summonsed to tax inspection... for a talk with KGB

06.04.2012 Anatol Sanatsenka summonsed to tax inspection... for a talk with KGB

On 5 April the editor of the "Babruiski Kur'yer" newspaper Anatol Sanatsenka was summonsed to tax inspector Halina Tanvirava, allegedly to talk about the fate of the open stock company "Raklamny Kur'yer", owned by him.

Baranavichy City Court refuses to bring case on Mikalai Charnavus's request

06.04.2012 Baranavichy City Court refuses to bring case on Mikalai Charnavus's request

On 5 April Baranavichy-based entrepreneur Mikalai Charnavus received an answer from the Baranavichy City Court.

Minsk authorities ban LGBT picket

06.04.2012 Minsk authorities ban LGBT picket

On 6 April it became known that Minsk City Executive Committee rejected the application of Aliaksei Kulik, activist of the human rights project "GayBelarus" Aliaksei Kulik for holding a picket "Day of Silence: We keep silent to be heard". LGBT activists intended to hold a picket near houses #8-10 in Mayakouski Street.

06.04.2012 Siarhei Kavalenka's state doesn't improve

Alena, Siarhei Kavalenka’s wife, describes her husband’s condition as “alarming”. She was allowed a meeting with Siargey in the Vitsba reformatory on 5 April, BelaPAN reports.

Last trial concerning concert in “Yo-mayo” to take place on 9 April

05.04.2012 Last trial concerning concert in “Yo-mayo” to take place on 9 April

Ihar Trukhanovich, detained and severely beaten on 24 March, during a Saturday concert at “Yo-mayo” club, will be tried for “disorderly conduct” as some other detainees.

Belarusian MFA informed UN about suspension of execution on the day when Kavaliou was fuzilladed

05.04.2012 Belarusian MFA informed UN about suspension of execution on the day when Kavaliou was fuzilladed

Liubou Kavaliova, mother of death convict Uladzislau Kavaliou, and his sister, Tatsiana Kaziar, have received official information from the Office of the Supreme Commissioner for Human Rights. This information had been passed to it by representatives of the Belarusian government at the UN Geneva office on 15 March 2012 – the day when Uladzislau Kavaliou had been executed by shooting.

05.04.2012 Belarusian Helsinki Committee asks procuracy to inspect conditions of Kavalenka's keeping in hospital

According to the wife of Siarhei Kavalenka, Alena Kavalenka, her husband is in a critical state and doesn't receive the necessary medical aid.

05.04.2012 Ihar Sluchak cannot return to Estonia without documents

Ihar Sluchak, the founder of the civil initiative "Office Work in Belarusian" has received an answer to his appeal to the Supreme Court these days.

05.04.2012 Viktar Ivashkevich not let abroad because of a lawsuit against him

An employee of Mozyr oil refinery Maryna Tsybliyenka filed a lawsuit against a politician Viktar Ivashkevich.

Rushaniya Vaskovich is asked to pay for KGB building again

04.04.2012 Rushaniya Vaskovich is asked to pay for KGB building again

Rushaniya Vaskovich, mother of political prisoner Yauhen Vaskovich, received a strange letter from Mahiliou prison #4, where her son is serving a prison term for an attempt to set afire the building of the Babruisk KGB office. She is asked to pay the sum of the inflicted harm (253,000 rubles according to the court ruling).

Participant of last year's silent protest in Navapolatsk persecuted by road police

04.04.2012 Participant of last year's silent protest in Navapolatsk persecuted by road police

Yury Rudkouski was fined 105.000 rubles (about $13) for participation in the silent protest action in Navapolatsk on 20 July 2011. However, road policemen are still trying to draw him to account for alleged running-down on their officer.

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