News for January 2006

31.01.2006 The Central Election Commission reported that the collection of signatures for the candidates to the position of President did not have any "obstacles and significant conflicts.”

The Central Election Commission reported that the collection of signatures for the candidates to the position of President did not have any "obstacles and significant conflicts.”

31.01.2006 Ivantsevichy prison witnesses mass hunger-strike

Ivantsevichy prison witnesses mass hunger-strike

27.01.2006 The head of the Aliaxandr Milinkievich initiative group, Aliaxandr Bukhvostau demands the right to appear on Belarusian television, saying that Viktar Sheiman "is presenting to the voters untrue information".

The head of the Aliaxandr Milinkievich initiative group, Aliaxandr Bukhvostau demands the right to appear on Belarusian television, saying that Viktar Sheiman "is presenting to the voters untrue information".

27.01.2006 In Astrautsy the police searched the apartment of Ivan Kruk, a collector of signatures for Aliaxandr Milinkievich

In Astrautsy the police searched the apartment of Ivan Kruk, a collector of signatures for Aliaxandr Milinkievich

27.01.2006 Svietlahorsk District Branch of Belarusian Language Association named after Frantsishak Skaryna (BLA) still does not have premises.

Svietlahorsk District Branch of Belarusian Language Association named after Frantsishak Skaryna (BLA) still does not have premises.

27.01.2006 The report of the special reporter about human rights in Belarus is viewed as a threat to the regime of Lukashenka.

The report of the special reporter about human rights in Belarus is viewed as a threat to the regime of Lukashenka.

27.01.2006 On 26 January Andrei Pachobut was called to the regional procurator’s office for explanations

On 26 January Andrei Pachobut was called to the regional procurator’s office for explanations

26.01.2006 Secretary General of the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions Guy Rider demanded that Aliaxandr Lukashenka stop persecution of the Belarusian Independent Trade Union members in Hrodna Azot.

Secretary General of the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions Guy Rider demanded that Aliaxandr Lukashenka stop persecution of the Belarusian Independent Trade Union members in Hrodna Azot.

26.01.2006 In Minsk downtown on 25 January the police detained four members of the Zianon Pazniak initiative group

In Minsk downtown on 25 January the police detained four members of the Zianon Pazniak initiative group

26.01.2006 The KGB officer had a “pre-emptive talk” with Volha Siemchanka, a student of a Mahilou university and an activist of the youth democratic organizations Volha Siemchanka.

The KGB officer had a “pre-emptive talk” with Volha Siemchanka, a student of a Mahilou university and an activist of the youth democratic organizations Volha Siemchanka.

26.01.2006 Initiative groups of the opposition election candidates demand equal access to television.

Initiative groups of the opposition election candidates demand equal access to television.

25.01.2006 Incumbent president fully administrative leverage, the initiative groups of other candiates have to face obvious obstacles

Incumbent president fully administrative leverage, the initiative groups of other candiates have to face obvious obstacles

25.01.2006 A print run of the unregistered Krychau newspaper Volny horad is still at the disposal of law enforcement agencies.

A print run of the unregistered Krychau newspaper Volny horad is still at the disposal of law enforcement agencies.

25.01.2006 Homel Regional Court rejected a cassation complaint filed by a Narodnaia Volia reader regarding the refusal of the Chykhunachny Borough Court to consider the suit against the republican communications company Belposhta.

Homel Regional Court rejected a cassation complaint filed by a Narodnaia Volia reader regarding the refusal of the Chykhunachny Borough Court to consider the suit against the republican communications company Belposhta.

25.01.2006 Foreigners are limited entry to Belarus

Foreigners are limited entry to Belarus

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2006: December November October September August July June May April March February January

2005: December November October September August July June May April March February January

2004: December November October September August July June May April March February January

2003: December November October September August July June May April March February January

2002: December November October September

