News on the topic: detention conditions

"He put a plastic bag over my head and started suffocating me." On the International Day against Torture, we speak about torture in Belarus

26.06.2024 "He put a plastic bag over my head and started suffocating me." On the International Day against Torture, we speak about torture in Belarus

Together with the Torture Documentation Department and DIGNITY - Danish Institute against Torture, we talk about examples of torture.

"The head of the colony personally beats up political prisoners." A former prisoner speaks about the Viciebsk colony

18.06.2024 "The head of the colony personally beats up political prisoners." A former prisoner speaks about the Viciebsk colony

He secretly brought the contacts of his cellmates out from prison and persuaded the "activists" to work with political prisoners.

The pressure continues: what happened to political prisoners between May 23 and June 14

17.06.2024 The pressure continues: what happened to political prisoners between May 23 and June 14

Viasna reports the latest news about political prisoners.

"Shove your rights up your ass," a former political prisoner speaks about the pressure in home confinement

14.06.2024 "Shove your rights up your ass," a former political prisoner speaks about the pressure in home confinement

Aliaksandr Svirydzenka told Viasna about poor-quality medical care in detention, restrictions in home confinement, detentions for "rules violation", and conditions of detention in the temporary detention facility at Akrescina.

"The whole cell heard how he was beaten." Ex-political prisoner on torture in Žodzina prison

13.06.2024 "The whole cell heard how he was beaten." Ex-political prisoner on torture in Žodzina prison

Žodzina stretching and the development of fine motor skills of the hands

Amnesty 2024: in honor of the liberation of Belarus without the release of political prisoners

04.06.2024 Amnesty 2024: in honor of the liberation of Belarus without the release of political prisoners

Since Belarus asserted its independence, more than a dozen amnesty laws have been adopted. This usually happens in connection with the state celebration of some anniversary.

Former political prisoner Piotr Marchanka: "Healthcare in prison is always a hopeless case"

22.05.2024 Former political prisoner Piotr Marchanka: "Healthcare in prison is always a hopeless case"

Former political prisoner and musician Piotr Marchanka recalled how the whole cell fell ill at once in a pre-trial detention center, but a doctor was not called.

"Being sick in prison is equivalent to death." Volha Rytus on medical care in detention

20.05.2024 "Being sick in prison is equivalent to death." Volha Rytus on medical care in detention

Former political prisoner Volha Rytus spoke about the problems her cellmates faced in pre-trial detention center-1.

"I had an airsoft pellet in my leg." Kanstantsin Karnei on medical care at Akrescina

18.05.2024 "I had an airsoft pellet in my leg." Kanstantsin Karnei on medical care at Akrescina

Kanstantsin Karnei, a journalist from Vot Tak and a former political prisoner, spoke about healthcare in the temporary detention facility at Akrescina.

"This situation is borderline illegal." Pavel Sapelka on prison health care

16.05.2024 "This situation is borderline illegal." Pavel Sapelka on prison health care

We publish an interview with a Viasna human rights defender, where we talk about what the right to health in detention means, why it became the topic of the Day of Political Prisoners-2024 and what each of us can do today to preserve the health of political prisoners.

"Do you like to beat the police? Then we are going to beat you now". Oil worker from Rečyca went to protests for the first time and ended up in a colony

10.05.2024 "Do you like to beat the police? Then we are going to beat you now". Oil worker from Rečyca went to protests for the first time and ended up in a colony

The guards forgot Kanstantsin in a 1 m² cell, and he skipped an ideological lecture for a concert of his favorite band.

"I'm probably just going to die here": The situation of political prisoners from vulnerable groups

08.05.2024 "I'm probably just going to die here": The situation of political prisoners from vulnerable groups

Human rights activists have identified at least 254 political prisoners who are at particular risk of mistreatment while incarcerated.

The pressure continues: what happened to political prisoners between April 12 and May 2

06.05.2024 The pressure continues: what happened to political prisoners between April 12 and May 2

Viasna reports the latest news about political prisoners.

"They are trying to do everything to wipe the smile off your face forever"

30.04.2024 "They are trying to do everything to wipe the smile off your face forever"

A former political prisoner told Viasna about the naked search, voting in the elections in Žodzina prison, and the move from Valadarka to Kaliadzičy.

"Until you exit the gate, you don't know if they will detain you for more days or if there's already a criminal case," a former prisoner

23.04.2024 "Until you exit the gate, you don't know if they will detain you for more days or if there's already a criminal case," a former prisoner

A Minsk resident told Viasna about the difference between a regular cell and a political punishment cell in the Center for Isolation of Offenders at Akrescina and his cellmates at the end of January 2024.

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