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"I'm probably just going to die here": The situation of political prisoners from vulnerable groups Updated

2024 2024-05-08T10:22:00+0300 2024-05-31T13:15:45+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

As of May 6, 2024, human rights activists have identified at least 254 political prisoners who are at particular risk of mistreatment while incarcerated. The group includes 16 individuals with disabilities, 92 individuals with serious health conditions, 63 seniors over the age of 60 (many of whom also have significant health issues), and 10 individuals with mental disorders. Additionally, 23 young people were detained as minors, and 40 political prisoners are parents in large families. It is known that at least five families have both parents in prison.

The oldest political prisoner is 76-year-old Mikhail Liapeika from Mahilioŭ. He was sent for compulsory treatment in a psychiatric hospital for insulting Lukashenka.

For people from certain vulnerable groups, incarceration proves to be an even greater ordeal. It worsens their health condition because of untimely assistance, lack of regular medical examinations, and necessary medical supplies. That's why Viasna strives to draw attention to people from vulnerable groups who stay behind bars today.

Poor physical condition

A total of 92 individuals with serious health conditions are currently being held in detention facilities. Every disease progresses faster in detention: in addition to the lack of qualified medical care, the conditions of detention — lack of fresh air, poor nutrition, constant psychological pressure, and stress — have an impact on it. For people in detention, problems that would not be serious under normal circumstances become serious issues.

European Belarus activist Andrei Voinich is terminally ill. Coming through viral hepatitis, he developed cirrhosis of the liver, diabetes, a tumor over his adrenal glands, and many related complications. He also had his gallbladder removed. He needed an urgent liver transplant, and before his arrest, he visited a transplant surgeon monthly. However, in the facility where he is serving his seven-year sentence, he is often put into a punishment cell and deprived of care packages and visits.

The 59-year-old political scientist Aliaksandr Fiaduta was diagnosed with acute heart failure, he had attacks of angina and arrhythmia in the pre-trial detention center. He was sentenced to ten years in prison, but immediately after the transfer to a correctional facility, he ended up in a hospital because of heart problems and edema. Despite his serious condition, the prisoner went on a medical strike against the restrictions on correspondence with his relatives: for some time he refused to take pills, which could lead to a heart attack. In the autumn of 2022, his wife told the media that Fiaduta was unable to rest and sleep properly because of his heart problems. He has had X-rays and electrocardiograms, and several doctors were supposed to meet to discuss the case, but the outcome remains unknown. In December, Aliaksandr was transferred to Mahilioŭ Correctional Facility #15. As anticipated, the political prisoner was hospitalized shortly after the transfer due to a deterioration in his heart condition.

Mikita Zalatarou, 19, suffers from epilepsy. During one of the early interrogations, he was taken by ambulance to the hospital, but after intensive care, they returned him to the detention center. The youngster said that at the time he was beaten with a truncheon every day. Mikita is serving a sentence of four and a half years in prison. At the trial, he said that in remand prison he was not given any pills and the guards would say, "You are a political prisoner, you are going to die." After the verdict, Mikita Zalatarou became hysterical: he threw himself on the bars and shouted, "Let me out of here!".

Arseni Maiseichyk, 21, sentenced to six years in prison, has leukemia. This requires regular medication control and an annual MRI. The youngster is also banned from many physical activities — it is not known whether this is taken into account in the correctional facility where Arseni is serving his sentence. Ihar Mints, Maryna Markevich, Yauhen Lulkovich, Volha Tsybulskaya, and Volha Zalatar also have health problems that require regular check-ups, which is impossible in prison conditions. Artsiom Bayarski developed an undiagnosed allergy after four months of non-stop coughing.

Some political prisoners do not suffer from chronic illnesses, but when they fall ill, they do not receive adequate medical care in prisons, with serious consequences. When Yauhen Barouski fell seriously ill, presumably with maxillary sinusitis, the administration of Correctional Facility #15 refused to accept a medical parcel for him. He had severe headaches and heavy breathing. On a call with his family, he said, "I'm probably just going to die here. I feel so bad". He kept going to work with a fever as high as 38-39 degrees.

The condition of Marfa Rabkova, sentenced to 14 years and nine months in prison, is rapidly deteriorating due to the detention conditions. She has problems with her lymph nodes, thyroid gland and fluid in her pelvis.

During the summer she fainted in the pre-trial detention center, lost a lot of weight, and came through a severe version of COVID. Several times she requested to see a dentist but has been repeatedly refused. Many political prisoners have dental problems: the lack of calcium and timely dental care have their effect.

Maryia Kalesnikava's health crisis began on 28 November 2022, when "problems with blood pressure, nausea, and fainting were exacerbated by excruciating stomach pains." Maryia was transported to the surgical department of Homieĺ Emergency Hospital for surgery caused by a perforated ulcer and peritonitis. A few days later, the political prisoner was transferred back to the facility, where she was permitted to meet with her father at the medical block. Maryia's dietary needs are not being met by the food provided at the facility. The prison medical unit has agreed to modify her dietary regimen. It has been established that the convict was subjected to disproportionate mistreatment in a punishment cell before being hospitalized. Maryia has health issues in the Women's Correctional Facility No. 4 in Homieĺ. That's the reason she doesn't work. On one occasion, she had to be armed to a roll call.

Psychologist Alesia Liantsevich is believed to be suffering from a serious illness that is not currently treatable or diagnosable within the prison system. Disregarding that, she was sentenced to three years and six months' imprisonment.

During his period of incarceration at Pre-Trial Detention Center #3 and at a correctional facility, the health of political prisoner Aliaksei Ilyinchyk declined. His right arm is almost nonfunctional, and his speech is impaired, making him struggle to speak. He can't write letters on his own either. In addition, there are significant failures in letter deliveries to him, even from his family. He was sentenced to two and a half years of imprisonment, and it is known that he was placed in the neurological department of the Republican Prison Hospital, which is located on the territory of Pre-Trial Detention Center #1.

Aliaksei Halauko, who was sentenced to 12 years in prison, has chronic problems with his nose and needs surgery. Antanina Kanavalava was registered as a visually disabled person while in a correctional facility, but she was not prescribed the necessary treatment.

It is becoming increasingly clear that many political prisoners are experiencing a rapid deterioration of their health due to the conditions of their detention and the aggravation of chronic diseases. Among such detainees are Raman Bahnavets, who was severely beaten during his detention, and Aliaksandr Zialutkin, a father of six, whose health has seriously deteriorated. He is experiencing significant discomfort due to the onset of gum inflammation and the development of dental cavities. The pain is so acute that Aliaksandr can't chew.

Artsiom Kalashuk, who is deaf in one ear, has been sentenced to two years in prison. Mikita Kuntysh has a medical condition that, if not properly managed by his doctors, has the potential to progress to a chronic stage. Stsiapan Latypau has been diagnosed with scurvy. Human rights defender Uladzimir Labkovich's health has deteriorated significantly. He suffers from frequent headaches and insomnia. Also, his eyesight was severely impaired. Andrzej Poczobut was transferred to the Secure Housing Unit despite his blood pressure being at 190/140. Yauhen Rahutski was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis when he was still a child. Yauhen Hurynovich, a customs officer currently on trial for "treason against the state," is experiencing significant health challenges related to his spine. In the summer of 2021, journalist Dzianis Ivashyn began experiencing cardiac issues while incarcerated. Natallia Taran has a number of chronic diseases, diabetes, and the woman is insulin dependent.

Other political prisoners known to suffer from chronic diseases and health problems include Uladzislau Beladzed, Viktar Bedryi, Yury Bialko, Vital Bandaruk, Volha Brytsikava, Uladzislau Buryn, Maksim Viniarski, Leanid Hermanovich, Ryhor Hryh, Mikalai Dziadok, Yahor Dudnikau, Viktar Yaromenka, Alena Yafremenka, Aliaksandr Zhmuro, Uladzimir Zapolskikh, Katsiaryna Zaretskaya, Aliaksei Ivanisau, Aliaksandr Kalin, Siarhei Kapanets, Mikita Karpenka, Yauhen Klimau, Filip Kantsevich, Dzmitry Kakhanouski, Aliaksei Kudasau, Viktoryia Kulsha, Mikhail Loban, Ruslan Linnik, Siarhei Lisouski, Mikita Litsvinenka, Ruslan Labanok, Maksim Lapatsin, Aliaksandr Lopukh, Anatol Matsulevich, Pavel Niadbaila, Aliaksei Arlou, Ales and Yan Papkoviches, Siarhei Plonis, Yana Pinchuk, Andrei Papou, Andrei Parotnikau, Siarhei Ratkevich, Aliaksandr Reznik, Yauhen Rubashka, Aleh Rubets, Siarhei Savich, Dzianis Salmanovich, Siarhei Satsuk, Pavel Seviarynets, Pavel Sakalou, Mikhail Tarasevich, Valiantsin Tseranevich, Siarhei Tsibets, Aliaksandr Frantskevich, Palina Sharenda-Panasiuk, Aliaksandr Shalamitski, Yulia Yurhilevich.


At least 16 political prisoners have disabilities. Dzmitry Utouka, an orthodontist from Zaslaŭje, has a hearing disability. The inmate is currently being held with a hearing aid, which requires replacement, as do batteries. The man is getting disability benefits, but they're being used by the enforcers to pay the fine imposed on him. Ihar Shumilau, who was sentenced to four and a half years in prison, has a disability. Ten years ago, he was in a car accident and lost his leg. His right arm was injured, too.

Valiantsin Kolb, 56, is disabled because of a heart condition after suffering an earlier heart attack. Immediately after the detention, the man felt sick, he was taken to the Pinsk Central Hospital and assigned an escort. Valiantsin Kolb was examined, diagnosed with preinfarction syndrome, and kept for further treatment. The man was in intensive care for some time. He was sentenced to five years' imprisonment under a reinforced regime. Maksim Razhkou has a second-degree disability. He was sentenced to 3.5 years' imprisonment in a general-regime correctional facility.

Aliaksandr Kisel, who has been monitored by psychiatrists since he was born, has a disability. He was sent for compulsory treatment in a psychiatric hospital. Aliaksandr Karaliou also has a disability. Aksana Liaushova has a medical condition that restricts her mobility and renders her unable to move independently. She was sentenced to two years in a correctional facility. The architect Aliaksei Paretski, the artist Kanstantsin Prusau, the geographer Ruslan Sadaunichy, and the cousin of a representative of Kalinowski's regiment Siarhei Franchuk are also disabled.


It is also worth mentioning political prisoners who have cancer. Some have had it before imprisonment, while others were diagnosed with it after their detention. In both cases, the condition of people is aggravated by the lack of medical care, refusal to perform the necessary manipulations and operations, and lack of access to medication.

Journalist Ksenia Lutskina has a brain tumor: it is growing and causes severe pain, which doctors treat with painkillers. She needs a consultation with specialized professionals, which is not available in detention. In February Ksenia contracted bilateral pneumonia. For health reasons, the woman was released from work in the industrial zone of the prison, where she was sent to serve her eight-year sentence.

Pavel Kuchynski, a 28-year-old political prisoner, has fourth-stage cancer, but he was sentenced to four years and nine months in prison. An inflammatory process started in detention and his condition deteriorated greatly. In July 2022, when a medical rehabilitation commission examined him, Pavel was assigned first-degree disability, while before the arrest, he was registered as a second-degree disabled person. At the end of September 2022, Pavel was transferred to the Republican Prison Hospital in Minsk, where he was kept until his PET-CT scans were made — preliminary treatment for cancer patients — is made. Instead of wards, patients stay in ordinary cells converted for medical use.

It was announced in December 2023 that Pavel's chemotherapy treatments were not helping and the disease was progressing. After the examinations, the course of treatment was revised. However, the political prisoner's condition did not improve. He has also consulted with doctors about a bone marrow transplant, but due to his imprisonment and detention conditions, this is not possible. It has been confirmed that Pavel attempted to submit a petition for clemency to Lukashenka through the prison administration. The political prisoner was transferred back to the facility for a few days to do the paperwork, but the petition was returned to the convict when he was about to be transported to the hospital.

Uladzimir Malakhouski, 56, has cancer and a third-degree disability. He was sentenced to 3.5 years in prison. The prisoner had undergone chemotherapy four times before his detention, and his health was compromised.

Ruslan Slutski, 39, has a benign brain tumor, as well as severe back pain, which sometimes prevented him from getting out of bed, but he was refused hospitalization. However, it is known that he was hospitalized for pneumonia treatment in November 2022. The convict was sentenced to 11 years of imprisonment.

Political prisoner Yauhen Burlo has experienced a relapse of the disease he had previously suffered from, namely necrosis of the hip joints. He was sent to the medical unit of the pre-trial detention center. Yauhen's acquaintances have informed us that the family of the political prisoner requested that the administration of the pre-trial detention center provide him with appropriate treatment. However, their request was denied. Yauhen Burlo was on crutches during the verdict, he couldn't even stand up. He was sentenced to 8 years in prison. It is known that Yauhen Burlo requires spinal surgery. He was promised it.


As of this writing, 63 seniors stay in detention facilities. They have many diseases and their progression is provoked by the harsh conditions of confinement. Without proper care, high blood pressure, heart disease, and musculoskeletal disorders cause prisoners to become increasingly debilitated.

Ryhor Kastusiou, 66, chairman of the Belarusian Popular Front Party, was sentenced to ten years in prison, although his health deteriorated while in custody and he was diagnosed with cancer. In the fall of 2021, he wrote in a letter that his doctor was giving him painkilling injections so that he could sleep at night. It's known that he has been tested and examined and the results showed that he might need surgery. In October 2023, he reported that his legs were very painful and swollen due to severe varicose veins. It was known that he was not informed about the results of the oncological examination upon release from segregation.

Political prisoner Iryna Melkher survived a hypertensive crisis. Her condition worsens every day: she has problems with her heart and nervous system. In the first month following her arrest, she could not sleep until she was prescribed sedatives. In the Brest pre-trial detention center, she was on bed rest. However, she was assigned the upper bunk, from where she could not get down on her own. The prisoner also had to go to the toilet frequently because she had kidney problems. At night, she had to wait for someone to wake up and help her climb back up. She ended up being sentenced to 17 years in prison.

The leaders of the independent Radio-Electronic Industry Workers' trade union suffer from various diseases in detention. Henadz Fiadynich, 66, has heart issues and diabetes and was sentenced to nine years in prison. Vasil Berasneu's health has significantly deteriorated in pre-trial detention. The 73-year-old man suffers from pain in his only kidney. He may have cancer, but as of September 2022, he was not sent for an examination. Instead, he was constantly put on anesthesia drips. He was sentenced to nine years in prison. Viachaslau Areshka, 68, suffers from several illnesses and has eye problems that may cause him to go blind. He was sentenced to eight years in prison.

62-year-old prisoner Halina Dzerbysh has cancer, second-degree disability, and heart problems. Her health condition in detention has deteriorated: immediately after her arrest, she was placed in a punishment cell, where she fainted several times. It is known that the necessary medications were given to her either late or not at all. She was sentenced to 20 years in prison.

Uladzimir Hundar, a 63-year-old activist and local historian, is a prisoner with a second-degree disability, missing one leg. However, in the pre-trial detention center, he was not allowed to have his prosthesis in the cell and was not given the necessary medicine: high blood pressure provoked a hypertensive crisis. He also asked his family to send him stronger glasses and new heart pills to the detention center. He was sentenced to 18 years in prison. Hundar was often kept in solitary confinement and repeatedly went on hunger strikes.

The 67-year-old philosopher Uladzimir Matskevich was sentenced to five years in prison, and despite his senior age, he kept a hunger strike. During the strike, his blood pressure dropped, his arms and legs got numb and he felt very tired. In early August 2023, the political prisoner underwent a scheduled surgery at the Republican Prison Hospital. On August 18, 2023, the philosopher was transferred from the hospital back to prison.

Aliaksei Mironau, 63, was sentenced to four years in jail. Mikalai Statkevich, 67, who caught COVID three times during his imprisonment and developed pneumonia, was sentenced to 14 years of imprisonment. 66-year-old Alena Hnauk got three and a half years in prison.

Political prisoner Natallia Piatrovich, a 69-year-old pensioner, was sentenced to six years of imprisonment for her online comments.

Vasil Dzemidovich, a 72-year-old political prisoner and pensioner, is currently incarcerated. He was sentenced to seven years in prison and is the oldest Belarusian citizen listed as a "terrorist" by the KGB. It should be noted that the man has been through dozens of prison transfers in the past year. Political prisoners are transported under harsh conditions: in a special prison train under the strict control of guards and dogs, they are shackled, often deprived of food, and forced to carry all their belongings in their hands while handcuffed. All this affects Vasil's health very badly.

Ala Zuyeva, 62, suffers from leukemia, which the court did not take into account when sentencing her. The political prisoner believes that the sentence passed on her is akin to a death sentence. She worked as a school teacher but quit before retiring due to illness. Most of the time she spent at home, rarely leaving the city.

Journalist Andrei Tolchyn, 64, suffers from high blood pressure and has problems with his legs.

Volha Stabrouskaya, 63 years old, has a third-degree disability, and recently the woman's illnesses have been on the increase. She was sentenced to a year and three months in prison.

The priest Henrykh Akalatovich, 70 years old, suffered a heart attack and recently underwent surgery for cancer of the stomach. He needs medical supervision and constant medication.

Ihar Lednik, 63, had a second-degree disability due to heart problems. He was sentenced to three years in prison. On February 20, 2024, it was announced that Ihar Lednik died behind bars.

Mental health

At least ten political prisoners are known to suffer from mental disorders. In prison, political prisoners face unprecedented pressures and remain under constant stress: this worsens their psychological well-being and exacerbates the mental health problems they had before their imprisonment. Often state officials do not take these problems seriously and only make things worse.

Alena Maushuk was sentenced to six years in prison and developed a severe depressive state after her arrest. After hearing the term requested by the prosecution, the woman wrote a message in her notebook and showed it to those present in the courtroom. It read "I will hang myself". In early January 2022, Alena Maushuk informed her relatives that she was being subjected to physical and psychological violence in the detention center, deprived of care packages and family visits, and regularly punished. She also complained of her depressed mental state. It is known that Alena was deprived of her parental rights.

Kiryl Palcheuski, sentenced to three years and a month in prison, is diagnosed with a mild intellectual deficit.

In detention, Yury Prakharenka lost 35 kilograms and suffered from panic attacks, psychosomatic disorders, and depression. He was sent for compulsory treatment in a psychiatric hospital.

Ihar Karpitski and Yury Kastsiuk were experiencing certain psychological issues. So was Viktar Barushka who spent 12 days in the ICU of an emergency care hospital after being detained. At the trial, he claimed to have been beaten. Volha Ivanchanka has autistic spectrum disorder. Yury Kavalou stays in the Republican Science and Practical Center for Mental Health, following the court order. Andrei Sacheuka has a personality disorder. Maryia Uspenskaya was involuntarily admitted to a psychiatric hospital for treatment. The time of her release will not be determined by the court. She will be treated until "full recovery".

Post-arrest health issues

As people in Belarus are often arrested with unjustified use of force, this sometimes leads to health problems that develop after detention. Refusal to provide timely medical care is also a way of putting pressure on people. As a result, health problems are more likely to get worse.

Siarhei Verashchahin was severely beaten during the arrest. At the hospital, the doctors diagnosed a closed head injury, cerebral contusion, multiple bruises and contusions on the body, including the chest, cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine sectors, and temporal areas. He developed blindness and numbness on the left side of his body because he was not given medical attention. Despite that, Siarhei was sentenced to five years in prison and denied rehabilitation.

Viachaslau Rahashchuk, a defendant in the so-called "Pinsk case", was beaten for three days after his arrest. According to his cellmates in the Pinsk temporary detention center, Viachaslau had a hematoma behind his ear, three slashes on his head, and black round bruises on all vertebrae. For some time, Viachaslau complained of noise and ringing in his head, but he never received medical assistance. In addition, he claimed to have been diagnosed with a "hemorrhage, concussion or head trauma" and a "micro stroke" in the detention center. The political prisoner was later sentenced to six years in prison.

Aliaksandr Kapshul was on a train to Moscow where he wanted to get on a plane to Warsaw when his documents were checked by FSB officers. He realized that he would be arrested upon arrival in the Russian capital and jumped out of the train. With a broken leg and a dislocated arm, he managed to reach the Ukrainian border. Kapschul decided to legally cross the Russian-Ukrainian border. At the border crossing point, he was detained, and FSB officers brought the man to Belarus and handed him over to KGB agents. Subsequently, the activist was placed in the KGB pre-trial detention facility. He had surgery a week later but needs rehabilitation to regain full mobility. The prisoner was not given the necessary medication without the permission of the detention center doctor. He was sentenced to 15 years in prison.

"Rail guerilla" Vital Melnik was shot in the knee during arrest and moved around the pre-trial detention facility on crutches. The man was sentenced to 13 years of imprisonment. It is not known whether he is receiving rehabilitation assistance.

Human rights activists have drawn attention to the cruel detention conditions in Belarus for many years. They justifiably criticize the conditions in detention centers, correction facilities, and prisons, adding to the suffering caused by the very fact of incarceration.

Pavel Sapelka, Viasna lawyer:

– Since the start of the 2020 election campaign, prison administrations have created conditions for political prisoners that border on, and often become torture. Needless to say, the suffering caused by such treatment is exacerbated when people with disabilities and severe or chronic illnesses become victims of inhumane policies. Whatever the reasons, such treatment is prohibited and must stop immediately and those responsible held accountable.

The United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners (the Nelson Mandela Rules) prescribes that "Persons who are found to be not criminally responsible, or who are later diagnosed with severe mental disabilities and/or health conditions, for whom staying in prison would mean an exacerbation of their condition, shall not be detained in prisons..." (Rule 109).

Speaking of political prisoners, we human rights defenders continue to demand their unconditional release, the termination of prosecution, or a review of their cases. We stress, however, that the release of those whose health and serious illness cause particular suffering and whose lives are in danger should not be subject to manipulation, political debate, or insinuation by the authorities. It must happen immediately, as a first step towards genuine national reconciliation, so as not to burden the imminent responsibility of those responsible for crimes against humanity.

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