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"Millet followed oatmeal." Former political prisoners described the schedule in penal colonies Video

2025 2025-01-09T16:10:47+0300 2025-01-09T16:11:40+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

At least 1,280 political prisoners celebrated the Christmas holidays behind bars. For some, this was the fifth New Year in prison in a row. Former political prisoners living in different parts of the world described the prison schedule.

"It's 10 o'clock at night. I'm relaxing, watching my favorite TV series and eating a salad. My beloved red cat is lying next to me. At this time, political prisoners in the penal colony go to bed after a hard day at the garment factory, endless duties in the squad and beyond, after several hours of forced viewing of state TV, after carrying 30-kilogram bags with vegetables. And tomorrow they will have this day again. And they will never have days off. I have something new happening every day: different food, different people, sometimes different cities and countries. For political prisoners, millet follows oatmeal, toilet duty follows the corridor duty, a hard winter follows a hard autumn. For some it has lasted for a year, and for some it has been 4 years. And it is unknown how many seasons will follow each other like this. I sincerely hope that soon all political prisoners will have happy days and cozy evenings, and that soon they will meet with their relatives and friends, and finally feel freedom!" said Maryia Kalenik convicted in the Students' Case.

"Millet followed oatmeal." Former political prisoners described the schedule in penal colonies

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