Belarus hits new low: Five years at the bottom of torture prohibition index in post-Soviet states

27.06.2024 Belarus hits new low: Five years at the bottom of torture prohibition index in post-Soviet states

The Working Group on the Fight Torture of the Civic Solidarity Platform has released the annual results of measuring the Prohibition of Torture Index in these countries. For the fifth consecutive year, Belarus occupies the lowest ranking position on the list.

We demand the rehabilitation of 22 former political prisoners

25.06.2024 We demand the rehabilitation of 22 former political prisoners

Joint statement by the Belarusian human rights community

We demand to overturn the verdict against Leanid Sudalenka, to stop court arbitrariness and persecution of human rights defenders

20.06.2024 We demand to overturn the verdict against Leanid Sudalenka, to stop court arbitrariness and persecution of human rights defenders

Statement of the Viasna Human Rights Center

Five years of imprisonment in a high security colony and a huge fine: the verdict of human rights activist Leanid Sudalenka

19.06.2024 Five years of imprisonment in a high security colony and a huge fine: the verdict of human rights activist Leanid Sudalenka

Leanid Sudalenka is one of the first human rights defenders who faced criminal prosecution after the 2020 presidential election.

"The head of the colony personally beats up political prisoners." A former prisoner speaks about the Viciebsk colony

18.06.2024 "The head of the colony personally beats up political prisoners." A former prisoner speaks about the Viciebsk colony

He secretly brought the contacts of his cellmates out from prison and persuaded the "activists" to work with political prisoners.

Human rights situation in Belarus. May 2024

06.06.2024 Human rights situation in Belarus. May 2024

The level of repression against political opponents of the regime and dissidents in Belarus remains critically high.

Amnesty 2024: in honor of the liberation of Belarus without the release of political prisoners

04.06.2024 Amnesty 2024: in honor of the liberation of Belarus without the release of political prisoners

Since Belarus asserted its independence, more than a dozen amnesty laws have been adopted. This usually happens in connection with the state celebration of some anniversary.

Four years since the day of mass detentions in Hrodna: what happened to the defendants in the Tsikhanouski case

29.05.2024 Four years since the day of mass detentions in Hrodna: what happened to the defendants in the Tsikhanouski case

Those events on a square in Hrodna on May 29, 2020, can be called the beginning of mass persecution in Belarus, which continue to this time.

Forced labor in Belarus in the light of global assessments

28.05.2024 Forced labor in Belarus in the light of global assessments

Together with Viasna human rights activist Aleh Matskevich, we continue to talk about forced labor in Belarus in the context of international standards.

"Return to the here and now": how Belarusians who suffered from persecution cope with mental problems

27.05.2024 "Return to the here and now": how Belarusians who suffered from persecution cope with mental problems

Viasna continues to publish stories where victims of political repression give advice and speak about the things that helped them cope with mental disorders.

"I'm probably just going to die here": The situation of political prisoners from vulnerable groups

08.05.2024 "I'm probably just going to die here": The situation of political prisoners from vulnerable groups

Human rights activists have identified at least 254 political prisoners who are at particular risk of mistreatment while incarcerated.

"The main thing is to save your health." May 21 is the Day of Political Prisoners

07.05.2024 "The main thing is to save your health." May 21 is the Day of Political Prisoners

On May 21, Viasna calls on to express solidarity with all political prisoners and once again demand the regime to release them.

Forced labor: how the Belarusian government does (not) comply with international obligations

03.05.2024 Forced labor: how the Belarusian government does (not) comply with international obligations

We have discussed with Viasna human rights activist Aleh Matskevich what forced labor is, how its prohibition is regulated, and also analyzed what Belarus has (not) done to abolish forced labor. 

From an hour of mourning and silence to 35 years of processions. How the Chernobyl Way began

29.04.2024 From an hour of mourning and silence to 35 years of processions. How the Chernobyl Way began

Since then, the Chernobyl Way has always been a reason for repression from the authorities.

"If you don't sign it, then your wife will go to prison, and your kids will be taken away by the children's services." Serhii Melyanets spoke about his detention

25.04.2024 "If you don't sign it, then your wife will go to prison, and your kids will be taken away by the children's services." Serhii Melyanets spoke about his detention

Once safe, Serhii told Viasna his story of persecution.

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