News on the topic: torture

The UN Committee against Torture will provide the results of a confidential investigation into Belarus

28.06.2024 The UN Committee against Torture will provide the results of a confidential investigation into Belarus

One of the initiators of this investigation was Viasna Human Rights Center in September 2020. 

Belarus hits new low: Five years at the bottom of torture prohibition index in post-Soviet states

27.06.2024 Belarus hits new low: Five years at the bottom of torture prohibition index in post-Soviet states

The Working Group on the Fight Torture of the Civic Solidarity Platform has released the annual results of measuring the Prohibition of Torture Index in these countries. For the fifth consecutive year, Belarus occupies the lowest ranking position on the list.

"He put a plastic bag over my head and started suffocating me." On the International Day against Torture, we speak about torture in Belarus

26.06.2024 "He put a plastic bag over my head and started suffocating me." On the International Day against Torture, we speak about torture in Belarus

Together with the Torture Documentation Department and DIGNITY - Danish Institute against Torture, we talk about examples of torture.

The "cage" in women's penal colonies. What is it, what norms does it violate?

25.06.2024 The "cage" in women's penal colonies. What is it, what norms does it violate?

Viasna writes about what it is and what national and international norms such treatment of prisoners violates.

Stage play, quiz, "prison experiment": events of the Week against Torture, June 24–30

24.06.2024 Stage play, quiz, "prison experiment": events of the Week against Torture, June 24–30

June 26 is the UN International Day in Support of Victims of Torture.

"The head of the colony personally beats up political prisoners." A former prisoner speaks about the Viciebsk colony

18.06.2024 "The head of the colony personally beats up political prisoners." A former prisoner speaks about the Viciebsk colony

He secretly brought the contacts of his cellmates out from prison and persuaded the "activists" to work with political prisoners.

"The whole cell heard how he was beaten." Ex-political prisoner on torture in Žodzina prison

13.06.2024 "The whole cell heard how he was beaten." Ex-political prisoner on torture in Žodzina prison

Žodzina stretching and the development of fine motor skills of the hands

"I started to lose consciousness," Vadzim Khizhniakou on the consequences of mold allergy in a prison cell

16.05.2024 "I started to lose consciousness," Vadzim Khizhniakou on the consequences of mold allergy in a prison cell

As part of the Week of Solidarity with Political Prisoners in Belarus, Viasna has prepared a number of videos where former political prisoners share their stories about sub-standard and untimely medical care in places of detention.

"Do you like to beat the police? Then we are going to beat you now". Oil worker from Rečyca went to protests for the first time and ended up in a colony

10.05.2024 "Do you like to beat the police? Then we are going to beat you now". Oil worker from Rečyca went to protests for the first time and ended up in a colony

The guards forgot Kanstantsin in a 1 m² cell, and he skipped an ideological lecture for a concert of his favorite band.

"I'm probably just going to die here": The situation of political prisoners from vulnerable groups

08.05.2024 "I'm probably just going to die here": The situation of political prisoners from vulnerable groups

Human rights activists have identified at least 254 political prisoners who are at particular risk of mistreatment while incarcerated.

"The investigator turned to the wall and began to cry." The story of a senior citizen who was convicted for participating in protests

16.04.2024 "The investigator turned to the wall and began to cry." The story of a senior citizen who was convicted for participating in protests

Aliaksei asked smugglers to help him escape from Belarus and jumped for joy when he was safe.

Vital Chopik, detained in Brest, was taken to hospital with signs of severe beating

03.04.2024 Vital Chopik, detained in Brest, was taken to hospital with signs of severe beating

Recall that on March 28, 2024, the Ministry of Internal Affairs reported that a 40-year-old resident of Brest, who attended court hearings, was placed in a pre-trial detention center.

Viasna receives University of Graz award for documenting human rights violations

29.03.2024 Viasna receives University of Graz award for documenting human rights violations

As part of the International Accountability Platform for Belarus, the Viasna Human Rights Center received the University of Graz Human Rights Award.

Lack of air, overcrowded cells, night with light. What Belarusians reported during the documentation in 2023

03.01.2024 Lack of air, overcrowded cells, night with light. What Belarusians reported during the documentation in 2023

Human rights activists spoke about the specifics of documenting in 2023.

At least 32 convicts, torture, trials in absentia and behind closed doors: what is now known about the Black Book of Belarus case

24.10.2023 At least 32 convicts, torture, trials in absentia and behind closed doors: what is now known about the Black Book of Belarus case

Viasna writes about the persecution in the Black Book of Belarus case and political prisoners convicted of leaking personal information.

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