News for May 2012

Svetlahorsk police detain campaigners and journalists

31.05.2012 Svetlahorsk police detain campaigners and journalists

Svetlahorsk police have reportedly detained a number of activists of the Tell the Truth civil campaign and several local residents campaigning against the construction of a pulp mill.

31.05.2012 One more National Bolshevik detained near detention centre

National Bolshevik Dzyanis Sakhar was detained today near a detention centre in Akrestin Street.

31.05.2012 National Bolsheviks leader given 5 days in custody

Yauheny Kontush, the leader of the Belarusian National Bolsheviks, has been sentenced to five days in custody by the Maskouski district court on May 30.

31.05.2012 BCD activist brutally beaten by police

Yet another opposition activist was brutally beaten by police.

Policemen detained Volha Pansevich, an activist of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party from Slonim, on her way home and took her into a detention facility.

31.05.2012 Belarusian Activist Gets Additional 10 Days For ‘Vulgar Words’

MINSK – A Belarusian opposition activist, who was expected to be released on May 31 after serving a 15-day prison term, has been sentenced to 10 more days in jail for "saying vulgar words" to police.

Human Rights House Network: Urgent call for release of Aleh Volchak

31.05.2012 Human Rights House Network: Urgent call for release of Aleh Volchak

We, the undersigned members and partners of the Human Rights House Network, are deeply concerned about the recent arrest of the Belarusian human rights defender Aleh Volchak and the ongoing pressure against him and other human rights defenders in Belarus. We strongly believe that Aleh Volchak's detention is linked to his legitimate human rights work, including his latest publication about the deteriorating political situation in Belarus on the Internet on the eve of his arrest.

European Belarus activists sentenced to 5 days of arrest

30.05.2012 European Belarus activists sentenced to 5 days of arrest

Maksim Viniarski, activist of the European Belarus opposition movement, has been sentenced to 5 days of administrative arrest.

30.05.2012 Human Rights Watch: Stop Using Courts to Silence Dissent

The Belarusian government should immediately release the prominent human rights defender Oleg Volchek, who was convicted for an apparently politically motivated administrative offense, Human Rights Watch said today. Volchek is serving a nine-day sentence after a trial raising serious due process concerns.

Orsha authorities ban 14 pickets for free elections

30.05.2012 Orsha authorities ban 14 pickets for free elections

Orsha town executive committee has banned a series of pickets scheduled for 31 May. None of the 14 applications has been sanctioned by local executive officials.

Viasna demands to stop illegal administrative arrests of civil activists

30.05.2012 Viasna demands to stop illegal administrative arrests of civil activists

The Human Rights Center “Viasna” condemns the illegal administrative prosecution and arrests of a number of youth activists, including Mikhail Muski, Zmitser Kremianetski, Raman Vasilyeu, Mikalai Dzemidzenka and Pavel Vinahradau, as well as human rights defender Aleh Vouchak.

30.05.2012 Aleh Hulak: Despite fairly mild sentence, there is new political prisoner

Head of Belarusian Helsinki Committee has commented on today’s sentence.

Belarus: Travel ban imposed on human rights defenders

30.05.2012 Belarus: Travel ban imposed on human rights defenders

Front Line Defenders believes that the travel ban is solely imposed on Belarusian human rights defenders as a result of their legitimate human rights work, in particular their denouncement of human rights violations in Belarus.

Brest campaigners for electoral reform report harassment by security officials

29.05.2012 Brest campaigners for electoral reform report harassment by security officials

Several Brest activists campaigning for the reform of the electoral legislation have been intimidated by local police and KGB employees, says the campaign’s member Viktar Chaikouski.

Hrodna pro-dem activist summoned to KGB

29.05.2012 Hrodna pro-dem activist summoned to KGB

Aliaksei Hardzeichyk, an opposition activist in the city of Hrodna, has been reportedly summoned for a “precaution conversation” to the local office of the State Security Committee (KGB).

29.05.2012 Prosecutors warn one more independent journalist

The prosecutor's office of Homel issued a warning to Larysa Shchyrakova on May 29 for “work for NEWS Informacja production company (Poland)”.

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