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Zmitser Bandarenka not allowed to meet with his lawyer

2012 2012-04-06T17:32:27+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

On 5 April Mahiliou colony #15 where political prisoner Zmitser Bandarenka is serving his term was visited by his wife and lawyer.

According to human rights defender Barys Bukhel, the reason why the lawyer wasn't allowed to meet with Bandarenka is that the colony administration noted the presence of journalists.

His wife, Volha Bandarenka, intends to apply to court because of the refusal of the prison medics to declare Zmitser Bandarenka a disabled person, but wants to ask the husband's advice first.

Bear in mind that Zmitser Bandarenka was the head of the electoral headquarters of the former presidential candidate Andrei Sannikau. He was sentenced to 2 years of imprisonment for participation in "Square-2010". His chronic diseases exacerbated after the arrest. In July 2011 he underwent a spine surgery in the prison hospital. Soon afterwards torture was used towards the prisoner – he was forced to go to work, stand in line during long examinations. Moreover, his crutch and orthopedic shoes were taken away and returned to him only after he signed a pardon petition in the name of Lukashenka.

An individual communication on behalf of Mr. Bandarenka was filed with the UN Committee against Torture.

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