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Anatol Sanatsenka summonsed to tax inspection... for a talk with KGB

2012 2012-04-06T17:27:39+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
Anatol Sanatsenka, editor of the \\\\\\\\

Anatol Sanatsenka, editor of the \\\\\\\\

On 5 April the editor of the "Babruiski Kur'yer" newspaper Anatol Sanatsenka was summonsed to tax inspector Halina Tanvirava, allegedly to talk about the fate of the open stock company "Raklamny Kur'yer", owned by him.

However, at the office of the tax inspector Mr. Sanatsenka was met by two men in mufti, who introduced themselves as KGB officers. One of them said he was lieutenant-colonel, while the other kept writing something all the time. Officers of the tax inspection went out of the office and didn't return until the end of the talk, which lasted for 2.5 hours.

One of the KGB officers showed Mr. Sanatsenka Xerox copies of his articles for this and the previous year. They wanted to warn him about the possible punishment for alleged violation of Article 369 of the Republic of Belarus – "Discredit of the Republic of Belarus".

The journalist reminded them of a journalist's rights and the Constitution and stated that they violated them by such actions. He also asked them to print out the text of the warning, which they were unable to do because of problems with the office printer.

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