News for August 2015

Belarusian MFA to Viciebsk human rights activist: The state is not obliged to publish decisions of UNCHR

07.08.2015 Belarusian MFA to Viciebsk human rights activist: The state is not obliged to publish decisions of UNCHR

The UN Committee on Human Rights (CHR) has taken a few dozen decisions that recognized Belarus a violator of the rights of citizens. In its decisions the HRC, inter alia, requested the Republic of Belarus to publish them and ensure their wide dissemination in the country in Belarusian and Russian languages.

Pavel Sapelka comments on the decision to extend preventive supervision over Mikalai Autukhovich

07.08.2015 Pavel Sapelka comments on the decision to extend preventive supervision over Mikalai Autukhovich

August 6, Vaŭkavysk District Court reconsidered the case on the extension of preventive supervision over the former political prisoner Mikalai Autukhovich without his participation. Autukhovich himself is still in the local hospital after a hypertensive crisis.

Mahilioŭ resident gets offended that “Priorbank” considers his name and patronymic "wrong"

07.08.2015 Mahilioŭ resident gets offended that “Priorbank” considers his name and patronymic "wrong"

Andrei Kavaliou filed a claim to the leadership of the bank, asking to bring the bank software into compliance with the Belarusian legislation on languages, as well as give him a written apology for the insult inflicted on him by the inaccurate software.

Paryčy: Nadzeya Dudarenka, foster mother deprived of her children, collects signatures for Tsiareshchanka and looks forward to his help

07.08.2015 Paryčy: Nadzeya Dudarenka, foster mother deprived of her children, collects signatures for Tsiareshchanka and looks forward to his help

A resident of the village of Paryčy (Svietlahorsk district) Nadzeya Dudarenka held a picket to collect signatures in support of the nomination of Viktar Tsiareshchanka as a presidential candidate. Nadzeya Dudarenka is a member of his electoral team.

Women in penal colonies: violation of labor and social rights

06.08.2015 Women in penal colonies: violation of labor and social rights

Andrew Coyle, the author of aids for prison staff "A Human Rights Approach to Prison Management", (International Centre for Prison Studies) argues that women constitute from 2% to 8% of the total number of prisoners in all penitentiary systems of the world.

Kličaŭ authorities terrorize BCD founders

06.08.2015 Kličaŭ authorities terrorize BCD founders

In Kličaŭ district, local and regional authorities terrorize the people who have signed for the establishment of the Party “Belarusian Christian Democracy”. As said by the coordinator of the organizing committee of the Belarusian Christian Democracy in Mahilioŭ region, Taisiya Kabanchuk, first of all it concerns new people, who didn't put their signatures earlier.

Mikalai Autukhovich taken to hospital with hypertensive crisis

06.08.2015 Mikalai Autukhovich taken to hospital with hypertensive crisis

Most likely, Mikalai Autukhovich is having a hypertensive crisis: his blood pressure has increased rapidly, he is feeling unwell, having headaches... Most probably, this is result of the unpleasant events of the last days and the heat …

 "Hazieta Slonimskaja" Faces Trial for Insulting the President

06.08.2015 "Hazieta Slonimskaja" Faces Trial for Insulting the President

According to article 23.33 of the Code of Adminstrative Offenses,the non-state newspaper can be fined for up to 500 basic amounts (90 million rubles).

Tatsiana Seviarynets not allowed to meet with “MP”

06.08.2015 Tatsiana Seviarynets not allowed to meet with “MP”

A meeting with a “member of parliament” was organised at "Viciebskdreŭ" ("Viciebsk Wood") plant on August 4. The meeting was free for all.

Human Rights Watch: Ailing Rights Defenders’ Trial in Azerbaijan is Travesty of Justice

06.08.2015 Human Rights Watch: Ailing Rights Defenders’ Trial in Azerbaijan is Travesty of Justice

(Berlin) – Azerbaijani authorities should immediately release and stop the prosecution of Leyla and Arif Yunus, elderly human rights defenders who are both in grave health, Human Rights Watch said today. On August 3, 2015, Arif Yunus’s blood pressure spiked, and he lost consciousness while standing trial in court. He received medical care during subsequent hearings on August 4 and 5, but his condition is poor.

Ex-political prisoner Mikalai Autukhovich: The circus show is going on!

06.08.2015 Ex-political prisoner Mikalai Autukhovich: The circus show is going on!

It will be decided at the trial today whether police supervision over Mikalai Autukhovich will be extended.

Pavel Sapelka: Mikalai Autukhovich was actually deprived of the right to defense

05.08.2015 Pavel Sapelka: Mikalai Autukhovich was actually deprived of the right to defense

Predictably enough, the panel of judges announced that the trial would continue at 2 p.m., and if the lawyer wouldn't manage to come, he will be replaced with a state counsel.

An action in support of political prisoners held in Hrodna

05.08.2015 An action in support of political prisoners held in Hrodna

Human rights activists from the Human Rights Center “Viasna” and the Belarusian Helsinki Committee held an informational action in support of political prisoners on August 4.

Witnesses Finished Speaking at Trial of Leyla and Arif Yunus

05.08.2015 Witnesses Finished Speaking at Trial of Leyla and Arif Yunus

The trial of Leyla Yunus was concluded by the witnesses on August 4.

Last country in Europe

05.08.2015 Last country in Europe

Independent Russian on-line magazine "7x7" has joined the International Day of Solidarity with civil society of Belarus, by covering the issue which remains valid for only our country in whole Europe – the death penalty.

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