News for 27 Aug 2015

Another Belarusian citizen wins complaint against Belarus at UN Human Rights Committee

27.08.2015 Another Belarusian citizen wins complaint against Belarus at UN Human Rights Committee

On July 15, the UN Human Rights Committee once again found a violation by the Republic of Belarus of freedom of peaceful assembly and freedom of expression.

Only one representative of opposition on election commissions in Sluck

27.08.2015 Only one representative of opposition on election commissions in Sluck

712 people have been included in the 69 precinct election commissions of Sluck district, with only one representative of the opposition.

27.08.2015 UN Special Rapporteur: Release of political prisoners without rehabilitation is half step

Miklós Haraszti, the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Belarus, welcomes the release of six Belarusian political prisoners.

Formation of election commissions in Mahilioŭ: fast, quiet, loyal members only

27.08.2015 Formation of election commissions in Mahilioŭ: fast, quiet, loyal members only

The administrations of Mahilioŭ’s Lieninski and Kastryčnicki

Homieĺ region: 1 in 90 representatives of Fair World wins seat on precinct election commissions

27.08.2015 Homieĺ region: 1 in 90 representatives of Fair World wins seat on precinct election commissions

The Left Party "Fair World" nominated 90 people to the precinct election commissions of the Homieĺ region: in Homieĺ, Zhlobin, Žlobin, Mazyr, Kalinkavičy, Rahačoŭ, Buda-Kašaliova and Svietlahorsk. However, only one nomination was approved: Halina Hutsko was included in the election commission in Mazyr.

Mazyr district: political parties represented by pro-government Communists

27.08.2015 Mazyr district: political parties represented by pro-government Communists

Today’s meeting of the Mazyr district executive committee formed local precinct election commissions.

Salihorsk: no oppositionists on precinct election commissions

27.08.2015 Salihorsk: no oppositionists on precinct election commissions

The sixty-nine precinct election commissions of Salihorsk district were formed in as little as 35 minutes. No representatives of the opposition were included in the election commissions.

Biaroza observers not allowed to attend signature verification

27.08.2015 Biaroza observers not allowed to attend signature verification

Two observers accredited at the Biaroza district election commission, Siarhei Rusetski, who was nominated by the Belarusian Helsinki Committee, and Tamara Shchapiotkina, proposed by collecting signatures of voters, were not allowed to be present during the verification of signatures collected for presidential contenders.

Hrodna Regional Court turns down Mikalai Autukhovich’s appeal against police supervision

27.08.2015 Hrodna Regional Court turns down Mikalai Autukhovich’s appeal against police supervision

The Hrodna Regional Court dismissed today an appeal by former political prisoner Mikalai Autukhovich filed to challenge a court ruling which extended by six months his preventive supervision.

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