News for August 2015

Picket of solidarity with political prisoners held in Brest

05.08.2015 Picket of solidarity with political prisoners held in Brest

The action was carried out by members of the initiative group for nomination of Siarhei Kaliakin a candidate for presidency, as well as by activists of the Trade Union of Radio Electronic Industry.

Journalist Uladzimir Laptsevich files a supervisory appeal to Supreme Court

05.08.2015 Journalist Uladzimir Laptsevich files a supervisory appeal to Supreme Court

In October 2014 the journalist stopped being let to the sittings of Mahilioŭ Regional Council. During a personal audience the head of the council Anatol Isachanka told Mr. Laptsevich that he wasn't let to the sittings as he was absent in the “lists of the invited persons”.

Minsk, “Amkodor”: people who aren't members of Lukashenka's electoral team, are told to collect signatures in his support

05.08.2015 Minsk, “Amkodor”: people who aren't members of Lukashenka's electoral team, are told to collect signatures in his support

The company's employees have reported that the ideologist of the enterprise had summoned an officer of each structural subdivision, and handed them signature sheets so that they would start collecting signatures in support of the nomination of the candidacy of Aliaksandr Lukashenka.

Modern technologies are used for collecting signatures (photos)

05.08.2015 Modern technologies are used for collecting signatures (photos)

"Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections" have received an E-mail with contained information about using the service of internal messages of the Belarusian State Institute of Standardization and Certification to organize the collection of signatures for the incumbent President.

Monitoring report on the picket on August 4, dedicated to  political prisoners and disappeared politicians

05.08.2015 Monitoring report on the picket on August 4, dedicated to political prisoners and disappeared politicians

August 4, 2015 in Minsk a picket dedicated to the issue of political prisoners and missing politicians, organized by the United Civil Party, was held on Niezaliežnasć Avenue in Minsk, near the monument to Felix Dzerzhinsky.

Action of solidarity with political prisoners in Baranavičy

05.08.2015 Action of solidarity with political prisoners in Baranavičy

On August 4, the International Day of Solidarity with civil society of Belarus, Baranavičy human rights defenders and social activists, held an information campaign to inform about the presence of political prisoners in Belarus: Ihar Alinevich, Mikalai Dziadok, Artsiom Prakapenka, Yury Rubtsou, Mikalai Statkevich and Yauhen Vaskovich, - and demand their release.

Karma district newspaper tells readers about campaigning for Lukashenka

05.08.2015 Karma district newspaper tells readers about campaigning for Lukashenka

Though campaigning during the collection of signatures for the nomination of candidacies for the election is banned, Karma state-owned newspaper tells its readers about a "hot campaigning to support the candidacy of Aliaksandr Lukashenka" at the electoral pickets that are held by his electoral team.

Minsk: picket in support of political prisoners held in front of KGB

05.08.2015 Minsk: picket in support of political prisoners held in front of KGB

On August 4, the International Day of Solidarity with civil society in Belarus, Belarusian human rights defenders and civil society activists held a picket in support of political prisoners and in the memory of the missing opponents of the regime: Viktar Hanchar, Anatol Krasouski, Yury Zakharanka and Dzmitry Zavadski.

Rally in support of political prisoners in Belarus held in Vilnius

05.08.2015 Rally in support of political prisoners in Belarus held in Vilnius

Belarusian political prisoners were supported in the capital of Lithuania.

Day of Solidarity with Belarus in Kyiv

05.08.2015 Day of Solidarity with Belarus in Kyiv

The international day of solidarity with Belarusian civil society has been held in the Ukrainian capital on August 4 for the fourth year.

Ales Bialiatski: One should not believe Lukashenka’s words about Statkevich’s release

05.08.2015 Ales Bialiatski: One should not believe Lukashenka’s words about Statkevich’s release

The statement of the dictator was verbalized under “fifty-fifty” principle, one should simply wait for his further moves.

Homieĺ polyclinic: medics are told to sign for Lukashenka during working hours

04.08.2015 Homieĺ polyclinic: medics are told to sign for Lukashenka during working hours

Collection of signatures in support of the nomination of the candidacy of Aliaksandr Lukashenka for the elections was organized at branch No. 1 of Homieĺ city central polyclinic.

Signatures for Lukashenka are also collected at “Homieĺkabieĺ”

04.08.2015 Signatures for Lukashenka are also collected at “Homieĺkabieĺ”

The Human Rights Center "Viasna" has learned that July 28 at the company “Homieĺkabieĺ” people were forced to sign for the candidacy of Aliaksandr Lukashenka during working hours.

Leanid Svetsik is not allowed to picket on International Day of Solidarity with civil society of Belarus

04.08.2015 Leanid Svetsik is not allowed to picket on International Day of Solidarity with civil society of Belarus

The official reason for the ban is the absence of service with the public utilities, police and medics. The human rights activist was informed about it in a letter signed by the head of the Čyhunačny District Executive Committee Natalllia Liapioshkina.

Mahilioŭ: collection of signatures for Lukashenka started at “Zenith” before registration of electoral teams

04.08.2015 Mahilioŭ: collection of signatures for Lukashenka started at “Zenith” before registration of electoral teams

This was reported by Aliaksei Paulouski, who is collecting signatures in support of presidential contender from the United Civil Party Anatol Liabedzka.

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