News for August 2014

Baranavichy human rights defenders congratulate Mikalai Statkevich on his birthday

12.08.2014 Baranavichy human rights defenders congratulate Mikalai Statkevich on his birthday

Baranavichy human rights defenders and social activists have sent the political prisoner Mikalai Statkevich a congratulatory telegram on his birthday. They wished the ex-presidential candidate, who is now serving a term in prison No. 4 in Mahilioupatience, fortitude, faith, and hope, and a quick release from jail.

Homel human rights activist didn't manage to make post office use Belarusian language

12.08.2014 Homel human rights activist didn't manage to make post office use Belarusian language

Homel human rights activist, member of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee Viktar Adzinochanka received a response to his appeal to the Prosecutor General on the implementation of the right to use his native Belarusian language in post documentation.

Political prisoner Mikalai Statkevich celebrates 58th birthday

12.08.2014 Political prisoner Mikalai Statkevich celebrates 58th birthday

The politician and candidate in the 2010 presidential election has been behind bars for the last 3.5 years. Mikalai Statkevich hasn't losen his optimism and closely watches events in Belarus and the neighbouring countries despite strict confinement conditions and provocations from the authorities of the Mahilou prison.

Azerbaijan: Intiqam Aliyev appeals his arrest

11.08.2014 Azerbaijan: Intiqam Aliyev appeals his arrest

Another authoritative Azerbaijani human rights activist, was arrested in Baku on 8 August. Intiqam Aliyev is the head of the Legal Education Society, whose activity was checked within the framework of a criminal case against local and foreign NGOs.

Biaroza human rights activists seek amendment of regulation on mass events

11.08.2014 Biaroza human rights activists seek amendment of regulation on mass events

Biaroza human rights defenders T. Shchapiotkina and Siarhei Rusetski have been struggling with Biaroza District Executive Committee for almost a year, trying to exercise their civil right to picketing, one of the obstacles to which is the regulation of the executive committee on mass events, adopted back in 2009.

Judge Motyl: “I know you plead guilty”

11.08.2014 Judge Motyl: “I know you plead guilty”

Human rights defenders learned the details of the secret detention of the activist of “Alternative” Aleh Keral on August 5.

UN Secretary-General urges all interested parties to lasting and peaceful political solution to conflict in eastern Ukraine

11.08.2014 UN Secretary-General urges all interested parties to lasting and peaceful political solution to conflict in eastern Ukraine

The Secretary-General is deeply concerned about the deteriorating humanitarian situation in parts of eastern Ukraine. Innocent civilians trapped in the fighting continue to lose their lives. The number of those who are fleeing the area continues to grow. Restoring vital infrastructure, not least for water and sanitation, is essential for a return to normal life.

Send a letter of support to arrested activists in Azerbaijan!

11.08.2014 Send a letter of support to arrested activists in Azerbaijan!

For one week in Azerbaijan was arrested three human rights activist: Leyla Yunus, Rasul Jafarov and Arif Yunus. Each - for three months. At the same time, Azerbaijan is the Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Council of Europe.

Baranavichy: Tax inspectorate refuses to issue complaint book to individual entrepreneur

11.08.2014 Baranavichy: Tax inspectorate refuses to issue complaint book to individual entrepreneur

August 9, individual entrepreneur Mikalai Charnavus applied to the Ministry for Taxes and Duties asking to oblige the head of the Baranavichyax Inspectorate to create a stand for the book of complaints and suggestions.

Mahiliou: green zone and playground destroyed in favor of parking lot

08.08.2014 Mahiliou: green zone and playground destroyed in favor of parking lot

Mahiliou citizens oppose the construction of the parking lot. The initiative group, headed by a local pensioner Tamara, has collected 200 signatures from local residents, which have been submitted to the Mahiliou authorities.

Tamara Chikunova: «I want Lukashenka to know that the blood of the people killed under the law is on his hands»

08.08.2014 Tamara Chikunova: «I want Lukashenka to know that the blood of the people killed under the law is on his hands»

The founder of the Uzbek organization "Mothers against the Death Penalty and Torture," Tamara Chikunova closely cooperates with the Belarusian human rights activists because she considers the abolition of the death penalty throughout the post-Soviet region to be one of her main tasks.

AZERBAIJAN: Increasing repression against civil society severely tarnishes Azerbaijan's Presidency of the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers

08.08.2014 AZERBAIJAN: Increasing repression against civil society severely tarnishes Azerbaijan's Presidency of the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers

Paris-Geneva, August 6, 2014 - The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, an FIDH-OMCT joint programme, deplores the recent acts of harassment and arrests of prominent human rights defenders Rasul Jafarov, Leyla Yunus and Arif Yunusov, and calls on the authorities to put an end to the ongoing repression against civil society organisations and representatives.

Court deprives trade union activist of bonus payments to pension

08.08.2014 Court deprives trade union activist of bonus payments to pension

The Leninski District Court of Brest dismissed the claim of a former worker of the JSC «Savushkin Product» Uladzimir Andrashchuk. He went to court to make the enterprise management pay him 15 million rubles, which are to be paid under the collective agreement at retirement.

Baranavichy: human rights defender demands details from the authorities

07.08.2014 Baranavichy: human rights defender demands details from the authorities

August 7, human rights activist Siarhei Housha filed an appeal to the head of the Baranavichy City Executive Committee Yury Hramakouski, in which he requires an explanation on what basis the rally he, Viachaslau Bolbat and Ryhor Hryk intended to hold on July 27, was banned.

Leader of Free Trade Union organization appeals to Prosecutor's Office concerning forgery of documents

07.08.2014 Leader of Free Trade Union organization appeals to Prosecutor's Office concerning forgery of documents

Viktar Stukau believes that some official has forged a date in the complaints book, where there is an entry on his behalf. Meanwhile, the administration of JSC "Polotsk-Shklovalakno" states that he is purposely looking for clues to escalate the conflict between the management and the trade union. The history surrounding the book of complaints reminds of a detective.

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