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Send a letter of support to arrested activists in Azerbaijan!

2014 2014-08-11T13:23:47+0300 2014-08-11T13:23:47+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
Human rights activists Arif Yunus, Rasul Jafarov and Leyla Yunus

Human rights activists Arif Yunus, Rasul Jafarov and Leyla Yunus

For one week in Azerbaijan was arrested three human rights activist: Leyla Yunus, Rasul Jafarov and Arif Yunus. Each - for three months. At the same time, Azerbaijan is the Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Council of Europe.

Now lawyers of those who were arrested  disputing of the court decision on remand. Our task - to provide moral support to people whose liberty has been restricted. For making this, we will initiate the marathon writing support  letters for those, who were arrested.

We're asking you to write letters, send postcards for Leyla Yunus, Rasul Jafarov and Arif Yunus in the next couple of days. And they will be transferred to them personally by their lawyers.

Please send your letters and postcards to the following addresses:

- for Leyla Yunus: AZ1096, Azerbaijan, Baku, Kamil Balakishiyev street, h. 35, f. 32 (Khalid Bagirov for Leyla Yunus). Hint: Leila loves plants and flowers, so cards can portray them.

- for Rasul Jafarov: : AZ1100, Azerbaijan, Baku, 39 Zardabi avenue, apt 40. Hint: cards could represent something connected with human rights and democracy, but optimistic.

- for Arif Yunus: AZ1096, Azerbaijan, Baku, KamilBalakishiyevstreet, h. 35, f. 32 (Khalid Bagirov for Arif Yunus). Hint: Arif historian specializing in weapons, so cards can have a appropriate picture or information.



Leyla Yunus (was arrested in the 30 of July) - director of the Azerbaijan Institute of Peace and Democracy. Merit in advocacy Leyla Yunus awarded the prize "Knight of the Legion of Honor of France," she is also the winner of the International Prize Theodore Hecker. She is accused of 217 (parricide), 178 (fraud), 192 (illegal business) and 213 (tax evasion) of the Criminal Code. She detained for three months. Analysis of the situation in a statement

Rasul Jafarov (was arrested in the 2 of August) - one of the initiators and coordinators of the campaign "Sing for Democracy" and "The Art of Democracy", advocated for the rights of political prisoners, actively participated in the International Platform "Civil Solidarity." He is accused of: tax evasion (ст. 192), illegal business (ст. 213) and malpractice (ст. 308). Statement by the Civil Solidarity Platform

Arif Yunus (was arrested in the 6 of August) - Head of the Department of Conflict and Migration Institute of Peace and Democracy in Azerbaijan, Ph.D., a conflictologist, a historian. Were initiated the criminal case concerning him under the next article 274 (parricide) и 178 (fraud). More about his arrest

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