News for October 2013

Baranavichy entrepreneur Mikalai Charnavus continues serving chary dinners

13.10.2013 Baranavichy entrepreneur Mikalai Charnavus continues serving chary dinners

On 11 October Baranavichy entrepreneur and social activist Mikalai Charnavus held a charity dinner at the local co-op market in Chernyshevsky Street, 11. Passers-by and entrepreneurs were treated pleased to treat themselves to hot barley with meat and mushrooms.

State agencies refuse to assiste Pinsk resident in struggle against Internet offenders

13.10.2013 State agencies refuse to assiste Pinsk resident in struggle against Internet offenders

The Information Ministry rejected the request of the Pinsk dweller Mikalai Klimovich to bring proceedings on the facts of the spread of false information on local websites on his behalf.

Vitsebsk oppositionists file another picket application

13.10.2013 Vitsebsk oppositionists file another picket application

The coordinator of the Movement "For Freedom" in the Vitsebsk region, Khrystafor Zhaliapau and an activist of the organizing committee of the Social Democratic Party "Narodnaya Hramada" Aliaksei Haurutsikau composed their application in such a way to leave the district authorities less reasons for banning the action.

Father Mikalai Tsikhanovich: modern Catholic Church calls for the abolishment of the death penalty

12.10.2013 Father Mikalai Tsikhanovich: modern Catholic Church calls for the abolishment of the death penalty

Father Mikalai Tsikhanovich, professor of moral theology at the High Seminary of the Roman Catholic Church in Hrodna, was one of the participants of the round table "Religion and the death penalty", organized by the Council of Europe on 21 June in Minsk. At this event Father Mikalai Tsikhanovich presented the position of the Catholic Church on the death penalty.

Brest Social Democrats express their protest against the disregard of the public opinion by the city authorities

11.10.2013 Brest Social Democrats express their protest against the disregard of the public opinion by the city authorities

The reason for the statement made by the local organization of the Belarusian Social Democratic Party (Hramad) are the plans to build another shopping center in the territory, proposed for a public square.

Tamara Siarhei: “I'm waiting for another provocation”

11.10.2013 Tamara Siarhei: “I'm waiting for another provocation”

On 10 October the Minsk City Court considered the cassation appeal of Tamara Siarhei against the verdict of the Tsentralny District Court of Minsk, which upheld and justified the official warning about criminal responsibility for organizing the activities of unregistered public associations,issued to her by the General Prosecutor's Office.

“A landing net was thrown on the death convicts, like on fish...”

11.10.2013 “A landing net was thrown on the death convicts, like on fish...”

In 1997, with the accession to the Council of Europe, Georgia abolished the death penalty. 42 death convicts were pardoned, with the replacement of the death sentence first with 20 and then by 15 years of imprisonment.

Ales Bialiatski continues his literary work in jail

11.10.2013 Ales Bialiatski continues his literary work in jail

A book of memoirs and socio-political articles by the head of the Human Rights Center “Viasna”, political prisoner Ales Bialiatski, is being prepared to publication. The bulk of the book was written by him in jail.

Sakharov Prize awarded to Pakistani girl injured by Taliban militants

11.10.2013 Sakharov Prize awarded to Pakistani girl injured by Taliban militants

Malala Yusufzai, a 16-year-old Pakistani human rights activist, wounded by Taliban militants, has been awarded Sakharov Prize for 2013.

Mahiliou human rights defenders hold viewing of topical documentaries against the death penalty

11.10.2013 Mahiliou human rights defenders hold viewing of topical documentaries against the death penalty

In the evening of 10 October about 30 citizens, concerned about the issue of the death penalty, gathered at the community center “Kola” (“Circle”).

Nobel Peace Prize goes to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)

11.10.2013 Nobel Peace Prize goes to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)

On 11 October in the capital of Norway, the Nobel Committee announced the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize for 2013 . The prestigious award was given to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW ), which in late September approved the plan for the destruction of chemical weapons arsenal in Syria.

Biaroza human rights defenders mark the World Day against the Death Penalty

11.10.2013 Biaroza human rights defenders mark the World Day against the Death Penalty

Despite the picket ban, the human rights defenders held a meeting with the local citizens in order to discuss the abolition of the death penalty in Belarus. The meeting participants watched the documentary: “Death penalty: a way to the past".

Baranavichy police search the apartment of social activist Mikalai Charnavus

11.10.2013 Baranavichy police search the apartment of social activist Mikalai Charnavus

At 18 p.m. on 10 October officers of the Baranavichy City Police Department conducted a search at the apartment of Mikalai Charnavus.

Zhodzina: informational actions against the death penalty

11.10.2013 Zhodzina: informational actions against the death penalty

On 10 October, the World Day against the Death Penalty the Zhodzina human rights defenders held a number of memorable actions instead of the picket which they indendedto hold near the Barysau Culture Park and which was banned by the authorities.

Babruisk blogger Aleh Zhalnou litigates with traffic police

11.10.2013 Babruisk blogger Aleh Zhalnou litigates with traffic police

Aleh Zhalnou, known for his blog in which he exposed the illegal actions of the police and traffic police, is in court again. This time the local traffic police try to prove Judge Natallia Charapukha that Aleh and his son Aliaksei used physical violence against them. In their turn, The Zhalnous insist that they didn't show any resistance to the police, but have themselves become victims of abuse of powers by the traffic police.

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