News for October 2013

16.10.2013 Jurists Alarmed by New Presidential Edict on Broadcasting and Printing Activities

“Performing licensed activities for the purpose which contradicts the interests of the Republic of Belarus” will be a gross violation of the law on licensing.

Two more pickets banned in Vitsebsk

16.10.2013 Two more pickets banned in Vitsebsk

Both bans are signed by the same person, deputy chair of Chyhunachny district administration Natallia Liapioshkina.

Another lawsuit against Krychau newspaper

16.10.2013 Another lawsuit against Krychau newspaper

The District Court of Krychau opened yesterday the hearing of a civil suit filed by workers of the Cherykau-based PMK -280 (Mobile Mechanical Division) against journalists of the Volny Horad newspaper.

Mahiliou opposition activist faces eviction

16.10.2013 Mahiliou opposition activist faces eviction

Mikalai Zalozny, an activist of the Belarusian Social Democratic Party (Hramada), received a summons from Leninski District Court, saying that on 24 October, 2013 Judge Yulia Trapynina will consider eviction of the activist from the hostel he currently lives in without being given alternative accommodation.

Review-Chronicle of Human Rights Violations in September 2013

15.10.2013 Review-Chronicle of Human Rights Violations in September 2013

In September, there was no positive dynamics in the field of human rights, the situation remained stably poor, being accompanied with a further conservation of the negative trends that have evolved over the past months.

Hunger strike at Mazyr refinery: new methods of pressure from Deputy Director General, former head of local KGB department?

15.10.2013 Hunger strike at Mazyr refinery: new methods of pressure from Deputy Director General, former head of local KGB department?

Two leaders of the Belarusian Independent Trade Union’s office at the Mazyr-based refinery have been on hunger strike at their workplace since October 14. The hunger strike was started by Yury Shvets and later joined by his deputy, Vasil Alkhouski. The latter decided to support the protest, despite being on sick leave after he broke his leg.

The essence of the activity therapy centers (LTPs) in Belarus

15.10.2013 The essence of the activity therapy centers (LTPs) in Belarus

As part of the monitoring of places of detention of citizens in the Republic of Belarus the Human Rights Center "Viasna" proposes to your attention an article about the system of ATCs, the legislation on compulsory isolation of those suffering from alcoholism and drug addiction and its practical application.

14.10.2013 Paviel Vinahradau was taken from prison to outside the city

The opposition activist was taken to the area of the Sokal settlement near Minsk in order to sabotage people meeting him from prison in Akrescina Street.

Paviel Vinahradau’s father reported about that to Radio Svaboda.

14.10.2013 Opposition activists in Vitsyebsk seek permission for demonstration in solidarity with political prisoners

Opposition activists in Vitsyebsk have applied to the city government for permission to stage a demonstration in support of political prisoners on October 29.

Death penalty discussed in Rechytsa

14.10.2013 Death penalty discussed in Rechytsa

A discussion on the issue of the death penalty in Belarus took place on October 12 in Rechytsa, Homel region. It was organized by local representative of the Human Rights Center "Viasna" Valery Putitski.

Biaroza: Ideology officials involved in bans on public events

14.10.2013 Biaroza: Ideology officials involved in bans on public events

Such a conclusion can be drawn from a letter received by the applicants of a picket scheduled for October 10 that was expected to mark the World Day Against the Death Penalty.

Trade union activist faces employment obstacles

14.10.2013 Trade union activist faces employment obstacles

Leanid Dubanosau, member of the Belarusian Independent Trade Union, has been unable to find job at the Granite state-run enterprise and believes that it is precisely because of his union activities.

Salihorsk Prosecutor’s Office rejects complaint against state-run newspaper

14.10.2013 Salihorsk Prosecutor’s Office rejects complaint against state-run newspaper

Salihorsk District Prosecutor's Office considered a complaint lodged by local UCP activist Viktar Malochka against the Shakhtsior state-run newspaper. However, the prosecuting authorities found no reason for the intervention in the incident.

Hrodna authorities ban anti-fraud demonstration

14.10.2013 Hrodna authorities ban anti-fraud demonstration

On October 20, Hrodna civil society activist Aleh Kalinkou was going to hold a demonstration against electoral fraud and in favor of fair elections. His application said there would be only one demonstrator. The city executive committee considered the bid, but on October 11 the activist received a ban signed by the committee’s deputy chair Alena Ahei.

Assault as a kind of investigative actions

13.10.2013 Assault as a kind of investigative actions

An activist of the Movement "For Freedom" Inha Abramava has come to the village if Tsikhinichy in the Brest region in order to spend her vacation with relatives. At about 2 p.m. on 11 October, when she was peacefully drinking tea and watching TV with her mother, 11-year-old sister and nephews (2 and 4 years old), she heard an explosion in the yard.

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