News for October 2013

Uladzimir Labkovich insists on penalty for judge

21.10.2013 Uladzimir Labkovich insists on penalty for judge

Uladzimir Labkovich, member of the Board of the Human Rights Center "Viasna", filed on October 18 a complaint to the Minsk City Court against the decision of Savetski District Court. The human rights defender disagrees with the penalty he was punished with for the dissemination of information materials about the head of the organization and political prisoner Ales Bialiatski.

21.10.2013 Mass detentions of journalists in Minsk

Independent journalists were detained at Minsk's central railway station.

21.10.2013 Nikolai Avtukhovich: A Letter from Hell

Political prisoner Nikolai Avtukhovich wrote a shocking letter from jail.

Viasna welcomes the release of Pavel Seviarynets

19.10.2013 Viasna welcomes the release of Pavel Seviarynets

This morning, on October 19, political prisoner Pavel Seviarynets, co-chair of the organizing committee of the party Belarusian Christian Democracy (BCD), was released from special settlement No. 7 in the village of Kuplin, Pruzhany district, Brest region, where he had been serving a three-year sentence for involvement in the events of December 19, 2010.

“Blood for Blood” vs Right to Life: Supreme Court to choose.

18.10.2013 “Blood for Blood” vs Right to Life: Supreme Court to choose.

On October 18, the Criminal Division of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Belarus considered the cassation appeal of Aliaksandr Hrunou sentenced to death by the verdict of the Homel Regional Court of 14 June, 2013.

Another person put to mental hospital over criticism of authorities

18.10.2013 Another person put to mental hospital over criticism of authorities

Valiantsin Kavalchuk, resident of Ivatsevichy district, was placed in a mental hospital for a week. After a week in hospital he was diagnosed with delusional disorder, but discharged, as no treatment was required. However, he has to remain under the supervision of a local psychiatrist.

Decision on death convict’s appeal expected on October 22

18.10.2013 Decision on death convict’s appeal expected on October 22

The Supreme Court of Belarus considered today an appeal of Aliaksandr Hrunou, resident of Hrodna sentenced to death over the brutal murder of a student. The final verdict will be pronounced on October 22.

UCP member Anton Zhylko detained in Minsk

17.10.2013 UCP member Anton Zhylko detained in Minsk

Anton Zhylko, activist of the United Civil Party, was detained today at the entrance to the MAZ plant while distributing the UCP’s newsletter Holas Rozumu ("Voice of Reason"), which calls to fight for fair elections.

Brest freelance journalist complains to President of Supreme Court

17.10.2013 Brest freelance journalist complains to President of Supreme Court

Press photographer Milana Kharytonava is appealing an earlier judgment of the court of first instance and a decision of the Civil Division of the Brest Regional Court in the protection of honor, dignity and business reputation.

Signatures for abolition of death penalty in Belarus collected in Berlin

17.10.2013 Signatures for abolition of death penalty in Belarus collected in Berlin

An action against the death penalty in Belarus has been recently held in Berlin. It was organized by activists of the Berlin office of the human rights organization Amnesty International and dedicated to the World Day against the Death Penalty.

Parliament keeps violating public petitions law

17.10.2013 Parliament keeps violating public petitions law

The General Prosecutor's Office forwarded a complaint by United Civil Party activist Viktar Malochka to the House of Representatives, which eventually confirmed violations of the Law "On Public Appeals” by MPs representing Salihorsk constituencies Yauhen Abalenski and Taisa Danilevich.

Baranavichy activist seeks premises for Ukrainian minority group in court

16.10.2013 Baranavichy activist seeks premises for Ukrainian minority group in court

On October 16, the court of Baranavichy district and the city of Baranavichy held a preliminary examination of a complaint by local civil society activist Mikalai Charnavus against head of the economics department of Baranavichy city executive committee Raisa Ulasovich.

Congratulations on the birth of twins for Uladzimir Labkovich!

16.10.2013 Congratulations on the birth of twins for Uladzimir Labkovich!

Viasna activists sincerely congratulate our colleague, member of the Board of the Human Rights Center "Viasna" Uladzimir Labkovich on the birth of twins! On October 16, Uladzimir became the father of two wonderful boys.

16.10.2013 Zmitser Dashkevich threatened with new jail term

A former political prisoner can be thrown behind bars for any violation of the rules of police supervision.

16.10.2013 Mikalai Autukhovich: Don't believe if I am reported to have a stroke

A political prisoner fears new repressions from the staff of the Hrodna prison.

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