News for October 2013

Tatsiana Reviaka speaks about the situation of human rights defenders at the 7th Dublin Platform for Human Rights Defenders

11.10.2013 Tatsiana Reviaka speaks about the situation of human rights defenders at the 7th Dublin Platform for Human Rights Defenders

Ms. Reviaka spoke at the 7th Dublin Platform for Human Rights Defenders at the penal dedicated to testimonies of human rights activists about hte conditions of work around the world.

Liubou Kavaliova: “The death penalty is handed down on behalf of the State and the people, and people do not know about it”

10.10.2013 Liubou Kavaliova: “The death penalty is handed down on behalf of the State and the people, and people do not know about it”

On the occasion of the World Day Against the Death Penalty the central office of the Human Rights Center “Viasna” hosted a press conference with the participation of human rights defenders and relatives of those sentenced to death.

Ihar Pastnou: “Psychiatry is a very sharp weapon of the State”

10.10.2013 Ihar Pastnou: “Psychiatry is a very sharp weapon of the State”

Ihar Pastnou, a doctor from Vitsebsk, who was for more than a month subjected to compulsory psychiatric treatment and then was discharged to outpatient treatment, went to work a few days ago. The administration of the regional center of psychiatry and addiction transferred him to another position: now he is employed in a psychiatric clinic. He says his new job suits him, but disagrees with a diagnosis of "personality disorder".

10.10.2013 Investigation into 1999 disappearance of Yury Zakharanka prolonged once again

The years-long investigation into the 1999 disappearance of former Interior Minister Yury Zakharanka has been extended once again, this time until December 24, human rights defender Aleh Volchak told BelaPAN on Wednesday.

10.10.2013 Pavel Seviarynets to be released on 19 October

Prominent opposition activist Pavel Sevyarynets is expected to walk out free after his labor exile term ends on Saturday, October 19.

Maira Mora: EU ready to discuss abolition of the death penalty with Minsk

10.10.2013 Maira Mora: EU ready to discuss abolition of the death penalty with Minsk

On October 10, on behalf of the European Union, the Council of Europe, the OSCE and the UN, national governments, international non-governmental organizations and social movements voice calls addressed to all the countries of the world that still use the death penalty to abolish it or at least take a step toward its abolition – to declare a moratorium on executions.

Vitsebsk court ignores violations of rights to public expression

10.10.2013 Vitsebsk court ignores violations of rights to public expression

Pershamaiski District Court of Vitsebsk held a hearing of the complaint by Vitsebsk pro-democratic activist, who asked to oblige the district authorities to issue permission to hold a picket against the deployment of Russian military bases in Belarus. However, representatives of the district administration decided to ignore the trial, and the court dismissed the complaint.

World Day against the Death Penalty marked today

10.10.2013 World Day against the Death Penalty marked today

The 11th World Day against the Death Penalty is marked on October 10, 2013. It was founded by the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty – a group of legal associations, trade unions, local and regional authorities, as well as human rights organizations – for the purpose of the abolition of this kind of punishment.

Individual communication of the death convict Pavel Seliun registered at the UN

10.10.2013 Individual communication of the death convict Pavel Seliun registered at the UN

This was reported on 10 October by the coordinator of the campaign “Human Rights Defenders against the Death Penalty in Belarus Andrei Poluda, the trustee of the convict.

Mahiliou residents are reminded about the death penalty

10.10.2013 Mahiliou residents are reminded about the death penalty

Mahiliou activists reminded the citizens about the existence of the death penalty in Belarus. They posted several dozens of stickers “Say NO to Death Penalty” in the busy places of the city.

Broadcast version of the musical project “Last Dawn” available here

10.10.2013 Broadcast version of the musical project “Last Dawn” available here

On 10 October, the World Day against the Death Penalty, the broadcast version of the musical project “Last Dawn” appeared onthe web. Here, new songs are presented by Liavon Volski, Anastasiya Shpakouskaya, Aliaksandr Pamidorau, Hanna Khitryk, Viktar Rudenka. Ales Dzianisau and Zmitser Vaitsiushkevich.

Another picket banned by Biaroza District Executive Committee

10.10.2013 Another picket banned by Biaroza District Executive Committee

This year, the first ban has been received by the local human rights defenders when applied for the authorization of a picket on 4 August in support of Ales Bialiatski and other political prisoners. The denial was signed by the deputy chairman of the Biaroza District Executive Committee Yauhen Tarasiuk.

Zhodzina authorities ban a picket dated to the World Day against the Death Penalty

10.10.2013 Zhodzina authorities ban a picket dated to the World Day against the Death Penalty

On 8 October, two days before the picket, its organizer, human rights defender Aliaksei Lapitski, received a letter from the Zhodzina City Executive Committee by registered mail through the Main Post Office.

Former US executioner signs the petition against the death penalty in Belarus

10.10.2013 Former US executioner signs the petition against the death penalty in Belarus

Referring to his experience, Jerry Givens, now an activist of the association "Virginians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty" and author of the book "Another Day is Not Promised” believes that only a complete refusal of the State from the death penalty can prevent a miscarriage of justice.

A modern and just society cannot be based on the ideology of death: Abolish the death penalty!

10.10.2013 A modern and just society cannot be based on the ideology of death: Abolish the death penalty!

The 11th World Day Against the Death Penalty is marked today, on October 10, 2013. Throughout the world, civil society activists and abolitionism associations unite to remind the international community about the absurdity of the punishment and the cruelty of executions.

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