News for January 2013

11.01.2013 Another police raid on Free Theater

Police officers visited the play Nearest and Dearest on the evening of 10 January. The information was spread by Free Theatre stage director Uladzimir Shcherban on his Facebook account.

Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders stands for Uladzimir Khilmanovich, Viktar Sazonau and Raman Yurhel

10.01.2013 Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders stands for Uladzimir Khilmanovich, Viktar Sazonau and Raman Yurhel

The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, a joint programme of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), requests your urgent intervention in the following situation in Belarus.

Independent website changes the coat of arms to escape persecution

10.01.2013 Independent website changes the coat of arms to escape persecution

The coat of arms of the town of Rahachou (a yellow horn against yellow background) at was replaced with a temporary symbol – four people holding a red rose.

10.01.2013 "Tell the Truth!" activists sentenced to arrest

The Kastrychnitski District Court of Minsk sentenced the activist of the "Tell the Truth!" movement Sviatlana Volkava to 5 days of arrest. Two other activists, Yury Fabisheuski and Aliaksei Marozau, were sentenced to 10 days of arrest.

Solidarity with Hrodna human rights defenders transcends state borders

10.01.2013 Solidarity with Hrodna human rights defenders transcends state borders

Ukrainian human rights defenders declared an Internet action in support of the members of the Human Rights Center "Viasna" Uladzimir Khilmanovich and Viktar Sazonau and the member of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee Raman Yurhel who had been fined for publishing a photo of themselves with a portrait of the political prisoner Ales Bialiatski on the web.

Svislach case: "regional court maintains the "rigid course"

10.01.2013 Svislach case: "regional court maintains the "rigid course"

The Hrodna Region Court issued a predictably negative ruling on the cassation appeal of the civil activist from Biaroza Siarhei Trafimchyk. The activist tried to appeal the verdict of the judge of the Svislach District Court Zhanna Salahubik of 13 December 2012, according to which he was sentenced to a fine of 800,000 rubles for participation in an action in the memory of the anti-Russian uprising of 1863-1864.

10.01.2013 Zmitser and Nasta Dashkevichs have the first meeting in prison after marriage

Nasta Dashkevich (maiden surname – Palazhanka) – had the first meeting with her husband, political prisoner Zmitser Dashkevich in the morning of 9 January at the Hrodna prison. The meeting lasted for two hours.

UN Human Rights Committee takes the side of the Vitsebsk pensioner activist

09.01.2013 UN Human Rights Committee takes the side of the Vitsebsk pensioner activist

On 25 March 2008 Antanina Pivanos decided to make a gift to the oppositionist Barys Khamaida – she brought him an embroidery with words from the prayer "Our father".

09.01.2013 Tatsiana Frantskevich: the son's stomach problems exacerbated

The stomach illness of the political prisoner Aliaksandr Frantskevich is getting worse. He spent 10 days in the penal cell on the New Year eve. All in all, he spent about a month there during the last year. His mother Tatsiana Frantskevich is anxious about the state of his health, also because he has just one kidney.

09.01.2013 Illia Bahdanau summonsed to KGB again

According to the head of the unregistered Union of Young Intellectuals Yauhen Kanstantsinau, Illia Bahdanau, a witness in the "high treason case" against Andrei Haidukou, has been summonsed to KGB again.

Pavel Vinahradau: Venturesome Fighter (video)

09.01.2013 Pavel Vinahradau: Venturesome Fighter (video)

Another film from the "Judgment Days Chronicle" has been published on the web. The documentary is dedicated to a victim of political repressions, the leader of the youth organization "Zmena" Pavel Vinahradau.

European MP Marek Migalski supports Hrodna human rights defenders

09.01.2013 European MP Marek Migalski supports Hrodna human rights defenders

On 5 January the Leninski District Court of Hrodna sentenced each of the three human rights activists to 1.5 million rubles of fine for a photo with portraits of the head of the Human Rights Center "Viasna" Ales Bialiatski.

Navapolatsk human rights defenders hold action in support of Hrodna colleagues (photo)

09.01.2013 Navapolatsk human rights defenders hold action in support of Hrodna colleagues (photo)

The Navapolatsk activists held an action of solidarity with the Hrodna human rights defenders Uladzimir Khilmanovich, Viktar Sazonau and Raman Yurhel who had been fined for posting to the web a photo of themselves with portraits of Ales Bialiatski and brochures of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Investigative Committee: observers were detained after election because riot police were looking for terrorists

09.01.2013 Investigative Committee: observers were detained after election because riot police were looking for terrorists

The Tsentralny District Department of the Investigative Committee in Minsk responded to complaint concerning the illegal detention of participants in the project "Election Observation: Theory and Practice."

Fans help "Dai Darogu" rock band to pay fine for insult of state official

08.01.2013 Fans help "Dai Darogu" rock band to pay fine for insult of state official

The Belarusian punk band "Dai Darogu" was sentenced to pay a fine of 10 million Belarusian rubles for an alleged assault of the head of the youth affairs department of the Brest City Executive Committee. The fans managed to gather 1 million rubles in less than a week.

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