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Independent website changes the coat of arms to escape persecution

2013 2013-01-10T17:27:42+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

The coat of arms of the town of Rahachou (a yellow horn against yellow background) at was replaced with a temporary symbol – four people holding a red rose.

"During the last year our website has regularly faced pressure from the side of the local authorities," says the civil activist Dzianis Dashkevich. "I was sentenced to a number of fines for a total of 10 million rubles, also as a consequence of publications at the website". In particular, the activist was fined for reprinting police information from the website of the district state-owned newspaper "Svabodnaye Slova". "That's why we decided to keep on a safe side," adds the activist.

"At present, we are working out a new emblem. It will also be the coat of arms of Rahachou, but the horn will be blue, and the background will be golden," says Mr. Dashkevich.

Bear in mind that recently Dzianis Dashkevich has received a letter from the local administration, in which it was stated that the website was pohibited to use the coat of arms of Rahachou without an official permission of the Rahachou District Executive Committee. The document was signed by the deputy head of the Rahachou District Executive Committee Vasil Karalchuk. The official warned Mr. Dashkevich that the site owners would be punished in case the coat of arms was not removed from it.

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