News for January 2013

Landmark UN decision: Ales Bialiatski’s detention arbitrary, release and compensation requested

08.01.2013 Landmark UN decision: Ales Bialiatski’s detention arbitrary, release and compensation requested

Paris-Geneva, December 21, 2012. At its 64th session, the United Nations (UN) Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (WGAD) adopted decision A/HRC/WGAD/2012/39, published on November 23, in which it found that the detention of Mr. Ales Bialiatski, President of the Human Rights Centre (HRC) “Viasna” and FIDH Vice-President, was arbitrary.

"BelSat" calls on people to send postcards to politial prisoners

08.01.2013 "BelSat" calls on people to send postcards to politial prisoners

The TV channel created some trailers, at which TV hosts and journalists are signing postcards for the civil and political activists who are kept behind bars.

Environmental regulations violated during dismantlement of wooden church in Homel

08.01.2013 Environmental regulations violated during dismantlement of wooden church in Homel

As it follows from the answer, received by the civil activist Kanstantsin Zhukouski, the laws on protection of the environment were violated during the dismantlement of the wooden buildings in the center of Homel.

Homel authorities hinder registration of "Stop Drinking – Start Living"

08.01.2013 Homel authorities hinder registration of "Stop Drinking – Start Living"

The civil initiative "Khopic Pic – Treba Zhyc" ("Stop Drinking – Start Living") cannot get a legal status due to the obstacles put by the authorities. According to the initiative's activist Kanstantsin Zhukouski, at first they faced the trouble of getting a legal address.

Homel human rights defenders ask to be punished for photos on the web

08.01.2013 Homel human rights defenders ask to be punished for photos on the web

The Homel human rights defenders Anatol Paplauny and Leanid Sudalenka ask the head of the Chyhunachny District Police Department of Homel Henadz Khmaryk to give them administrative charges for the photo in the Internet, in which they express solidarity with their colleague, political prisoner Ales Bialiatski, and congratulate him on the jubilee.

Film about Ales Bialiatski and "Viasna" activities issued at "BelSat" TV channel

08.01.2013 Film about Ales Bialiatski and "Viasna" activities issued at "BelSat" TV channel

The central characters of the documentary are the head of the HRC "Viasna", his wife Natallia Pinchuk and the teacher Natallia Ilyinich, who was dismissed from work for political reasons, and whom the human rights defenders assisted in the protection of her rights.

Hrodna: human rights defenders get fined 4.5 million rubles for a photo on the web

07.01.2013 Hrodna: human rights defenders get fined 4.5 million rubles for a photo on the web

On 5 January the Leninski District Court of Hrodna considered administrative cases against the Hrodna human rights activists Uladzimir Khilmanovich, Viktar Sazonau and Raman Yurhel.

Forced labor to become a norm in the Shklou district?

07.01.2013 Forced labor to become a norm in the Shklou district?

In December, the Shklou District Police Department, the "Zhylkamhas" enterprise and the labor, employment and social defense bureauof the Shklou District Executive Committee held a joint action under the label "labor therapy".

Spontaneous rally at "Carpets of Brest"

07.01.2013 Spontaneous rally at "Carpets of Brest"

The rally was held by workers of the enterprise in presence of the new head of the "Bellehpram" ("Belarusian Light Industry") concern Mikhail Suchkou, who came to Brest to study the state of affairs at one of the most problematic enterprises of the concern.

Number of activists of independent trade union at "Granite" still decreased by persecution

07.01.2013 Number of activists of independent trade union at "Granite" still decreased by persecution

According to the head of the independent trade union organization at the Mikashevich-based plant "Granite", Ales Stakhayevich, at the beginning of 2012 the organization included about 300 workers, whereas now there are only about ten activists.

Human rights defenders think the accused of "high treason", Andrei Haidukou, may be tortured

07.01.2013 Human rights defenders think the accused of "high treason", Andrei Haidukou, may be tortured

Such suspicion arises from the repeated non-admission of the counsel to the pre-trial prison of the KGB, where the Navapolatsk democratic activist Andrei Haidukou is currently kept. Human rights defenders submitted an appropriate complaint to the UN Special Rapporteur on this occasion.

Congratulate Mikalai Autukhovich: the political prisoner celebrates his 50-year jubilee on 7 January

06.01.2013 Congratulate Mikalai Autukhovich: the political prisoner celebrates his 50-year jubilee on 7 January

Mikalai Autukhovich is a veteran of the war in Afghanistan, successful entrepreneur and democratic activist from Vaukavysk, imprisoned for his anti-corruption activities.

Premiere of documentary about Ales Bialiatski at "BelSat" TV channel

04.01.2013 Premiere of documentary about Ales Bialiatski at "BelSat" TV channel

You can see the "Viasna" documentary at 6.10 p.m. on 6 January, at the satellite TV channel "BelSat".

Homel: Mikalai Siakerka applied to court to get excluded from the "black list"

04.01.2013 Homel: Mikalai Siakerka applied to court to get excluded from the "black list"

On 3 January the head of the Homel regional branch of the Belarusian Leftist Party "Fair World" Uladzimir Siakerka filed a complaint to the Tsentralny District Court of Homel.

"ARCHE" makes a new attempt to get registered

04.01.2013 "ARCHE" makes a new attempt to get registered

On 3 January a representative of the editorial board of the "ARCHE" magazine, historian Ales Pashkevich took to the Ministry of Information the documents. It is already the second attempt for the last two months to regain the license for the edition.

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2016: December November October September August July June May April March February January

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2013: December November October September August July June May April March February January

2012: December November October September August July June May April March February January

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