News for July 2012

Constituency election commissions in Homel: state officials disguise as public representatives

11.07.2012 Constituency election commissions in Homel: state officials disguise as public representatives

The analysis of the constituency election commissions of Homel shows a tendency characteristic for the whole Belarus: “occasional” people rarely become members of election commissions, all of them are formed according to one scenario – representatives of executive committees, enterprise administrations and secondary schools are included in them as nominees of civil associations, trade unions and groups of citizens. However, according to the law the share of state officials must not exceed one third in a commission.

Police try to burst into house of co-head of “For Fair Elections” campaign Viktar Karniayenka

11.07.2012 Police try to burst into house of co-head of “For Fair Elections” campaign Viktar Karniayenka

Policemen are trying to get into the house of the co-chairman of the civil campaign “For Fair Elections” Viktar Karniayenka in Fanipol. The reasons aren't known so far. Mr. Karniayenka is away at an OSCE conference in Vienna.

Valiantsin Stefanovich: “Amnesty bill was politicized by the authorities”

11.07.2012 Valiantsin Stefanovich: “Amnesty bill was politicized by the authorities”

The deputy head of the Human Rights Center “Viasna” told why there was no use waiting for the release of political prisoners under the recently adopted law on amnesty and pointed that the authorities artificially deprived the imprisoned opponents of the regime to be released on parole.

Slonim: election commission hides from observers

11.07.2012 Slonim: election commission hides from observers

In the morning of 10 July members of the Slonim democratic association Ivan Bedka and Viktar Marchyk came to the Slonim District Executive Committee to find when the first sitting of Slonim constituency election commission #58 would take place, as they intended to attend it as observers, nominated by electors.

11.07.2012 Vitsebsk: detention of Barys Khamaida ahead of Lukashenka's visit

Independent newspapers distributor Barys Khamaida has been detained in Vitebsk.

11.07.2012 Political prisoner Aliaksandr Malchanau appeals his sentence

A lawyer visited Aliaksandr Malchanau in a detention facility in Zhodzina on 9 July. She said the political prisoner would appeal against the judgement.

10.07.2012 Zmitser Dashkevich throws a challenge to the system

In response to the possible instigation of a new criminal case political prisoner Zmitser Dashkevich composed an appeal to the head of the penal colony, which he mockingly called “Acknowledgment of Guilt”.

Representation of opposition parties in constituency election commissions: 2012 compared to 2004 and 2008

10.07.2012 Representation of opposition parties in constituency election commissions: 2012 compared to 2004 and 2008

This year opposition parties nominated more representatives to constituency election commissions, but their total number is 8% smaller than during the election of 2008.

Ministry of Internal Affairs and Ministry of Information point at each other in case of Roma discrimination

10.07.2012 Ministry of Internal Affairs and Ministry of Information point at each other in case of Roma discrimination

Members of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee Maryia Bahdanovich and Ales Yauseyenka have received an answer from the Ministry of Internal Affairs towards their application concerning discriminative statements in the press about Roma nationals.

Pickets for freedom of all political prisoners

10.07.2012 Pickets for freedom of all political prisoners

Today members of the Human Rights Center “Viasna”, together with representatives of other civil organizations and parties file applications for pickets in support of the imprisoned head of the Human Rights Center “Viasna” Ales Bialiatski and other political prisoners all over Belarus.

Mahiliou: authorities don't even pronounce names of political parties

10.07.2012 Mahiliou: authorities don't even pronounce names of political parties

On 10 July a press-release about the formation of 13 constituency commissions on election to the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the 5th Convocation appeared at the website of the Mahiliou Region Executive Committee.

Bykhau: Investigative Committee sees no reasons to replace investigator in Shachanok's case

10.07.2012 Bykhau: Investigative Committee sees no reasons to replace investigator in Shachanok's case

In an answer of the Bykhau district department of the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Belarus, signed by its head Savostsikau, it is stated that challenge of the investigator, demanded by Shachanok, is impossible, as far as it can be done only within the framework of Article 82 of the Criminal-Executive Code. Moreover, there are allegedly no reasons to pass the case materials for review by another investigator.

Civil activist Mikalai Ulasevich appeals April search

10.07.2012 Civil activist Mikalai Ulasevich appeals April search

Mikalai Ulasevich, a civil activist from the town of Varniany in the Astravets district lodged appeals to the Astravets District Court and the Astravets District Procuracy to appeal the search that had been conducted in his house on 26 April, the day of the “Chernobyl Way” rally (dated to anniversary of Chernobyl disaster).

10.07.2012 Workers of tractor plant strike in Babruisk

Two brigades of the tractor assembly shop refused to work on the Tractor Parts and Units Plant in Babruisk.

10.07.2012 Book distributor Ales Yaudakha sentenced to year of personal restraint

The sentence against Ales Yaudakha was pronounced in the Kastrychnitski district court of Minsk on Tuesday.

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