News for February 2009

Cost of ‘bargain with justice’ won’t exceed $60.000

11.02.2009 Cost of ‘bargain with justice’ won’t exceed $60.000

In each case the sum for a ‘bargain with justice’ will be determined by the state accuser. As said by the head of the Supreme Court of Belarus Valiantsin Sukala at the press-conference in Minsk, it won’t exceed $60 000.

11.02.2009 Activist of ‘For Freedom’ movement is threatened with being directed to work in radioactively polluted region

Aleh Pronski, graduate of Hrodna Agricultural University, is threatened with forced reassignment to Homel oblast. According to the activist, it is the revenge of the authorities for his activism and being a member of For Freedom movement.

St.Valentine’s day action still not sanctioned by Minsk authorities

11.02.2009 St.Valentine’s day action still not sanctioned by Minsk authorities

Minsk city executive committee still hasn’t given any answer to the application of the Young Front activists for sanctioning a festive carnival procession on 14 February. Bear in mind that the application was signed by three members of the organization and submitted to the committee a month before the action, following all legal requirements.

KGB continues recruiting informers among students

11.02.2009 KGB continues recruiting informers among students

Recently the State Security Committee has proposed ‘cooperation’ to Dzmitry Fiaskou, second-year student of Homel State Agrarian-economical College.

11.02.2009 Belarusian authorities continue hindrance to Belarusian Christian Democracy

Minsk authorities still haven’t given premises for a congress of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party. Bear in mind that the leadership of the European parliament has been officially invited to the event.

11.02.2009 Detained entrepreneurs are transferred to prison in Valadarski Street

The term of imprisonment of Uladzimir Asipenka, Mikalai Autukhovich and Yury Liavonau and has been extended for 7 days. Political prisoners have been transferred from the detention centre in Akrestsin Street to the remand prison in Valadarski Street.

11.02.2009 Army medics found that Zmitser Khvedaruk is unfit for military service

Youth activist Zmitser Khvedaruk, forcefully drafted into army, will be operated on veins.

Uladzimir Labkovich: ‘Political parties have no access to the state mass media’

10.02.2009 Uladzimir Labkovich: ‘Political parties have no access to the state mass media’

The state press refuses to publish any articles by oppositional parties despite the fact that the law guarantees to them the access to mass media.

10.02.2009 Court directs civil activist for psychiatric expertise

Alexander Zhydkevich, doctor’s assistance in dentistry of Bychykha medical station, is accused of receiving bribes from patients. The criminal case was instigated under Article 433 of the Criminal Code as a result of a complaint in the complaint book, written by a citizen of Bychykha two months after medical treatment. The complaint was written after Alexander Zhydkevich became an independent observer at the local precinct during the latest parliamentary elections.

Leanid Sudalenka supports the movement for registration of 'Nasha Viasna'

10.02.2009 Leanid Sudalenka supports the movement for registration of 'Nasha Viasna'

The human rights activist Leanid Sudalenka joins the initiative in support of his colleagues who have submitted documents for registration of the public association Nasha Viasna.

10.02.2009 Hantsavichy: Ales Zanko has been released from jail

While being examined by a medical commission concerning his fitness for work, Ales Zanko had to apply for help to the oblast department of health care. The vice-headmaster of Hantsavichy district hospital Yauhen Nestsiarchuk took revenge on Zanko for it. He applied to the police with the statement that Mr. Zanko insulted him with foul language. In addition, he got the head of Hantsavichy house economy refuse to employ Ales Zanko. As a result, instead of getting a job Ales was imprisoned for 10 days. When Radio Racyja asked judge Uladzimir Kosmach why the punishment was so severe, the latter refused from commenting on it and said only that he issued the verdict with the account of the delinquent’s personality. Bear in mind that Ales Zanko is the son of a well-known opposition activist Mikalai Zanko.

Ales Bialiatski: ‘Registration or non-registration of ‘Nasha Viasna’ is the indicator of the readiness of the authorities to change their policy towards NGOs’

10.02.2009 Ales Bialiatski: ‘Registration or non-registration of ‘Nasha Viasna’ is the indicator of the readiness of the authorities to change their policy towards NGOs’

Mr. Ales! At present the Belarusian mass media actively discuss the information that the documents for registration of the human rights association Nasha Viasna, among the founders of which there are members of the liquidated by the authorities Human Rights Center Viasna, have been passed to the Ministry of Justice.

10.02.2009 Attacks on the Press in 2008: Belarus

In February visit to Belarusian State University, President Aleksandr Lukashenko bluntly outlined his regime's press policy. "Media hold a weapon of a most destructive power," Lukashenko told journalism students, "and they must be controlled by the state."

09.02.2009 New law on mass media has come into force

On 8 February there came into force the new edition of the law On mass media which had received serious criticism from the side of the Belarusian journalists.

09.02.2009 KGB wants to recruit Young Front activist

Activist of the Homel branch of the Young Front Dzianis Siaskou was visited by a KGB officer in college on Thursday.

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