News for 26 Feb 2009

‘Nasha Viasna’ got no answer from the Ministry of Justice in the due term

26.02.2009 ‘Nasha Viasna’ got no answer from the Ministry of Justice in the due term

Today the human rights activist Uladzimir Labkovich, the legal representative of the interests of founders of the civil human rights association Nasha Viasna, called to the specialist of the Ministry of Justice Alexander Kharyton to ask about the ministry’s decision concerning the registration of the human rights association.

26.02.2009 Brest: court turns down complaint of BSDP ‘Hramada’ against picket ban in Brest

On 25 February Leninski district court of Brest turned down the appeal of Brest city organization of the Belarusian Social Democratic Party Hramada against the ban of the picket against the deterioration of the life standards of the region’s dwellers.

26.02.2009 Assembly of NGOs to take place in Minsk on 6-7 March

The Assembly of Pro-Democratic NGOs is to take place in Minsk on 6-7 March. More than 300 have been already invited to take part in it. The previous assembly took place in 2004. Many things have changed since that time.

Haradok: Leanid Autukhou has lost the trial, but does not give in

26.02.2009 Haradok: Leanid Autukhou has lost the trial, but does not give in

Haradok district court turned down the lawsuit of Leanid Autukhou against the deputy head of Haradok distirct executive committee for violation of the constitutional right of citizens to peaceful assembly.

Vitsebsk: court justifies human rights activist Shchukin

26.02.2009 Vitsebsk: court justifies human rights activist Shchukin

Vitsebsk oblast court abolished because of absence of the corpus delicti the verdict of Pershamaiski district court according to which Valer Shchukin was to be punished for petty hooliganism.

Will Belarus get another political prisoner?

26.02.2009 Will Belarus get another political prisoner?

On 25 February a court sitting on the criminal case against Yana Paliakova took place at Salihorsk district court. She is charged with violation of article 400, part 2, ‘Knowingly false delation’ that envisages up to five years of imprisonment, informs.

26.02.2009 Barysau ideologist hinders sale of ‘Borisovskie Novosti’

Barysau ideologist Liudmila Harnak does not let the local entrepreneurs to sell the non-state regional newspaper Borisovskie Novisti.

26.02.2009 Arrested for public opinion poll

Activists of Belarusian opposition were detained by policemen when they were holding a poll among passers-by.

26.02.2009 Javier Solana’s conditions for the Belarusian regime

Belarus will be able to take part in the Eastern Partnership project only if all conditions of the European Union are implemented.

Homel: arrested oppositionist declares hunger strike

26.02.2009 Homel: arrested oppositionist declares hunger strike

The coordinator of the organizing committee for creation of the Belarusian Christian Democracy party in Homel Kanstantsin Zhukouski, who is serving the punishment in a remand prison, has announced a hunger strike.

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