News on the topic: labor rights

29.01.2013 Granit plant administration continues scaring workers

Two drivers of Mikashevichy-based Granit plant were fined 700,000 rubles each for missing a meeting of the plant commission.

28.01.2013 Ongoing harassment of independent trade union activists at Granite enterprise

Siarhei Katsuba, driver at the “Granite” state-owned enterprise, is urged to leave the independent trade union, Radio Racyja reports. Katsuba said that if he did not leave the union, he might lose his job.

25.01.2013 Compulsory subscription to Sovetskaya Belorussia newspaper at Babushkina Krynka factory

Employees of Bykhau-based branch of Babushkina Krynka dairy factory were made to subscribe to Sovetskaya Belorussia newspaper.

22.01.2013 Kovry Bresta workers face revenge for grassroots protests

The factory management began to harass the workers, who told Syamashka about problems at the factory and their wages.

Forced labor to become a norm in the Shklou district?

07.01.2013 Forced labor to become a norm in the Shklou district?

In December, the Shklou District Police Department, the "Zhylkamhas" enterprise and the labor, employment and social defense bureauof the Shklou District Executive Committee held a joint action under the label "labor therapy".

Spontaneous rally at "Carpets of Brest"

07.01.2013 Spontaneous rally at "Carpets of Brest"

The rally was held by workers of the enterprise in presence of the new head of the "Bellehpram" ("Belarusian Light Industry") concern Mikhail Suchkou, who came to Brest to study the state of affairs at one of the most problematic enterprises of the concern.

Human rights defender Leanid Sudalenka: “Decree No. 9 is unconstitutional”

17.12.2012 Human rights defender Leanid Sudalenka: “Decree No. 9 is unconstitutional”

How will Decree № 9 "On additional measures to develop the timber industry” affect the rights of workers? Leanid Sudalenka, human rights defender and legal inspector of the REP independent trade union in Homel region, shares his opinion on the issue.

14.12.2012 Members of Free Trade Union fired from "Shklovalakno" plant

According to the collective agreement, the employer must ask the trade union for permission to fire people. The free trade union does not allow firing their leaders, RFE/RL reports.

Worker justified, but wage bonus not returned

13.12.2012 Worker justified, but wage bonus not returned

The Maskouski District Court of Brest considered the lawsuit of an operator of the ammonium refrigerating plants of the "Savushkin Product" open corporation Uladzimir Andrashuk, and took a half-hearted decision.

10.12.2012 Lukashenka makes it harder for workers to leave woodworking plants

Aliaksandr Lukashenka, by a presidential decree issued on 7 December, ruled that employees of woodworking plants may not quit their job without the employer`s permission before the expiry of their labor contract.

Shklou: former prisoners ordered to clean park territory

07.12.2012 Shklou: former prisoners ordered to clean park territory

At the end of November the Shklou District Police Department held a “Vacancies Fair” within the action “Step Towards”, aimed at socialization of people with previous convictions.

Mahiliou court: dismissed trade-union activist Aliaksei Paulouski not allowed to copy the materials of his case

05.12.2012 Mahiliou court: dismissed trade-union activist Aliaksei Paulouski not allowed to copy the materials of his case

The judge of the Leninski District Court of Mahiliou Yuliya Trapynina not allowed Aliaksei Paulouski to take photos of the materials of the court case against the Mahiliou house-building combine.

Harassment of members of independent trade union continues at “Granit”

03.12.2012 Harassment of members of independent trade union continues at “Granit”

This time the it concerns the excavator operator Leanid Dubanosau, a member of the Independent Trade Union. The administration of the Mikashevichy-based state enterprise demands that he refused from paying the membership fees for the independent trade union through the accounting department.

Medic Ihar Pastnou is dismissed from work for criticizing the head of the Vitsebsk Region Executive Committee

02.12.2012 Medic Ihar Pastnou is dismissed from work for criticizing the head of the Vitsebsk Region Executive Committee

Ihar Pastnou has been criticizing Aliaksandr Kosinets for the waste of the budget means for a long time already. It's not the first time Mr. Pastnou is fired: two years ago he was fired from the position of a school doctor. As a result, he had to find a harder job with a smaller wage.

“Granit” becomes an unreliable enterprise

27.11.2012 “Granit” becomes an unreliable enterprise

The Mikashevichy-based state enterprise “Granit” has been put on a list of suspicious enterprises by the International Labor Organization due to regular violations of rights of members of the independent trade union.

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