News on the topic: labor rights

19.11.2012 ILO may call to sanctions against Lukashenka

The International Labour Organization (ILO) may respond to the crackdown on Belarusian trade unions.

Brahin authorities peddle weekly unpaid clean-ups

16.11.2012 Brahin authorities peddle weekly unpaid clean-ups

Aliaksandr Yatchanka, chairman of the executive committee of Brahin district (Homel region) signed a decree to force local residents to take part in weekly neighborhood clean-ups for the improvement of the district’s settlements.

06.11.2012 Official propaganda stirs up hostility to independent trade unions

The administration of the Babruisk Tractor Parts Plant (BTPP) accused the leader of the enterprise’s Free trade union of a desire to deprive people of their right to work.

Porters of Polatsk winery seeking reinstatement in court

31.10.2012 Porters of Polatsk winery seeking reinstatement in court

On November 1 Polatsk District Court is expected to continue hearing the suit brought by former employees of Polatsk winery Dzmitry Siankou and Viktar Rasliakou, who were fired for alleged "systematic violations of labor discipline."

Mahiliou court upholds dismissal of opposition activist

31.10.2012 Mahiliou court upholds dismissal of opposition activist

Judge Valiantsina Lapatsina of Mahiliou Leninski District Court dismissed yesterday a lawsuit brought by Mikalai Zalozny, local activist of the Belarusian Social Democratic Party (Hramada), who demanded reinstatement in his job as a mechanic in one of the city’s hostels.

Human rights defenders assist in protecting right to safe working conditions

29.10.2012 Human rights defenders assist in protecting right to safe working conditions

Mrs. Alena Naibarodzina, resident of the town of Drahichyn, Brest region, has applied for the assistance of local human rights defenders in protecting her rights in an incident that resulted in her disability.

Disloyal worker fired “for health reasons”

19.10.2012 Disloyal worker fired “for health reasons”

Brest regional authorities have made use of a new method of labor discrimination of disloyal workers: locksmith Siarhei Ivanou has been fired “for health reasons” from Brest Chief Specialized Bureau of Complex Climate Equipment Design.

Slonim: mechanic gets his wage cut for appeal to labor inspection

15.10.2012 Slonim: mechanic gets his wage cut for appeal to labor inspection

Mikhail Soshka, a mechanic of the Slonim knitting factory, applied to the district labor inspection and stated that he and five more workers of the steam-power workshop are forced to do the work that does not belong to their circle of duties and is dangerous for the factory and their own lives.

“Granite” administration ignores independent trade union

06.06.2012 “Granite” administration ignores independent trade union

The administration of the Mikashevichy enterprise “Granite” refused to provide office room for the independent trade union, though its members addressed a member of the lower chamber of the Parliament Larysa Vershalovich with a request for assistance in solving this issue.

Pressurization of “Granite” workers continues

12.04.2012 Pressurization of “Granite” workers continues

Shovelman Leanid Dubanosau still hasn’t passed the exam on electric security, as “special” continues are created for him each time. For instance, while he was passing the exam with an acquaintance, the latter was given questions. What concerns Mr. Dubanosau, examiner Henadz Bloshkin told him to write to the prosecutor’s office for passing the exam again to which the shovelman answered that he would really apply there if necessary.

Luninets District Court turns down appeal of trade-union activist Aleh Stakhayevich

12.04.2012 Luninets District Court turns down appeal of trade-union activist Aleh Stakhayevich

Vasil Belski, head of the Luninets District Court, turned down the appeal of the head of the independent trade-union at the "Granite" enterprise Aleh Stakhayevich, against his dismissal.

10.04.2012 Trade-union activist dismissed for giving an interview

The Capital Construction Board of the Mahiliou City Executive Committee decided not to extend the labor contract to a member of the Free Trade Union of Belarus Mikalai Rasiuk.

09.04.2012 Mass dismissals at Minsk metro

Metro train operators are leaving the official trade union en masse.

Rahachou: "Let's make 6 April, a day of the Lent, the day of charitable work!"

03.04.2012 Rahachou: "Let's make 6 April, a day of the Lent, the day of charitable work!"

Workers of all districts of Homel region "fruitfully" work at days of unpaid work, subbotniks. The administration of Vetka District Executive Committee, dissatisfied with the results of a subbotnik, ordered the workers to spend another Saturday working without money.

Mahiliou: development of events at bread-baking plant

14.03.2012 Mahiliou: development of events at bread-baking plant

The administration of the enterprise demands a public disproval of the “false” information published on the web, threatening the authors of the articles with legal action otherwise.

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