News on the topic: political parties & movements

10.11.2008 Minsk: detention at action in support of tried ‘Young Front’ activists

On 10 November near Leninski district court of Minsk there took place an action in support of several Young Front members who had been detained for a picket near the KGB office on 7 November, an anniversary of October revolution.

Minsk: ‘Young Front’ activists detained for action near KGB office

10.11.2008 Minsk: ‘Young Front’ activists detained for action near KGB office

Seven members of the Young Front opposition youth group were grabbed by police during a demonstration near the headquarters of the Committee for State Security (KGB) in Minsk on 7 November. The young people were standing in front of the KGB founder Felix Dzerzhinsky's bust, holding a sign that said, ‘Communism must be brought before tribunal!’

06.11.2008 Mahiliou: 18-year-old activist is expelled from last year of lyceum

18-year-old activist Stanislau Senakosau has been expelled from Mahiliou professional lyceum #2. According to him, it was revenge for his political activities, while the administration of the lyceum states that the reason is a rude violation of discipline.

06.11.2008 Interrogation of ‘Young Front’ members

It looks like a new criminal case against members of Polatsk branch of ‘Young Front’ is being prepared.

05.11.2008 Svetlahorsk: opposition activists get fined

Svetlahorsk town court fined 1.4 million rubles (about $650) Sviatlana Mikhalchanka, the leader of Salihorsk district organization of the Party of Communists Belarusian, and Viktar Akhramchuk and Siarhei Shavialenka, activists of the Belarusian Popular Front Party and the United Civil Party.

05.11.2008 Pinsk: actions in support of political prisoner Alexander Barazenka

Civil actions in support of the democratic activist Alexander Barazenka are held in Pinsk. The local activists hand out leaflets with information about him.

04.11.2008 Baranavichy: ‘Young Front’ activists are beaten on return from Dziady action

Activists of the Young Front Yury Bahdanovich and Siamion Bylinski were brutally beaten up after they returned to Baranavichy from the protest rally Dziady in Minsk.

03.11.2008 Expelled pupil Ivan Shyla is not rehabilitated at school

The judge Volha Prakapovich turned down the suit of Ivan’s father Uladzimir Shyla for finding the expulsion of his son from Salihorsk secondary school #4 illegal.

03.11.2008 Polatsk: police question ‘Young Front’ activists

On Friday, 31 October, an activist of the Young Front Zmitser Sakalou was taken away from his job for an interrogation. Investigator Krakhotka asked him about the details of the activities of the Young Front and their cooperation with other youth democratic organizations.

03.11.2008 Lida: ‘Young Front’ activist is threatened with distrain of property

Recently an under-age activist of Lida branch of the Young Front Raman Tunkel has been visited by officers of the court. They threatened to his parents to distrain property.

22.10.2008 Will Ivan Shyla be restored in school?

On October 31st Salihorsk rayon court will consider the case about exclusion of Young Front member Ivan Shyla from school. Deputy chairman of Young Front Ivan Shyla was excluded “for civic activity” one day before the last exam. Earlier the teachers’ council allowed the youth activist to take exams. However, on the demand from Minsk the teachers’ council gathered for the second time and voted for exclusion of the activist. School principal Volha Siankova protested against the exclusion and quit the job, while her deputy for moral upbringing Alena Semchankova was fired for “poor work”.

17.10.2008 Opposition to struggle for new election law

On 15 October, the United Democratic Forces of Belarus adopted an action plan for the nearest future. Their primary goal is introducing changes to the electoral legislation.

15.10.2008 Human rights activists under surveillance

On 13 October in the afternoon officers of Stoubtsy district police department stopped the car driven by the deputy head of Belarusian Helsinki Committee Tatsiana Hatsura. ‘We need to check what you carry in the car,’ said a policeman. Tatsiana had some bags with fiction literature with her.

15.10.2008 Authorities accuse United Civil Party of being non-democratic

The Ministry of Justice has sent a letter to the National committee of the Unite Civil Party concerning the behavior of the UCP chairman Anatol Liabedzka.

15.10.2008 Franak Viachorka is declared fit for army service

The leader of the BPF Youth Franak Viachorka is declared fit for army service. He believes that this is a politically motivated step.

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