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Pinsk: actions in support of political prisoner Alexander Barazenka

2008 2008-11-05T20:05:43+0200 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en

Civil actions in support of the democratic activist Alexander Barazenka are held in Pinsk. The local activists hand out leaflets with information about him.

As said by the head of Pinsk branch of the Young Front Ihar Salavei, such actions will continue.

Alexader Barazenka is the last accused within the frames of the so-called ‘case of 14’. The other 13 accused have already received penalties: two of them were fined and the rest were sentenced to personal restraint. Alexander Baranzenka has not been judged yet. On 27 October, after his return from Poland, he was summonsed to an interrogation. When he came there, he was arrested and placed in the pre-trial prison.

Alexander Barazenka has already served two administrative arrests: in 2007 – for participation in a youth action against liquidation of social guarantees and in 2008 – for participation in a protest action of entrepreneurs.

He is a second-year student of Wroclaw University in Poland. Since 28 October democratic activists have been holding the actions of solidarity with him in different parts of Minsk.

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