News on the topic: political parties & movements

14.10.2008 State officials can visit Europea, but opposition activists can’t

The leader of the Young Front Zmitser Dashkevich commented to the Charter’97 press center on a decision of the EU Council to lift visa bans on Lukashenka and his officials. It should be reminded that the authorities banned the youth leader to leave Belarus.

11.10.2008 Procuracy is not interested in falsification of elections

The procuracy refused to consider the complaint of the secretary of the organizing committee of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party Dzianis Sadouski, ex-candidate at Masiukoushchynskaya electoral constituency #103. The day after the elections Sadouski directed to the procuracy the statements and acts about violations of the Electoral Code of the Republic of Belarus, which had been composed by him and his proxies.

11.10.2008 Military enlistment office wants Pavel Nazdra to pay fine twice

On 9 October the member of the organizing committee of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party Pavel Nazdra was summonsed to court. It is demanded that he should pay a fine, which he has already paid. He presented to the court a copy of the payment receipt, but the court ignored it.

08.10.2008 Franak Viachorka is forcibly put in military hospital

The youth leader Franak Viachorka came to the military hospital to a consultation that had been appointed by the military enlistment committee. When he entered the doctor’s office, his belongings were taken away. Franak was dressed in military uniform and was put in the traumatological department for medical examination.

06.10.2008 Authorities extend ‘black lists’

Some activists of the democratic movement have faced with foreign travel restrictions and the surnames of some more have been introduced into the lists for being searched on the border. The persons to whom such measures are applied cannot receive an answer about the reasons.

02.10.2008 Co-chairman of Belarusian Christian Democracy detained at the airport

On 30 September the co-chairman of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party Vital Rymasheuski was detained at the Minsk airport while going to an international conference in Berlin.

02.10.2008 Authorities demand from oppositional parties ‘explanations’ concerning protests against rigged elections

Representatives of democratic forces state that after the departure of international observers the authorities returned to persecution of the opposition.

02.10.2008 Candidate from United Civil Party is fired from job

After participation in the parliamentary elections the candidate of the United Democratic Party Viktar Padchynenkau was forced to write a letter of resignation from his position due to a desire to terminate his employment.

01.10.2008 BPF candidate is returned to army on Election Day

Viktar Karatysh, a democratic candidate running at Luninets electoral constituency #13, was returned to his army unit before the end of the elections, though the law prohibits such actions.

01.10.2008 Salihorsk: Young Front activists are punished for anti-war picket

The commission on affairs of minors warned Illia Shyla, a 16-year old participant of a picket against the Russian intervention in Georgia, which had been held near the Russian Embassy on 11 August.

29.09.2008 Activists persecuted after rally on September 28

Late evening, after the rally on Kastrychnitskaya Square, the police detained several protesters. Andrei Zubarau, Heorhi Paulenka, and Siarhei Piatrouski are among the detained. We are trying to find out the names of the other detained activists.

Several rally participants, Franak Viachorka among them, were severely beaten by strangers at the crossing of Bahdanovicha and Niakrasava streets.

29.09.2008 After protest rally on October Square Franak Viachorka and BPF Youth beaten up

On September 28 right after the protest rally against rigged election results, four active participants of the rally were beaten up. One of the leaders of the BPF Youth (The Belarusian Popular Front youth branch) Franak Viachorka was among them.

28.09.2008 First detentions in Minsk

The first detentions on the eve of the action of protest in Kastrychnitskaya Square have been registered already. Several hours ago the police detained a youth activist Uladzimir Shved near the apartment of the deputy-head of the Young Front Arthur Finkevich.

28.09.2008 Kalinkavichy: Pressurization of observers continues

On 26 September an observer from the Belarusian Helsinki Committee Dzianis Rabianok has been summonsed to Kalinkavichy district procuracy. There he was familiarized with a criminal case under Article 9.10 (violation of the electoral laws) that was brought against him. The formal reason for the case was an ‘application from citizens of Yelsk. Mr. Rabianok was not explained what he was charged with. He lives in Kalinkavichy and is an observer at electoral commission #41.

26.09.2008 Franak Viachorka, one of BPF Youth leaders, sent to military hospital

On September 26th Minsk regional military medical commission decided to send Franak Viachorka to military hospital.

Let us remind the readers, on July 16th medical commission of the military enlistment office of Savetski rayon of Minsk recognized the youth activist ineligible for military service. However, the regional medical commission challenged that and sent Franak for another medical examination.

Franak Viachorka told BelaPAN, he does not exclude his military enlistment soon.

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