News on the topic: political parties & movements

10 December: chronicle of celebration (incomplete)

11.12.2008 10 December: chronicle of celebration (incomplete)

On 10 December the 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was celebrated in Belarus. The event was marked by numerous detentions and other hindrance from the side of the Belarusian authorities.

11.12.2008 Homel: Christian democrats are considered as extremists

Democratic activist, psychiatrist Siarhei Tryfanau was warned about the inadmissibility of participation in extremist organizations by his bosses.

11.12.2008 Hrodna: harassment of civil activists continues

Civil and political activists are still detained in Hrodna. In the morning the road police stopped the car by which a member of the For Freedom movement Ales Zarembiuk, the head of Hrodna city organization of the Belarusian Popular Front Party Vadzim Saranchukou and the head of Hrodna oblast organization of the Belarusian Social Democratic Hramada Viktar Sazonau were driving. The car was guarded to the building of the narcological dispensary.

11.12.2008 Detention on the Ukrainian border

Activists of the Belarusian opposition may face problems at the border crossing point Makrany in Malaryta district on the Belarusian-Ukrainian border.

11.12.2008 Minsk: attempt of detention at yesterday’s ‘Young Front’ action

A policeman tried to detain one of the participants of a street action ‘Tribunal for Communism!’, but had to give up under pressure of ... elderly women passing by.

11.12.2008 Kobryn: detention for white-red-white flag

Two activists of the Young Front were detained while fixing a national white-red-white flag to a flagpole in the main square of Kobryn near the district executive committee.

10.12.2008 Belarus celebrates 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: about 30 detentions

Celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Human Rights Declaration in Belarus was marked with mass (and in some cases, quite rude) detentions of human rights defenders and civil activists.

10.12.2008 Minsk: dispersal of opposition rally near central KGB office

On 10 December youth activists dressed in stripped prison clothing protested near the central office of the State Security Committee (KGB).

08.12.2008 Tax inspection prepares New Year surprise for Anatol Liabedzka

The leader of the United Civil Party Anatol Liabedzka received from the Ministry of Dues and Taxes the demand for ‘giving explanations’ within 30 days. According to this document, he must give written explanations about the financial sources from which he covered his expenses, including the dates, the way he received the money and the received sums. The demand is signed by the deputy head of the tax inspection, the head of the small business control department Dzmitry Saladukhin.

08.12.2008 Tax inspection prepares New Year surprise for Anatol Liabedzka

The leader of the United Civil Party Anatol Liabedzka received from the Ministry of Dues and Taxes the demand for ‘giving explanations’ within 30 days. According to this document, he must give written explanations about the financial sources from which he covered his expenses, including the dates, the way he received the money and the received sums. The demand is signed by the deputy head of the tax inspection, the head of the small business control department Dzmitry Saladukhin.

08.12.2008 Fireworks in honor of Alexander Barazenka

On 7 December, the last day before the trial, a rally of solidarity with the imprisoned activist of European Belarus campaign Ales Barazenka was held in front of the remand prison in Valadarski Street.

08.12.2008 Katsiaryna Salauyova is charged with assault on policeman

20-year-old Young Front activist Katsiaryna Salauyova, detained on 6 December after a rally of solidarity with Alexander Barazenka, has been released. However, prosecutor’s office launched a check over beating of a policeman by her.

05.12.2008 Hunger-strike on Human Rights Day

On 10 December the Young Front declares a nationwide hunger-strike to mark the end of the organization’s campaign ‘Communism must be brought to tribunal!’. As the Young Front press service informs, at first the organization intended to finish the anti-communist campaign on 8 December, the day when the USSR dissolved. However, later it was decided to postpone the end of the campaign because of the trial over the political prisoner Alexander Barazenka that will start on 10 December as well.

05.12.2008 Homel: Kanstantsin Zhukouski is warned for cooperation with ‘BelSat’

Kanstantsin Zhukouski, activist of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party, has received a letter from the prosecutor’s office of Vetka district. He is warned about unacceptability of cooperation with the Polish TV channel Belsat.

05.12.2008 Minsk: actions in support of Alexander Barazenka continue

Everyday at 7 p.m. young people gather near the doors of the remand prison in Valadarski street to express their solidarity with the political prisoner.

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