News on the topic: political parties & movements

Pavel Seviarynets was met with provocative questions

02.12.2010 Pavel Seviarynets was met with provocative questions

Pavel Seviarynets, the head of the electoral headquarters and a proxy of the presidential candidate Vital Rymasheuski, holds electoral meetings in the Vitsebsk region. On 1 December he had such meetings in Hlybokaye, Pastavy and Miyory. Two meetings passed quite calmly, but the Pastavy officials tried to disrupt the meeting in the Pastavy House of Culture.

Slonim: ideologists ban TV broadcast of meeting with Seviarynets

01.12.2010 Slonim: ideologists ban TV broadcast of meeting with Seviarynets

Information about the electoral meeting with Pavel Seviarynets, a proxy of the presidential candidate Vital Rymasheuski, that took place on 25 November was spread only by the private socio-political weekly Hazeta Sloninskaya.

Uladzimir Niakliayeu and Andrei Sannikau are going to oppose rigging of election together

15.11.2010 Uladzimir Niakliayeu and Andrei Sannikau are going to oppose rigging of election together

On 12 November the potential candidates for the presidential position Uladzimir Niakliayeu and Andrei Sannikau held a joint press conference in Minsk. They announced about cooperation and coordination of their activities.

Activist of Belarusian Christian Democracy detained for stickers

15.11.2010 Activist of Belarusian Christian Democracy detained for stickers

The activist of the Belarusian Christian Democracy, 24-year-old Anto Kotau was detained in the night of 11-12 November in the Pershamaiski district of Minsk where he was posting stickers with the word ‘Retire!’ He was charged with violation of the sanitary norms under Article 21.14 of the Code of Administrative Violations.

Hrodna region: courts side with local authorities

12.11.2010 Hrodna region: courts side with local authorities

Judge of the Leninski District Court of Hrodna Liudmila Zhukouskaya considered as groundless the complaint against the non-inclusion of a 21-year-old member of the United Civil Party in a precinct election commission (PEC). In the Kastrychnitski District Court, Judge Valiantsina Mokhan turned down the complaint against the non-inclusion of 8 members of the UCP, though during the trial it was discovered that the documents for the nomination of representatives of pro-governmental organizations to the PECs were drawn with violation of the legal requirements. By the way, now the UCP members demand a graphologic expertise of these documents and are going to continue struggling for justice.

Haradok: court marshals seize computer from Leanid Autukhou

12.11.2010 Haradok: court marshals seize computer from Leanid Autukhou

The Chairperson of the Haradok town organization of the Belarusian Popular Front Party Leanid Autukhou was deprived of his computer due to the failure to pay the fine to which he had been sentenced last year for a street action with Belarusian national white-red-white flags.

Youth activist directed to psychiatric hospital for membership in campaign team of Uladzimir Niakliayeu

12.11.2010 Youth activist directed to psychiatric hospital for membership in campaign team of Uladzimir Niakliayeu

One of the most known activists of the Salihorsk branch of the campaign team of Uladzimir Niakliayeu, member of the Young Front Andrei Tychyna was detained at a street action on 7 November and guarded to the Salihorsk Military Enlistment Office, where he was issued a writ for medical examination.

Central Election Commission agrees to abolish restrictions in work of observers

08.11.2010 Central Election Commission agrees to abolish restrictions in work of observers

On 5 November the CEC considered the proposal of human rights defenders about amending of its Ruling #49 of 15 September 2010. The Belarusian Helsinki Committee proposed to abolish the novelties in the direction of observers to election precincts and commissions.

Precinct election commissions: ‘discrimination coefficient’ remains the same

05.11.2010 Precinct election commissions: ‘discrimination coefficient’ remains the same

On 5 November the civil campaign Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections held a press-conference on the results of the formation of precinct election commissions. The results that were announced by the Chairperson of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee Aleh Hulak and the lawyer of the Human Rights Center Viasna Valiantsin Stefanovich are quite disappointing for those who expect some democratization of the election process. It was stated that representatives of opposition structures weren’t included in the commissions five times more often than representatives of the organizations that are loyal to the present authorities. ‘The coefficient of discrimination’, as Mr. Hulak called it, remains the same in comparison to the previous election.

Babruisk: no UCP members in precinct commissions

04.11.2010 Babruisk: no UCP members in precinct commissions

The head of the Babruisk organization of the United Civil Party Viktar Buzinayeu and his deputy attended the sittings of the district executive committees of Babruisk at which the precinct election commissions (PECs) were formed.

02.11.2010 Brest region: some representatives of BPF Party included in precinct commissions

Some of the representatives nominated by the Belarusian Popular Front to precinct election commissions of the Brest region were included in the commission. In particular, in the Drahichyn district the authorities included in the commission 2 out of 5 nominees, in the Malaryta district – 2 out of 4, 1 - in the Ivatsevichy district and 3 – in the Kobryn district.

Babruisk: member of Belarusian Helsinki Committee files complaints to city authorities and Central Election Commission

02.11.2010 Babruisk: member of Belarusian Helsinki Committee files complaints to city authorities and Central Election Commission

The Babruisk member of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee Aliaksandr Leanenka filed a complaint to the CEC and the Babruisk City Executive Committee in connection with the refusal to let him observe the formation of election commissions in the Leninski district.

Homel: regional organization of United Civil Party nominates 122 representatives to precinct election commissions

02.11.2010 Homel: regional organization of United Civil Party nominates 122 representatives to precinct election commissions

The Homel regional organization of the United Civil Party decided to nominate 122 representatives to the precinct election commissions (71 of them – in the city of Homel).

Barysau: UCP and trade union of radio electronic industry delegate about 50 representatives to precinct election commissions

01.11.2010 Barysau: UCP and trade union of radio electronic industry delegate about 50 representatives to precinct election commissions

The Barysau town organizations of the United Civil Party and the Belarusian Trade Union of Radio Electronic Industry delegated 49 representatives to the precinct election commissions.

26.10.2010 Ministry of Justice of Belarus has not registered the BCD Party

The Ministry of Justice of Belarus denied the party Belarusian Christian Democracy (BCD) in state registration.

“The Ministry of Justice examined the materials concerning the state registration of BCD party and the decision to reject has been taken”, - “Interfax-West” agency was informed in the Ministry of Justice of Belarus.

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