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Youth activist directed to psychiatric hospital for membership in campaign team of Uladzimir Niakliayeu

2010 2010-11-12T19:07:17+0200 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

One of the most known activists of the Salihorsk branch of the campaign team of Uladzimir Niakliayeu, member of the Young Front Andrei Tychyna was detained at a street action on 7 November and guarded to the Salihorsk Military Enlistment Office, where he was issued a writ for medical examination.

On 11 November he was examined by a psychotherapist whose main questions concerned the participation of Mr. Tychyna in the campaign team and the activities of the Young Front. As a result of this examination and the numerous detentions for participation in street actions Andrei Tychyna was directed to the psychiatric hospital Navinki in Minsk. He was also told that in the case he refused to come there on his own will he would be taken there by force, staffed with pills and even tied by hands and feet.

’I don’t evade from the army draft. On the contrary, I want to be drafted as I know that I can make the army better. I am sure that such bold behavior of the authorities and the military enlistment office are connected to my participation in the electoral campaign. The stage of canvassing is beginning soon, that’s why they simply want to isolate me fore several weeks,’ commented Andrei Tychyna.

Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections

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