News on the topic: political parties & movements

Babruisk: intimidation of members of electoral team of Vital Rymasheuski continues

15.10.2010 Babruisk: intimidation of members of electoral team of Vital Rymasheuski continues

One of the co-founders of the Belarusian Christian Democracy, the member of the electoral team of Mr. Rymasheuski Iryna Navumovich faced with pressurization from the side of an unidentified official of the Babruisk Town Executive Committee.

Mikhail Bashura to be given new charges

15.10.2010 Mikhail Bashura to be given new charges

The representative of the accusation Halina Koneva asked the court to give her some time to prepare a new accusation. As a result, the judge of the Savetski District Court of Minsk Kiryl Palupekh announced a break in the proceedings till 10 a.m. on 18 October.

14.10.2010 Minsk Regional Court turns down complaint of activist of 'Speak Truth'

On 14 September the judge of the Salihorsk District Court Yahor Barysenka declared the activist of the civil campaign Speak Truth Andrei Tychyna guilty of unlawful distribution of the newspaper Prauda Niakliayeva and fined him 1,225,000 rubles (about $408). The activist appealed this verdict at the Minsk Regional Court.

Vitsebsk: dismissal of coordinator of electoral team of Ryhor Kostuseu

13.10.2010 Vitsebsk: dismissal of coordinator of electoral team of Ryhor Kostuseu

The member of the Belarusian Popular Front Party Aliaksandr Kastusiou worked as a driver in the taxi firm 107, using his own car.

Activist of 'Speak Truth!' Mikhail Bashura remains in custody

12.10.2010 Activist of 'Speak Truth!' Mikhail Bashura remains in custody

The activist of the civil campaign Speak Truth! Mikhail Bashura remains in custody. The court refused to change the restraint and release him under a written undertaking not to leave.

Minsk police looking of assailant on member of electoral team of Yaraslau Ramanchuk

12.10.2010 Minsk police looking of assailant on member of electoral team of Yaraslau Ramanchuk

Several days ago two unidentified persons assaulted the member of the electoral team Uladzimir Zvernik and tried to seize from him the lists with signatures in support of Mr. Ramanchuk. The incident took place near the Western supermarket in the Sukharava suburb, where the activist held an electoral picket. Mr. Zvernik managed to save the signature lists thanks to the assistance of passers-by. However, the assailants seized his certificate of member of the electoral team.

11.10.2010 Raman Yurhel complains against ruling of Hrodna City Executive Committee

The Hrodna representative of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee Raman Yurhel applied to the Central Election Commission and the Hrodna Regional Executive Committee with complaints concerning the ruling of the Hrodna City Executive Committee determining the places that were banned for electoral picketing.

DDos Attack on website of United Civil Party

11.10.2010 DDos Attack on website of United Civil Party

The website of the United Civil Party yielded to a DDoS attack and temporary stopped its work. According to the UCP Chairperson Anatol Liabedzka, the attack started on Friday.

08.10.2010 Mahiliou Regional Court turned down lawsuit of ‘Fair World’

On 7 October the judge of the Mahiliou Regional Court Sviatlana Stalmakhova considered the lawsuit of the Belarusian Leftist Party Fair World concerning the non-inclusion of its representative Anatol Zauyalau in the Mahiliou Regional Election Commission.

Another suspect in ‘arson cases’ released from jail

07.10.2010 Another suspect in ‘arson cases’ released from jail

On 6 October the human rights activist Barys Ashchepkau was released from the Minsk pre-trial prison.

Barysau: ’technical reasons’ increased attendance of Ramanchuk’s picket

07.10.2010 Barysau: ’technical reasons’ increased attendance of Ramanchuk’s picket

On 6 October the Barysau activists of the electoral team of the representative of the United Civil Party Yaraslau Ramanchuk held their first pickets to collect signatures in support of nomination of his candidacy for the presidential election. The UCP Chairperson Anatol Liabedzka and Mr. Ramanchuk came to these actions to talk with the electors.

Hrodna Regional Court dismissed complaint of ‘Fair World’

07.10.2010 Hrodna Regional Court dismissed complaint of ‘Fair World’

On 6 October the Hrodna Regional Court considered the complaint of the local organization of the Belarusian Leftist Party Fair World against the non-inclusion of its representative Anatol Ivanchyk in the Hrodna Regional Territorial Election Commission.

Mahiliou Regional Court turned down complaint of Mahiliou regional organization of BPF ‘Adradzhenne’

07.10.2010 Mahiliou Regional Court turned down complaint of Mahiliou regional organization of BPF ‘Adradzhenne’

On 6 October the Mahiliou Regional Court considered the complaint against the non-inclusion of the representatives from the NGO BPF Adradzhenne Siarhei Famin to the Mahiliou Regional Election Commission. Judge Sviatlana Stelmahava left standing the decision of the joint sitting of the Mahiliou Regional Executive Committee and the Presidium of the Mahiliou Regional Council of Deputies. The court verdict is not appealable.

06.10.2010 Babruisk: pressurization of members of Vital Rymasheuski’s electoral team continues

The people who call themselves representatives of the Ministry of Justice started paying visits to representatives of the electoral team of Vital Rymasheuski.

Minsk: members of electoral teams of opposition candidates not let in hostels of enterprises

06.10.2010 Minsk: members of electoral teams of opposition candidates not let in hostels of enterprises

Bohuslau Unhur, a member of the electoral team of Uladzimir Niakliayeu, said he wanted to collect signatures in the dormitory of the Minsk factory of silicate products in Prylukskaya Street, 50.

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