News on the topic: political parties & movements

06.10.2010 Baranavichy: Yaraslau Hryshchenia was given summons to military enlistment office while collecting signatures

On 5 September an officer of the Baranavichy Town Military Enlistment Office presented a summons to the local activist Yaraslau Hryshchenia while he was collecting signatures at an electoral picket in the center of Baranavichy. According to the summons, he must come to the military enlistment office at 9 a.m. on 8 October.

05.10.2010 Babruisk: member of Rymasheuski’s electoral team threatened with dismissal

the Chairperson of the Babruisk branch of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Taisiya Kabanchuk told about the pressurization of Sviatlana Chyliankova (a member of the electoral team of the BCD candidate for presidency, Vital Rymasheuski) by the administration of the Babruiskahramash plant where she works as a storekeeper.

Kanstantsin Zhukouski released after 10-days arrest

05.10.2010 Kanstantsin Zhukouski released after 10-days arrest

Oct. 4 October the member of the organizing committee of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Kanstantsin Zhukouski was released from the pre-trial prison of the Petrykau District Police Department.

Authorities started haunting Ales Straltsou and Aleh Korban

01.10.2010 Authorities started haunting Ales Straltsou and Aleh Korban

The civil activist Ales Straltsou keeps receiving telephone calls from some ‘Siarhei Ivanavich’ who wants to talk about the old ‘Process of 14’ and its participants. He even agreed to come to the meeting on his own.

Homel Regional Court justifies non-inclusion of oppositionists in electoral commission

01.10.2010 Homel Regional Court justifies non-inclusion of oppositionists in electoral commission

The regional organizations of the Fair World, the United Civil Party and the Belarusian Popular Front tried to appeal against the non-inclusion of their representatives in the Homel Region Electoral Commission. On 1 October the Homel Regional Court issued a verdict confirming the legality of the formation of the commission.

Another attempt to draft Yauhen Yakavenka

01.10.2010 Another attempt to draft Yauhen Yakavenka

In June 2010 the member of the Party of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Yauhen Yakavenka was sentenced to 1 year of personal restraint with direction to an open penitentiary institution for the demand to be assigned to an alternative civilian service. Recently Mr. Yakavenka has received an answer from the Ministry of Defense to his request to be assigned to alternative civilian service. The answer, signed by the commissioner of the Homel City Executive Committee, colonel Yafimchyk, reads that the correspondence with the draftee on this matter is stopped.

Young Front activist detained and interrogated

27.09.2010 Young Front activist detained and interrogated

On 25 September unknown persons detained Yaraslau Hryshchenia, activist of the Young Front youth opposition organization and leader of the Avangard People movement, the Young Front’s press-service reports.

Belarusian Christian Democracy still unregistered

21.09.2010 Belarusian Christian Democracy still unregistered

The Ministry of Justice ruled to leave undecided the registration application of the Belarusian Christian Democracy party due to ‘the absence of a list of members of the party’s management committee’, the BelaPAN news agency reports.

"Young Front" starts "Get Out!" campaign

20.09.2010 "Young Front" starts "Get Out!" campaign

The "Young Front" have taken the decision to conduct the civic campaign "Get Out!", at their session on September 19.

The campaign is aimed at conveying the information that Lukashenka's registration as a candidate for President is illegal, to the Belarusian society.

Opposition activist beaten by unknown security guards in Belarus

20.09.2010 Opposition activist beaten by unknown security guards in Belarus

Kanstantsin Zhukouski, a coordinator of the Belarusian Christian Democracy party in Homel, was detained by the militia at Call of Palessye festival in the village of Lyaskavichy and taken to hospital.

Medical officers diagnosed Zhukouski with “brain concussion”. According to medical officers, the oppositionist has to remain in hospital for 7–10 days, Radio Svaboda reports.

Homel: administrative case for raising white-red-white flag

13.09.2010 Homel: administrative case for raising white-red-white flag

The Tsentralny District Court of Homel considered the administrative case of the representative of Young Belarus Ivan Zaitsau who was detained by police during the official celebration of the Day of Minsk for raising a white-red-white flag there. .

Activists of ‘Speak Truth’ complain to FIFA, UEFA and CHL

13.09.2010 Activists of ‘Speak Truth’ complain to FIFA, UEFA and CHL

As stated to the BelaPAN by Yury Aleinik, activists of the civil campaign Speak Truth filed complaints to FIFA, UEFA and CHL against violation of their rights as fans by the police.

Hrodna: detention of Dzmitry Bandarchuk

10.09.2010 Hrodna: detention of Dzmitry Bandarchuk

The activist of the civil campaign Speak Truth Dzmitry Bandarchuk was arrested yesterday in Hrodna and is still kept at the police station of the Dzeviatouka suburb. The detention followed the attempt of the police to examine his car. The activist didn’t allow them to do it without showing him the warrant.

Activists of 'Speak Truth' deatined at hockey match

10.09.2010 Activists of 'Speak Truth' deatined at hockey match

As told to the European Radio for Belarus by the press-secretary of the civil campaign Speak Truth, Yuliya Rymasheuskaya, 12 activists of the campaign were detained at the yesterday’s hockey match between the Minsk Dynama and the Russian Torpedo (from Nizhniy Novgorod). The detainees were guarded to the Tsentralny District Police Department. This time, the police acted more violently than during the detention of participants of the football match between Romania and Belarus. The people were forced to take off the T-shirts with the Speak Truth logo. Police officers tore off the T-shirts from those who didn’t obey this order.

Detention of five ‘Young Front’ activists near Russian Embassy

08.09.2010 Detention of five ‘Young Front’ activists near Russian Embassy

The Young Front members Ihar Aliakseyeu, Eduard Lobau, Ales Stasiuk, Vadzim Petryk and Dzmitry Yasevich were detained near the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Minsk in order to pass an address on the occasion of the Day of the Belarusian Military Glory (that is not recognized by the Belarusian authorities).

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