News on the topic: political parties & movements

13.01.2012 Raman Pratasevich interrogated by KGB again

Raman Pratasevich was questioned by KGB and threatened with applying pressure on his parents and relatives. Provocations against the activists were continued by pro-governmental news websites, Radio “Racyja” reports.

Homel: detention of Vasil Paliakou and Uladzimir Niapomniashchykh

12.01.2012 Homel: detention of Vasil Paliakou and Uladzimir Niapomniashchykh

The head of the Homel regional organization of the United Civil Party Vasil Paliakou and its activist Uladzimir Niapomniashchykh were detained by riot police at about 3.50 p.m. near the Central market, while handing out the party bulletin “Holas Rozumu” (“Voice of Reason”).

12.01.2012 Ministry of Justice freezes registration of Belarusian Christian Democracy

On 11 January the Belarusian Christian Democracy received a letter from the Ministry of Justice, in which it was stated that the ministry suspended the process of registration of the party.

12.01.2012 Ex-political prisoner Yaromenak expelled from university

“Young Front” activist Uladzimir Yaromenak has learned about his expulsion from the university after serving 15-day arrest for an action of solidarity near the Read Church on 19 December. The guy received a telephone call from the university and was told he could take back his documents.

Barysau: “prophylactic talk” with UCP member

10.01.2012 Barysau: “prophylactic talk” with UCP member

A member of the United Civil Party, collector of signatures for holding of a People’s Assembly Mikalai Iliiushonak. Mikalai had received a telephone call from the Barysau City Police Department before the New Year holidays and was told to come there. However, he demanded to be issued with an official summons first.

Miyory district: participants of constituent assembly of BCD are forced to refuse from their signatures

10.01.2012 Miyory district: participants of constituent assembly of BCD are forced to refuse from their signatures

This information was voiced by a Miyory resident, coordinator of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party Bahuslau Matsuk. According to him, five people were subject to pressurization.

“Young Front” states about new intimidation campaign

09.01.2012 “Young Front” states about new intimidation campaign

On 9 January members of the civil movement “Young Front”, registered in Czech, held a press-conference in Minsk to express their concern with the new intimidation campaign, launched by KGB.

09.01.2012 Attempt to crack UCP website

The website of the United Civil Party was inaccessible for several hours in the morning of 9 January.

Ex-political prisoner Ales Kirkevich is required to pay fine for electoral meeting

09.01.2012 Ex-political prisoner Ales Kirkevich is required to pay fine for electoral meeting

On 6 January court marshals paid an unexpected visit to Ales's apartment. They demanded that he paid a fine to which he had been sentenced last year for holding an electoral meeting of Hrodna residents with presidential candidate Mikalai Statkevich. After the meeting Kirkevich and some more Hrodna activists had been sentenced to pay fines of 700,000 rubles for participation in “unauthorized rally”.

09.01.2012 Head of Vitsebsk branch of the “BPF Youth” summonsed to the economic crimes department

Aliaksandr Kuzniatsou, head of the Vitsebsk branch of the BPF Youth (youth wing of the Belarusian Popular Front Party) received a summons to the 9th bureau of the economic crimes department of the Vitsebsk region.

Pavel Seviarynets is banned to maintain correspondence with Yauhen Vaskovich

09.01.2012 Pavel Seviarynets is banned to maintain correspondence with Yauhen Vaskovich

Co-chair of the steering committee of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party Pavel Seviarynets, who is currently serving a personal restraint term, was banned to maintain mail correspondence with a BCD activist Yauhen Vaskovich, sentenced to 7 years of imprisonment for an attempt to set fire to the Babruisk KGB office in the night of 16-17 October 2010.

06.01.2012 Brest: Ales Charkashyn warned by procuracy

On 4 January the Brest Region Procuracy issued an official warning to Ales Charkashyn, coordinator of the steering committee of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party in Brest. She had been summonsed to the procuracy back at the end of December 2011, but hadn't come there, being away from Brest.

Brest Region Court turns down appeal of BCD activists

06.01.2012 Brest Region Court turns down appeal of BCD activists

On 6 January the Brest Region Court turned down the appeal of two activists of the steering committee of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party, Zmitser Shurkhai and Ales Charkashyn, unlawfully arrested for five days on charges in using obscene language in public.

04.01.2012 “Young Front” activist Ales Kirkevich issued with a warning

He signed for the first warning for public order violation there. It was connected with Kirkevich's detention in September 2011. Let us remind you, he disseminated leaflets with the information about the 21 September silent protest action then.

03.01.2012 Brest: third registration denial to Brest city organization of “Fair World”

The Brest city organization of the Belarusian Leftist Party “Fair World” received another refusal to register the legal address of the organization in the private house which belonged to the head of the party structure, Liudmila Dzenisenka.

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