News on the topic: political parties & movements

KGB interrogated Raman Pratasevich on New Year's eve

03.01.2012 KGB interrogated Raman Pratasevich on New Year's eve

KGB officers paid a visit to his apartment on 30 December. The activist was taken to the Minsk KGB office, where a 90-minute “prophylactic talk” was held. Raman is under age, that's why his father had to go there with him.

30.12.2011 Alexander Stepanenko Detained

On December 29, the police officers detained the activist of the United Civil Party Alexander Stepanenko at his apartment.

29.12.2011 Authorities intimidating founders of Belarusian Christian Democracy, says co-chairman

Authorities have waged a campaign of intimidation to force activists of Belarusian Christian Democracy (BCD) to withdraw as founders from the unregistered opposition party, BCD Co-chairman Vital Rymashewski told BelaPAN on Thursday.

Mahiliou court turns down appeal by local BPF Youth activist

29.12.2011 Mahiliou court turns down appeal by local BPF Youth activist

Mahiliou Regional Court has dismissed a complaint by Babruisk activist of the Belarusian Popular Front youth wing “BPF Youth” Andrei Padaliak.

28.12.2011 BHC wants to attend sessions of pardon commission

Head of the human rights organization Aleh Hulak filed a corresponding request.

27.12.2011 UCP activist “invited” to spent 10 days in custody again

Viktar Buzinau, the leader of the UCP (United Civil Party) branch in Babruisk, received a telephone call in the evening of December 26. He was told to appear in a police department next morning.

Brest activist appeals arrest and detention conditions

24.12.2011 Brest activist appeals arrest and detention conditions

Liavontsi Chypurnykh, Brest activist of the Belarusian Leftist Party “Fair World”, has lodged two complaints with local prosecuting authorities.

Belarusian Helsinki Committee observer fined

21.12.2011 Belarusian Helsinki Committee observer fined

Yulia Khlashchankova, observer of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee, has been fined BYR 315,000 for involvement in a protest in central Minsk on 19 December (Article 23.34 of the Administrative Code).

BCD activists appeal arrest

21.12.2011 BCD activists appeal arrest

Brest activists of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party Zmitser Shurkhai and Ales Charkashyn are appealing their 5-day arrest for alleged disorderly conduct on 15 December.

21.12.2011 Ministry of Taxation insists on closing down Belarusian Helsinki Committee

The latest registered human rights organization in Belarus is on the verge of closing down.

Baranavichy activist loses job over opposition activities

20.12.2011 Baranavichy activist loses job over opposition activities

On 20 December, the administration of Baranavichy-based Transfer Lines Plant has refused to extend the employment contract of local leader of the “Fair World” Leftist Party Viktar Tsiapin, despite of acute shortage of engineers at the factory.

BCD Brest activists to stand trial on foul language charges

16.12.2011 BCD Brest activists to stand trial on foul language charges

Brest activists of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Zmitser Shurkhai and Ales Charkashyn are facing charges of using foul language in a public place following their arrest by road police on 15 December.

15.12.2011 Brest: detention of Zmitser Shurkhai and Aliaksei Charkashyn

The activists of the organizing committee of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party Zmitser Shurkhai and Aliaksei Charkashyn were detained by road police at the entrance to Brest.

15.12.2011 Authorities fill budget at oppositionists' expense

Tatsiana Seviarynets, a coordinator of the organizing committee to create the Belarisian Christian Democracy party, appealed against the verdict of the court for holding the People’s Assembly in Vitsebsk.

14.12.2011 Interrogations on criminal case of BPF members go on

The investigation continues interrogating possible witnesses of the assault on a guard of an office building, which was allegedly committed by the members of the Belarusian Popular Front Party Maksim Hubarevich, Ales Kalita and Siarzhuk Semianiuk on 13 August 2011.

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