News on the topic: political parties & movements

02.10.2007 Salihorsk: Police Detain Andrei Tychyna

On 30 September the Young Front activists from Salihorsk held a picket in support of political prisoners. Earlier applications for several pickets were considered by Salihorsk city executive committee. The committee banned the pickets and ordered the police to watch the activists.

02.10.2007 Hrodna: Yury Istomin Arrested, Andrei Yanushkevich – Fined

The police continue haunting public and political activists in Hrodna. On 1 October Leninski and Kastrychnitski courts of Hrodna tried the abovementioned activists of the United Party.

02.10.2007 Yaraslau Hryshchenia Not Let abroad

On 28 September Baranavichy KGB office denied an activist of the Young Front Yaraslau Hryshchenia a permissive seal for foreign travels. Hryshchenia associates this incident with his intention to take part in the public hearings at PACE on 29 September.

27.09.2007 Paval Seviarynets is free

Seviarynets as released today after 17 days in jail

26.09.2007 Ivashkevich Released, Report Sent for Revision

It is likely that Ivashkevich will be tried in the beginning of October, in order to isolate him right before the European March planned for October 14th.

26.09.2007 Viktar Ivashkevich to Be Tried for European March Leaflets

Today Pershamaiski court of Minsk will try Viktar Ivashkevich. Ivashkevich is chair of the organizing committee of the European March rally

26.09.2007 Svetlahorsk Pro-Democratic Activists Summoned to KGB

On September 25th local activist Telman Masliukou was interrogated as a witness in the criminal case against Young Front.

25.09.2007 Political Parties Face Closure

The Ministry of Justice accused the political parties of failure to create the required number of organizational structures.

25.09.2007 Criminal Case against Zmitser Dashkevich Instigated Month Ago

Alexander Haliyeu, advocate of the political prisoner Zmitser Dashkevich, found out the new criminal case against Zmitser Dashkevich was instigated more than a month ago, on August 14th.

25.09.2007 Baranavichy: Trials over Youth Activists Continue

Today two more activists who supported Yaraslau Hryshchenia on September 10th were tried in Baranavichy.

24.09.2007 Case against BPF Youth Activist Sent for Revision

On September 21st Leninski court of Minsk heard the case against Alexandra Klimovich. The girl was detained during the summer camp organized by the BPF Youth.

24.09.2007 BPF Youth Activist Gets 10 Days of Jail

Today Kastus Hrakhau, activist of BPF Youth, was sentenced to 10 days of arrest.

24.09.2007 One More Person Arrested for Love for Europe

On September 23rd Minsk police detained Kastus Hrakhau.

21.09.2007 Two Teenagers from BPF Youth Detained in Mahiliou

On September 21st Mahiliou police two members of BPF Youth

21.09.2007 Charges against BPF Youth Activist Dropped, Trial over Bohdan Postponed

Today Zavodski court of Minsk tried Aliaksandra Klimovich, who was detained during the summer camp of BPF Youth near Ivatsevichy.

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