News on the topic: political parties & movements

20.09.2007 KGB Shows Interest to European March Preparations

Regional activists of Young Front are being summoned to KGB. They are warned about criminal responsibility for preparation and participation in the European March.

20.09.2007 Two More Young Front Members Convicted in Absence.

Ruslan Rudenka from Minsk and Nadzeya Krapivina from Hrodna fined for alleged disorderly conduct

20.09.2007 Trials over BPF Youth Begin Today

Courts begin to try members of BPF Youth who had participated in a summer camp.

20.09.2007 Criminal Charges against Young Front Members in Zhlobin and Svetlahorsk

Another criminal case against activists of the unregistered organization Young Front was instigated in Homel region.

18.09.2007 Office of Prosecutor General Warns Anatol Liabedzka

UCP leader receives oral warning for expressing his opinion

18.09.2007 Police and KGB Search Apartment of Young Front Member

Police and KGB officers are holding a search in the apartment of Kiryl Atamanchyk

18.09.2007 Uladzimir Laryn Fined

Leninski court of Hrodna fined Uladzimir Laryn 10 basic units.

17.09.2007 Detentions in Salihorsk on Solidarity Day

Five teenagers were detained down town Salihorsk on September 16.

KGB Again Tries to Intimidate BPF Youth Activist Nasta Aleksandrovich

14.09.2007 KGB Again Tries to Intimidate BPF Youth Activist Nasta Aleksandrovich

Several days ago a KGB worker Aliaksandr Pradko paid a visit to the activist of the youth wing of the Belarusian People’s Front Party Nasta Aleksandrovich.

14.09.2007 Navapolatsk: Police Detain Bicyclists

In the morning on 14 September the bicyclers of Navapolatsk were haunted by the police cars with sirens. They also detained and searched the car of the chair of Polatsk branch of the Belarusian Social Democratic Party (Hramada) Albert Markau.

14.09.2007 Zmitser Zhaleznichenka Appeals Expulsion from University to Education Minister

On 12 September Zhaleznichenka was officially informed about his expulsion from Homel State University for ‘systematic violations of the internal regulations’. Zhaleznichenka is a student with an excellent progress. The average mark he received at exams was ‘nine’ of the possible ‘ten’. He is also an activist of the local core organization Talaka and the BPF Youth.

13.09.2007 Baranavichy: Hanna Shakutska Is Fined, Her Daughter’s Case to Be Considered Soon

On 10 September in Baranavichy the police detained Hanna and Tatsiana Shakutska together with 23 other activists who came to the local court to support a Young Front activist Yaraslau Hryshchenia who was to stand a criminal trial for ‘activities on behalf of unregistered organization’ (article 193.1 of the Criminal Code).

Deputy chair of the BPF Youth’s Council Illia Bohdan to Be Judged 20 September

13.09.2007 Deputy chair of the BPF Youth’s Council Illia Bohdan to Be Judged 20 September

The deputy chair of the council of the youth wing of the Belarusian People’s Front Party Illia Bohdan has received a summons to Zavadski district court of Minsk for 20 September.

12.09.2007 Minsk: Police Detain Participants of Flash-mob in Honor of Dziarzhynski’s Birthday

On 12 September near a monument to Felix Dziarzhynski in the center of Minsk the riot police detained the youth activists of the Belarusian People’s Front Party Aliaksandr Klimovich, Nasta Ptushka, Katsiaryna Ramasheuskaya, Stsiapan Svidzerski, Makar Vauchok and Franak Viachorka and took them to Leninski district police department of Minsk.

11.09.2007 Yaraslau Hryshchenia Fined about 432 US Dollars

On 11 September in Baranavichy the verdict to the activist of the Young Front Yaraslau Hryshchenia was read. The activist was charged under article 193.1 of the Criminal Code (activities on behalf of unregistered organization). The prosecutor asked to punish Yaraslau with 1 year of conditional imprisonment. However, the judge Vasil Petrykau ruled to fine the activist 930 000 Belarusian rubles (about 432 US dollars) and return to him the confiscated computer.

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