News for March 2015

Tax inspectors demand that Mikalai Autukhovich pay the insurance fees for the time of his imprisonment

10.03.2015 Tax inspectors demand that Mikalai Autukhovich pay the insurance fees for the time of his imprisonment

Businessman and former political prisoner Mikalai Autukhovich is forced to pay compulsory insurance fees to the Social Protection Fund for the time that he was kept in prison. The tax inspectors claim that their actions are legal.

Babruisk: children's hospital not repaired because of absence of financing

10.03.2015 Babruisk: children's hospital not repaired because of absence of financing

An interview with the chief physician of the Babruisk children's hospital Iryna Ryzhankova has been published at the website of the newspaper “Vecherniy Bobruisk”. The official spoke about the renovation which will be held in the building of the hospital, which had been built in 1963 and hasn't been repaired for quite a long time already.

Anton Astapovich: "Public discussion of the general plan of development of Vitsebsk needs to be canceled"

10.03.2015 Anton Astapovich: "Public discussion of the general plan of development of Vitsebsk needs to be canceled"

Anton Astapovich, Chairman of the Belarusian Society for Preservation of Monuments of History and Culture, believes that public discussion has been organized in violation of the law, and the right of all interested parties to take part in the discussion is violated.

Elena Tonkacheva’s deportation shows “pervasive harassment of rights defenders in Belarus”

09.03.2015 Elena Tonkacheva’s deportation shows “pervasive harassment of rights defenders in Belarus”

GENEVA (6 March 2015) – The Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in Belarus, Miklós Haraszti, today said that the recent deportation from Belarus of Elena Tonkacheva “demonstrates the immense challenges that continue to exist for human rights defenders to fulfil their work in Belarus.”

Police “congratulate” journalist Larysa Shchyrakova on March 8

09.03.2015 Police “congratulate” journalist Larysa Shchyrakova on March 8

Homel journalist Larysa Shchyrakova received unusual “congratulations” on March 8 – that day the police drew up an administrative report under Article 22.9 of the Code of Administrative Offenses on her. The report was compiled by the head of the division of law enforcement of the Tsentralny District Police Department of Homel, Yury Panin.

Journalist Tamara Shchapiotkina not allowed to attend her trial

09.03.2015 Journalist Tamara Shchapiotkina not allowed to attend her trial

On March 6, freelance journalist T. Shchapiotkina was summoned to the Leninski District Court of Brest by an SMS-message. The journalist saw the message only in the evening, but decided to come to the trial together with her counsel.

Biaroza: protesting against Russian military bases in Belarus are "inciting of hatred and extremism"

09.03.2015 Biaroza: protesting against Russian military bases in Belarus are "inciting of hatred and extremism"

Biaroza District Executive Committee prohibited Biaroza human rights defenders and social activists to hold a picket on March 9.

Baranavichy: entrepreneurs file an application for a picket

09.03.2015 Baranavichy: entrepreneurs file an application for a picket

The leader of Baranavichy entrepreneurs Mikalai Charnavus has applied to the Baranavichy city executive committee for holding a picket on March 21 against intimidation by officials of individual entrepreneurs bymeans fines and confiscation of goods.

09.03.2015 Anti-sponger tax: Lukashenka to consider draft decree

The document is at the stage of the completion.

Hary Pahaniaila: hazing in the military is the main cause of deaths in Belarusian army

09.03.2015 Hary Pahaniaila: hazing in the military is the main cause of deaths in Belarusian army

Inspection on the suicide in Hrodna border service must be conducted. On March 6 it became known about the death of a soldier of an emergency service from the Hrodna border service – a military shot himself with a service pistol when he was on duty.

Sandra Kalniete: Compromise on political prisoners' issue not possible

06.03.2015 Sandra Kalniete: Compromise on political prisoners' issue not possible

A real breakthrough in relations between Belarus and the European Union is impossible without political prisoners’ release.

Tajik opposition leader Kuvatov shot dead in Turkey

06.03.2015 Tajik opposition leader Kuvatov shot dead in Turkey

A Tajik opposition leader has been shot dead by an unknown attacker in the Turkish city of Istanbul, Tajik opposition sources have told the BBC.

On Rasul Jafarov’s Trial Witnesses Testify in His Favor

06.03.2015 On Rasul Jafarov’s Trial Witnesses Testify in His Favor

At the trial of the human rights activist Rasul Jafarov in the Baku Court of Grave Crimes the testimony of witnesses continued today.

Mikhail Miakhedka appeals to UN Human Rights Committee seeking justice

06.03.2015 Mikhail Miakhedka appeals to UN Human Rights Committee seeking justice

Having exhausted all remedies available at the national level, Minsk resident Mikhail Mehedko filed an individual communication with the Human Rights Committee of the United Nations.

Rechytsa entrepreneurs are planning a rally outside the executive committee for the abolition of the decree №222

06.03.2015 Rechytsa entrepreneurs are planning a rally outside the executive committee for the abolition of the decree №222

Rechytsa entrepreneurs filed a request to hold a rally for the abolition of the Presidential Decree №222. The statement was signed by more than 50 entrepreneurs. The mass event is scheduled for March 9. Meanwhile, the vast majority of entrepreneurs, trading in the markets, "Slavianski" and "Tsentralny", do not work.

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