News for 17 Mar 2015
17.03.2015 Court in Mahiliou dismisses suit to close human rights NGO
The Mahiliou Regional Court resumed today the consideration of a lawsuit filed by the Main Department of Justice of the Mahiliou Regional Executive Committee to close down the public association “Mahiliou Human Rights Center” (MHRC). As a result, the court ruled to dismiss the suit by mutual agreement of the parties.
17.03.2015 Investigation in case of human rights defender Mikhail Zhamchyzhny extended until April 19
Mikhail Zhamchyzhny, a co-founder of the human rights organization “Platform Innovation” has been held in the Vitsebsk pre-trial prison. He faces a number of charges. The activist has written several letters to Tatsiana Seviarynets, coordinator of the BCD’s organizing committee. According to her, the investigation has been extended until April 19.
17.03.2015 Salihorsk: Human rights defenders seek abolition of rally restrictions
Salihorsk representatives of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee are preparing a petition to the local Council of Deputies in order to demand the abolition of the mysterious decision by the district executive committee, which banned peaceful assemblies in all the squares and streets of the city.
17.03.2015 Review-Chronicle of Human Rights Violations in Belarus in 2014 (PDF-version)
The situation of human rights during 2014 remained consistently poor with a tendency to deterioration at the end of the year. Human rights violations were of both systemic and systematic nature: basic civil and political rights were extremely restricted, there were no systemic changes in the field of human rights.
17.03.2015 BELARUS: The only registered regional human rights organisation under the threat of dissolution
Joint statement by the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, the Human Rights Center "Viasna" and the Belarusian Helsinki Committee on a lawsuit to close down the Mahiliou Human Rights Center, which will be heard in the Mahiliou Regional Court on March 17.
17.03.2015 What is the new purpose of the museum "Perm-36"?
The scandal with reprofiling the unique Memorial Museum of the history of political repression "Perm-36", opened on the former site of the camp for those convicted of anti-Soviet propaganda and activities, gradually acquires universal resonance. The international community asks the question: what kind of "technology" and "heroism" will the guides of the now “museum of GULag workers” speak about?
17.03.2015 Salihorsk: densification and felling trees will continue
Activists of the campaign "Protect the Forest" declare the need to adjust the master plan of the development of Salihorsk.
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