News for June 2013

Mikalai Ulasevich files sixth complaint to Supreme Court

13.06.2013 Mikalai Ulasevich files sixth complaint to Supreme Court

Civil activist from the Astravets district Mikalai Ulasevich filed the sixth appeal to the Office of Prosecutor General of the Republic of Belarus. All previous tappeals were returned to him without consideration on the merits. Mr. Ulasevich also attached to his appeal the 30-page complaint which was also filed to the Supreme Court of the Republic of Belarus.

Head of disgraced "Union of Poles in Belarus" to stand trial

13.06.2013 Head of disgraced "Union of Poles in Belarus" to stand trial

One more member of the unregistered "Union of Poles in Belarus", its chairman Mechyslau Yaskevich will soon be summoned to court as a defendant in administrative proceedings. The Shchychyn police forwarded to Hrodna a copy of the charges, given to Yaskevich for an alleged adminsitrative offense – holding an unsanctioned rally.

Review of criminal case against member of "Fair World" starts at Zhlobin District Court

13.06.2013 Review of criminal case against member of "Fair World" starts at Zhlobin District Court

On 7 December 2012 Judge of the Zhlobin District Court Ina Sharshniova found a member of the Belarusian Leftist Party "Fair World" Yauhen Sharshniou to three years of imprisonment with a two-year determent, and his colleague Valiantsina Kastsiukevich – to four years of persona; restraint without sending to an open penitentiary. The defendants appealed the verdict at the Homel Regional Court, after which the case was returned for review. Basareuski and Kastsiukevich are charged under Article 424 of the Criminal Code ("abuse of power or office position").

12.06.2013 "Chronicle of Judgement Time" presented at BAJ website

The series of mini-movies "Chronicle of Judgment Time" (journalistic version) includes eight films that are dedicated to the members of the NGO "Belarusian Association of Journalists" who suffered for freedom of speech.

MPs again ignore electors' opinion on local border traffic

12.06.2013 MPs again ignore electors' opinion on local border traffic

The member of the House of Representatives Viktar Valiushytski submitted an answer to the Brest activists of the civl campaign "Tell the Truth!", who asked why the MPs ignored the the appeal of citizens on local border traffic – namely, why the question was not raised during the annual message of the President of the Republic of Belarus Aliaksandr Lukashenka to the Belarusian people in April 2013.

Homel: court supports ban on May Day rally

12.06.2013 Homel: court supports ban on May Day rally

On 11 June Judge of the Tsentralny District of Homel Maryna Damnenka considered the complaint of the Homel branch of the Belarusian Leftist Party "Fair World" against the ban on the 1 May rally, issued by the Home City Executive Committee. The political activists intended to hold the rally to expresso solidarity with workers. They appealed the ban to the court, but to no avail: the court dismissed the complaint and upheld the executive committee.

Mahiliou: Aleh Aksionau appeals KGB actions at court

12.06.2013 Mahiliou: Aleh Aksionau appeals KGB actions at court

Aleh Aksionau filed a complaint against the illegal activities of the Mahiliou Regional KGB Department to the Leninski District Court of Mahiliou. The activist of the organizing committee of the Belarusian Christian Democracy asks the court to abolish the warning, issued to him by KGB and consider the prophylactic conversation, held by a KGB officer, as illegal and unjustified.

Closed hearings on "espionage case" against Haidukou being at Vitsebsk Regional Court

12.06.2013 Closed hearings on "espionage case" against Haidukou being at Vitsebsk Regional Court

At 10 a.m. the hearings on the case of Andrei Haidukou, 23-year-old Navapolatsk resident, who is accused of "high treason", started at the Vitsebsk Regional Court.

Report of UN Special Rapporteur on situation in Belarus Miklos Haraszti

12.06.2013 Report of UN Special Rapporteur on situation in Belarus Miklos Haraszti

The report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation in Belarus, Miklos Haraszti, was presented on 4 June at the 23rd session of the UN Human Rights Council held in Geneva from 27 May to 14 June.

Organization that deals with prevention of HIV/AIDS deprived of legal address

11.06.2013 Organization that deals with prevention of HIV/AIDS deprived of legal address

The public association "Vstrecha" has to vacate its office in Uralski Passage, 15-501.

Relatives of executed death convict Uladzislau Kavaliou appeal against refusal to disclose place of his burial

11.06.2013 Relatives of executed death convict Uladzislau Kavaliou appeal against refusal to disclose place of his burial

His mother Liubou Kavaliova and sister – Tatsiana Kaziar, filed an appeal to the Ministry of Internal Affairs against the refusal of the Department of Corrections to report his place of burial. The relatives applied to the Department of Corrections with such a request on 25 April, but received a denial on 8 May.

11.06.2013 Journalist of "European Radio for Belarus" denied accreditation to press-conference at House of Representatives

The journalist of the European Radio for Belarus Zmitser Lukashuk has been denied accreditation for today’s conference in the lower chamber of Parliament.

Human rights activist hopes for objectivity of chairman of Supreme Court

11.06.2013 Human rights activist hopes for objectivity of chairman of Supreme Court

On 8 June Baranavichy human rights activist Siarhei Housha filed an appeal to the Head of the Supreme Court of Belarus Valiantsin Sukala against the verdict of the Baranavichy court of 21 August 2012 according to which he was punished with a fine for the alleged use of foul language in a public place. The activist notes that the Brest Regional Court and the Supreme Court of the Republic of Belarus didn't grant his appeals against the illegality of administrative punishment.

Mahiliou activists of Belarusian Social Democratic Party collected 500 signatures for Law "On Public Hearings"

10.06.2013 Mahiliou activists of Belarusian Social Democratic Party collected 500 signatures for Law "On Public Hearings"

All signatures were sent to the Mahiliou district, city and regional councils of deputies, as well as to members of the parliament from Mahiliou: Edvard Siankevich, Uladzimir Vasilenka, Ihar Stankevich and Ales Razganau.

Mother not allowed to meet with Andrei Haidukou before trial

10.06.2013 Mother not allowed to meet with Andrei Haidukou before trial

The 23-year-old resident of Navapolatsk is charged with "treason by the intelligence activities." On The closed court hearings on his case will started on 12 June. The mother of the arrested is sure of his innocence and laments the fact she hasn't received any latters from him for more than a week. Her request for a meeting with him wasn't granted.

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