News for 18 Jun 2013
18.06.2013 State TV reveals name of latest death convict
The state-owned TV channel “Belarus-1” showed a story, telling the circumstances of the murder of a student in Homel. It was committed by a 25-year-old Aliaksandr Harunou.
18.06.2013 Valiantsin Stefanovich petitions head of state TV company over discrimination of death convict
On June 1, the state-run TV channel “Belarus-1” in showed in a program “Secrets of Investigation” a story which told about the murder in Mahiliou prison. In this story, which told the audience about the circumstances of the murder committed by Ryhor Yuzepchuk and his accomplice, who killed their cellmate, in the context of the negative characteristics of the person that repeatedly stated his nationality.
18.06.2013 KGB and Interior Ministry launch probe into “physical violence” by Krychau police
According to the Krychau-based Volny Horad independent newspaper, the Interior Security Department of the Ministry of the Interior, as well as the KGB’s regional office, have launched an investigation into physical violence reportedly used by policemen at Krychau district police department.
18.06.2013 Amnesty International: Rygor Yuzepchuk could be executed within months
Amnesty International has recently learnt that Mahiliou regional court sentenced Rygor Yuzepchuk to death for the murder of a cellmate in prison number 4 in Mahiliou, his alleged accomplice was sentenced to 16 years. According to media reports the three prisoners had staked their lives on a game of dominos and the losing prisoner was strangled with a scarf on 5 July 2012.
18.06.2013 Andrei Haidukou's mother to witness in court
Vicebsk activist Tatsyana Sevyarynets has informed this to Euroradio.
18.06.2013 Salihorsk Prosecutor’s Office says threats of entry in foreign travel black list are legal
Salihorsk District Prosecutor’s Office took the side of the government in a dispute between local human rights activist Leanid Markhotka and the town’s public utility center.
18.06.2013 Slonim authorities ban picket of support to dismissed doctor
Slonim residents Ivan Bedka and Viktar Marchyk addressed on May 30 Slonim district executive committee with an application for permission to stage a picket on June 27 in support of a local trauma surgeon, Ivan Sheha. They recently received a written response from the committee signed by the deputy chairman, Viktar Kot.
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