News for December 2012

Supreme Court upholds refusing court proceedings in Belarusian

18.12.2012 Supreme Court upholds refusing court proceedings in Belarusian

Baranavichy human rights defender Siarhei Housha received yesterday a letter signed by first deputy chairman of the Supreme Court of Belarus A. Fedartsou, which says that there are no grounds for disciplinary proceedings against Judge Petryu of the Court of Baranavichy District and the City of Baranavichy, as well as the chairman of the Court M.A. Kmita. The high official argues that "the law does not provide for the obligation of administering justice in the Belarusian language."

Brest authorities ban 9 UCP pickets

18.12.2012 Brest authorities ban 9 UCP pickets

Brest activists of the United Civil Party submitted 9 applications to the city executive committee asking for permission to stage 9 pickets across the city on 19 December. However, all of them were dismissed, says local UCP leader Uladzimir Vuyek.

Souhayr Belhassen dedicates the 90th anniversary of FIDH to its 26 emprisoned activists

17.12.2012 Souhayr Belhassen dedicates the 90th anniversary of FIDH to its 26 emprisoned activists

“Ales Bialiatski, Nabeel Rajab, Nasrin Sotoudeh... I dedicate this evening to them” Souhayr Belhassen dedicated the 90th anniversary of FIDH to its 26 activists, now in prison.

Rahachou opposition activist threatened with prosecution for using town’s coat of arms

17.12.2012 Rahachou opposition activist threatened with prosecution for using town’s coat of arms

Rahachou opposition activist Dzianis Dashkevich has received a letter from the town’s administration, saying that he may be prosecuted for illegal use of the town’s coat of arms on the independent web-site.

Human rights defender Leanid Sudalenka: “Decree No. 9 is unconstitutional”

17.12.2012 Human rights defender Leanid Sudalenka: “Decree No. 9 is unconstitutional”

How will Decree № 9 "On additional measures to develop the timber industry” affect the rights of workers? Leanid Sudalenka, human rights defender and legal inspector of the REP independent trade union in Homel region, shares his opinion on the issue.

Constitutional Court ignores proposals by Homel pro-dem activist

17.12.2012 Constitutional Court ignores proposals by Homel pro-dem activist

Ihar Sluchak, former candidate for Parliament in Homel-based constituency No. 34, received a reply to his appeal issued by the Constitutional Court. In his appeal, the pro-democratic activist urged the Constitutional Court to order the review of his earlier complaint at the Supreme Court of Belarus.

Brest Regional Court upholds fine for charity lunch

17.12.2012 Brest Regional Court upholds fine for charity lunch

Brest Regional Court upheld today a 3-mln fine imposed on Baranavichy entrepreneur Mikola Charnavus for arranging a charity lunch at the city’s market.

Fair World member appeals 3-year suspended sentence

17.12.2012 Fair World member appeals 3-year suspended sentence

Yauhen Basareuski, member of the Fair World United Party of the Left, who was sentenced to a three-year suspended prison term on December 7, is appealing the verdict at Homel Regional Court.

Platforma leader Andrei Bandarenka searched at Minsk airport

17.12.2012 Platforma leader Andrei Bandarenka searched at Minsk airport

Andrei Bandarenka, head of the Platforma human rights group, was detained and searched by the Belarusian customs officials shortly after landing at Minsk international airport on 16 December.

European Election Observers Launch Platform in Warsaw

17.12.2012 European Election Observers Launch Platform in Warsaw

Warsaw - On 12th December 2012, twelve civil society organisations supporting or conducting citizens’ election observation in the states of the Eastern Partnership, the Russian Federation and the European Union have launched the “European Platform for Democratic Elections” (EPDE) in Warsaw.

Pavel Vinahradau sentenced to 5 days of arrest

17.12.2012 Pavel Vinahradau sentenced to 5 days of arrest

Pavel Vinahradau, leader of the Zmena youth wing of the civil campaign “Tell the Truth!”, was sentenced today to 5 days of administrative arrest.

December 19 pickets banned in Babruisk and Baranavichy

17.12.2012 December 19 pickets banned in Babruisk and Baranavichy

Viktar Buzinayeu, leader of UCP’s Babruisk office, received a reply from deputy chairman of the city executive committee Aliaksandr Markachou saying that the activist will not be allowed to hold a picket on 19 December to mark the 2010 crack-down on peaceful protesters following the disputed presidential election.

17.12.2012 Mikalai Statkevich awarded with Willy Brandt Prize

The political prisoner received the international Willy Brandt Prize for political courage.

Salihorsk authorities ban 19 December picket as well

15.12.2012 Salihorsk authorities ban 19 December picket as well

The Salihorsk District Executive Committee did not authorize a picket, dated to the second anniversary of dispersal of the peaceful post-election rally on 19 December 2012.

Review-Chronicle of Human Rights Violation in Belarus in November 2012

15.12.2012 Review-Chronicle of Human Rights Violation in Belarus in November 2012

The human rights situation in Belarus in November can be described as a period of stagnation and crisis: the stably bad situation remained the same, and a significant deterioration was registered.

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