News for August 2012

Vitsebsk Regional Court turns down appeal by Nash Dom activist

23.08.2012 Vitsebsk Regional Court turns down appeal by Nash Dom activist

Judge Iryna Smaliakova of Vitsebsk Regional Court has dismissed an appeal by Mrs. Yanina Liasneuskaya, activist of the Nash Dom civil campaign, against a ruling by Orsha court of 31 July. to be presented in Warsaw on 24 August

23.08.2012 to be presented in Warsaw on 24 August

The updated and expanded online resource is expected to be presented in the Belarusian House in Warsaw (Village 13/3) at 2 p.m. 24 August. The event has been arranged by the Poland-based Foundation for the Development of Democratic Initiatives and the Human Rights Center “Viasna”.

Ballots printed ahead of candidates’ registration

23.08.2012 Ballots printed ahead of candidates’ registration

The election commissions of Minsk constituency No. 91 has denied registration to Mrs. Volha Kavalkova, activist of the Belarusian Christian Democracy, after her income tax declaration was found invalid, the BCD’s press-service reports.

23.08.2012 Another criminal case opened against independent journalist

IC opened a criminal case against journalist Mikalai Piatrushenka for "insulting a government official".

OSCE/ODIHR opens mission to observe parliamentary elections in Belarus

23.08.2012 OSCE/ODIHR opens mission to observe parliamentary elections in Belarus

MINSK, 22 August 2012 – The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) today opened an election observation mission for the parliamentary elections to be held in Belarus on 23 September. The mission's deployment follows an invitation from the Belarusian authorities. As a participating State of the OSCE, Belarus has committed itself to invite ODIHR to observe its elections.

Young Front activist Mikola Dzemidzenka detained in Minsk

23.08.2012 Young Front activist Mikola Dzemidzenka detained in Minsk

Mikola Dzemidzenka, activist of the Young Front youth opposition movement, was detained by Minsk police last evening, the Young Front’s press-service reports.

European Belarus activist fined for election boycott campaign

23.08.2012 European Belarus activist fined for election boycott campaign

On 22 August, Minsk Kastrychnitski District Court fined Viktar Boldzin, activist of the European Belarus opposition movement, BYR 300,000 for carrying leaflets that call upon voters not to go to polling stations on 23 September.

Opposition hopefuls denied registration as candidates

22.08.2012 Opposition hopefuls denied registration as candidates

Three representatives of the Belarusian Popular Front have been registered as candidates: the BPF leader Aliaksei Yanukevich, Artsiom Liava and Yauhen Rybakou. Anatol Liabedzka, leader of the United Civil Party, has also been registered as a candidate for Parliament. However, Minsk constituency election commissions denied registration to a number of other pro-democratic hopefuls, including For Freedom leader Aliaksandr Milinkevich and the movement’s activist Mikalai Samaseika, as well as Mikhail Pashkevich, member of the Tell the Truth campaign.

Ales Bialiatski spoken about in Thailand

22.08.2012 Ales Bialiatski spoken about in Thailand

Mr. Shiwei Ye, activist of the International Federation for Human Rights’ office in Bangkok, attended a meeting on the situation with human rights in Belarus to tell about the FIDH’s imprisoned vice-president Ales Bialiatski.

Valiantsin Stefanovich: “There are various legal means to release political prisoners”

22.08.2012 Valiantsin Stefanovich: “There are various legal means to release political prisoners”

“Any interference with activities of judges in their administration of justice is inadmissible and is subject to prosecution under the law,” says a reply by the Presidential Administration issued following the petition for the release of Viasna leader Ales Bialiatski ahead of 4 August.

 Electoral Code does not prohibit observers to study election commissions’ papers, says Brest observer Uladzimir Vialichkin

22.08.2012 Electoral Code does not prohibit observers to study election commissions’ papers, says Brest observer Uladzimir Vialichkin

Par. 4 and 5 Art. 13 of the Electoral Code do not state that observers are not allowed studying documents issued by election commissions, says Uladizmir Vialichkin, observer in Brest constituency No. 2, in his reply to chair of the Central Election Commission Lidziya Yarmoshyna.

Tell the Truth potential candidate urges election officials not to register pro-government rival

22.08.2012 Tell the Truth potential candidate urges election officials not to register pro-government rival

Leanid Padbiaretski, member of the Tell the Truth civil campaign and Belarusian Social Democratic Party (Hramada) running for Parliament in Mahiliou constituency No. 84, has addressed the constituency’s election commission with a demand not to register pro-government potential candidate Uladizmir Vasilenka as candidate.

Minsk court convicts BCD activists for election boycott pickets

22.08.2012 Minsk court convicts BCD activists for election boycott pickets

Minsk Savetski District Court has fined two activists of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party – Halina Karzhaneuskaya and Ina Loika – 300,000 roubles each for staging pickets for election boycott.

European Belarus activist fined

22.08.2012 European Belarus activist fined

Minsk Kastrychnitski District Court has fined Aliaksei Tsioply, activist of the European Belarus movement, BYR 500,000 on disorderly conduct charges.

22.08.2012 Mikalai Autukhovich has meeting with relatives for first time this year

They were allowed to have a 1.5-hour phone conversation through the glass barrier.

“It's only called a meeting,” Autukhovich says, “We were not allowed to touch or kiss each other. You cannot do anything. It will go away, but memories will live in your soul forever. I don't doubt the guilty people will answer one day for this ordeal... My term expires in less than 20 months.”

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