News for June 2012

07.06.2012 Andrei Sannikau searched on border

A former political prisoner and presidential candidate was taken off a train from Minsk to Vilnius.

07.06.2012 Sannikau’s lawyer banned from leaving Belarus

Maryna Kavaleuskaya, a lawyer of the former political prisoner, was banned from leaving Belarus.

Zhodzina authorities fail to report about environmental disaster

06.06.2012 Zhodzina authorities fail to report about environmental disaster

In early March a local environmental catastrophe occurred in Zhodzina due to an accident at the local heating plant, as a result of which technical oil was spilled in the water reservoir on the river Plisa. However, the authorities and the relevant state institutions still haven’t published any reports about the results of study of samples of water.

Slonim: trial of BCD activist Volha Pansevich postponed

06.06.2012 Slonim: trial of BCD activist Volha Pansevich postponed

The trial of activist of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party Volha Pansevich was to have started at 10 a.m. on 5 June, but was postponed on her request, as far as her lawyer didn’t manage to study the case.

Mikalai Autukhovich waits for meeting with mother and has no hopes for amnesty

06.06.2012 Mikalai Autukhovich waits for meeting with mother and has no hopes for amnesty

Leanid Haravy, an activist of the Movement “For Freedom” from Haradok, maintains correspondence with political prisoner Mikalai Autukhovich. Having received a letter from Hrodna prison, he decided to tell readers of “Viasna”s site about the things the prisoner writes, what are his thoughts and hopes.

MPs don’t hurry with humanization of legal norms concerning prisoners

06.06.2012 MPs don’t hurry with humanization of legal norms concerning prisoners

Member of the Baranavichy city branch of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee Anzhalika Kambalava received an answer from the member of the lower chamber of the Parliament, Sviatlana Pishch.

“Granite” administration ignores independent trade union

06.06.2012 “Granite” administration ignores independent trade union

The administration of the Mikashevichy enterprise “Granite” refused to provide office room for the independent trade union, though its members addressed a member of the lower chamber of the Parliament Larysa Vershalovich with a request for assistance in solving this issue.

Homel: activist of anti-alcoholic company threatened by anonymous

06.06.2012 Homel: activist of anti-alcoholic company threatened by anonymous

On 4 June Natallia Kryvashei was collecting signatures within the framework of the civil campaign “Stop drinking – start living!” under a proposal on amending of legal regulations concerning the sale of alcohol and measures on preventing the total alcoholization of the population.

Brest Region Court turns down appeal against picket ban

06.06.2012 Brest Region Court turns down appeal against picket ban

On 4 June the Brest Region Court considered the appeal filed by activist of the Belarusian Leftist Party “Fair World” and member of the Trade Union of Radio Electronic Industry Aliaksandr Dzenisenka against the a ruling of the Leninski District Court of Brest.

06.06.2012 Zmitser Bandarenka set off train Vilnius-Minsk

Former political prisoner Zmitser Bandarenka was returning home from the Lithuanian town of Druskininkai, where he received a course of medical rehabilitation. The Bandarenkas were traveling by the evening train Vilnius-Minsk.

People with photo cameras are unwelcome at Salihorsk District Court

06.06.2012 People with photo cameras are unwelcome at Salihorsk District Court

At the end of the previous week “Young Front” activist Andrei Tychyna came to the Salihorsk District Court in order to file an appeal. However, he wasn’t let in by the duty policeman, as he had a photo camera with him.

06.06.2012 Baranavichy police hinder picket against repressive actions of the authorities

Civil activist Ryhor Hryk (in the photo) filed another application to the Baranavichy City Executive Committee for authorization of the picket “Stop repressive actions of the authorities and officials”. He has already concluded service agreements with the communal utilities and medics.

 Brest residents appeal discriminative ruling on mass events

05.06.2012 Brest residents appeal discriminative ruling on mass events

On 1 June Brest human rights activists passed to the Brest region court and procuracy a note of protest against the ruling of the executive committee imposing unlawful restrictions on freedom of assembly. The note was signed by about 200 residents of Brest.

05.06.2012 Anatol Liabedzka got fined for borrowing money from parents

The UCP was considered guilty and fined for 500 thousand roubles, informs the web-site of the United Civil Party.

05.06.2012 “Our House” activists accused of terrorism

Tatsiana Yakauleva was arrested in Vitsebsk region, on suspicion of involvement in “terrorism” as she was traveling to a fishing contest among children in a local village.Tatsiana Yakauleva was arrested in Vitsebsk region, on suspicion of involvement in “terrorism” as she was traveling to a fishing contest among children in a local village.

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