News for May 2012

Slonim police pay interest to people who attended the Day of Nematsevich' memory with white-red-white flags

10.05.2012 Slonim police pay interest to people who attended the Day of Nematsevich' memory with white-red-white flags

On 8 May the day of commemoration of the martyr feat of the Apostolic Greek-Catholic Exarch of Belarus Anton Nemantsevich and his parish on the territory of Palesse and Hrodna region. The secretary of the Congregation on affairs of Eastern Churches, archbishop Kiryl Vasil took part in the commemorative prayer.

10.05.2012 "Vkontakte" account of RSSN activist cracked

On 9 May the account of the activist of "Revolution through Social Networks" Anastasiya Shuleika in the Russian social network "VKontakte" was cracked. Her current status is "on-line", that's why the Belarusian security services must be reading her personal correspondence.

Military enlistment offices ordered to draft "Young Front" activists at any cost

10.05.2012 Military enlistment offices ordered to draft "Young Front" activists at any cost

At the beginning of the spring draft campaign Pavel Siarhei, who had been expelled from Maladzechna State Polytechnic College after serving an arrest term, started receiving summons to the military enlistment office. Despite the health problems, at which he pointed during the medical examination, he was told that he would serve in the army, as there was a special order about him.

Mahiliou: Siarhei Niahatsin’s appeal turned down

08.05.2012 Mahiliou: Siarhei Niahatsin’s appeal turned down

On 8 May Siarhei Koneu, Judge of the Mahiliou Regional Court, turned down the appeal of civil activist against the verdict of the Leninski District Court of Mahiliou, according to which he had been sentenced to a fine for distributing the unregistered newspaper “Tut i Tsiaper” without a special distribution agreement.

Police want to question Vitsebsk activist concerning the disappearance of Yury Zakharanka

08.05.2012 Police want to question Vitsebsk activist concerning the disappearance of Yury Zakharanka

On 8 May the mother of civil activist Alena Semenchukova received a call from a man who introduced himself as a police officer. The man stated he wanted to take explanations from Alena and her younger brother concerning the forced disappearance of the former minister of internal affairs Yury Zakharanka.

Bartosik and Simbirou detained. Simbirou sentenced to 15 days of arrest

08.05.2012 Bartosik and Simbirou detained. Simbirou sentenced to 15 days of arrest

At 1 p.m. near Chaliuskintsau Park people in mufti forcedly pulled musicians Zmitser Bartosik and Ihar Simbirou into a black Mercedes car.

08.05.2012 Siarhei Kavalenka transferred to pre-trial prison #2 in Vitsebsk

According to his wife, Alena Kavalenka, the political prisoner has been transferred to Vitsebsk from the pre-trial prison in Valadarski Street in Minsk.

08.05.2012 People in mufti prevent Lukashenka from receiving Constitution

A group of people deceived by the government gathered at the Minsk central railway station and marched to the House of Government.

08.05.2012 Vitsebsk dweller gets beaten and fined for watching Charter'97 website

An unprecedented incident happened in an Internet club at the central railway station in Minsk.

08.05.2012 Luban authorities are against free elections

On Monday evening the head of Minsk regional branch of the United Civil Party Artsiom Ahafonau received a written denial for holding a picket from the chairman of Luban district executive committee Vasil Akulich. They wanted to hold a picket “For Free Elections without Lukashenka” in the capital of the district.

08.05.2012 Andrei Dzmitryieu and Mikhail Pashkevich sentenced to 10 days of arrest

The court of the Smaliavichy district heard an administrative case against activists of "Tell the Truth" civil campaign.

08.05.2012 Dutch Christian Democrats not allowed to Belarus

Members of the Dutch Christian Democratic Party planned to take part in an educational seminar.

Valiantsin Stefanovich demands punishment for judge Alena Siamak

07.05.2012 Valiantsin Stefanovich demands punishment for judge Alena Siamak

On 4 May the deputy head of the Human Rights Center “Viasna” Valiantsin Stefanovich filed a written application with the head of the Minsk City Court in connection with a gross violation of the legislation by Alena Siamak, a judge of the Tsentralny District Court of Minsk.

Babruisk activists intend to picket for transparent elections

07.05.2012 Babruisk activists intend to picket for transparent elections

“We want to inform Babruisk residents that there are no fair elections in Belarus. If the authorities allow us picket at the central market, we will prepare leaflets and will talk to the people,” says one of the action organizers, the head of the Babruisk organization of the United Civil Party Viktar Buzinayeu.

Ihar Simbirou tried for disorderly conduct

07.05.2012 Ihar Simbirou tried for disorderly conduct

The musician, detained at a picnic near Minsk in the evening of 6 May (together with signer Zmitser Bartosik and 12 listeners), spent the night at the delinquents’ isolation center in Akrestsin Street. All other people were released after finger-printing and videoing.

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