News for February 2012

23.02.2012 Belarusian Activist's Trial Adjourned, Relatives Barred From Courtroom

VITSEBSK, Belarus -- The trial of Belarusian opposition activist Syarhey Kavalenka in the eastern city of Vitebsk has been adjourned until February 23 after he went through an additional medical examination in the court.

23.02.2012 Alyaksandr Artsybashau sentenced to 10 days in custody

Alyaksandr Artsybashau, who was detained in the building of the Maskouski district court of Minsk, was sentenced to 10 days in custody.

Assembly of Belarusian Pro-Democratic NGOs marks 15 years of activity

22.02.2012 Assembly of Belarusian Pro-Democratic NGOs marks 15 years of activity

On 22 February, the Assembly of Belarusian Pro-Democratic NGOs marks its 15th anniversary, being the largest association of Belarus’ non-governmental organizations, with over 300 member-organizations across the country.

Presidential election results were not rigged, says General Prosecutor’s Office

22.02.2012 Presidential election results were not rigged, says General Prosecutor’s Office

The 2010 presidential election results were not falsified, says a reply by the General Prosecutor’s Office received by Mahiliou activist of the Fair World United Leftist party Valery Berazienka.

Navapolatsk activist harassed over terrorism

22.02.2012 Navapolatsk activist harassed over terrorism

On 21 February, Navapolatsk activist Dzmitry Ryzhychenka, suspected of inscribing opposition graffiti back in 2010, was interrogated by local police.

Pavel Vinahradau sentenced to 10 days of arrest, another activist awaiting charges

22.02.2012 Pavel Vinahradau sentenced to 10 days of arrest, another activist awaiting charges

Today, Minsk Maskouski District Court has sentenced activist of the “Tell the Truth” civil campaign Pavel Vinahradau to 10 days of administrative arrest for staging an event outside the city’s executive committee on 10 February.

Salihorsk prosecuting authorities refuse to protect freedom of assembly

22.02.2012 Salihorsk prosecuting authorities refuse to protect freedom of assembly

Salihorsk district prosecutor’s office dismissed without a hearing a claim by local pro-democratic activist Uladzimir Shyla against groundless picket bans imposed by the district executive committee.

22.02.2012 Founder of Free Region association gets warning from KGB

Activist Yauheny Parchynski from Polatsk, a member of the organizing committee to create Free Region public association, has been summoned for a “conversation”.

22.02.2012 Zmitser Dashkevich again thrown into punishment cell for 10 days

A political prisoner met with his lawyer today.

Euroradio has learned this information from political prisoner's fiancee Anastasia Palazhanka.

22.02.2012 Pavel Vinahradau found in detention centre in Akrestsin Street

He is to be tried in the Maskouski district court of Minsk on Wednesday.

22.02.2012 Polish MPs denied entry to Belarus

Border guards stamped their passports with “denied entry” without giving any reasons.

The Observatory's Press Release: Verdict upheld against “Viasna” Vice-Chairman Valiantsin Stefanovich

22.02.2012 The Observatory's Press Release: Verdict upheld against “Viasna” Vice-Chairman Valiantsin Stefanovich

Paris-Geneva, February 21, 2012. The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, a joint programme of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), condemns the rejection of the appeal lodged by the Vice-Chairman of the Human Rights Centre (HRC) “Viasna”, Mr. Valiantsin Stefanovich, before the Minsk City Court.

Vitsebsk trial to be resumed at 2 p.m. 22 February. Siarhei Kavalenka taken to hospital.

21.02.2012 Vitsebsk trial to be resumed at 2 p.m. 22 February. Siarhei Kavalenka taken to hospital.

The trial of Vitsebsk opposition activist Siarhei Kavalenka facing charges of alleged violation of house arrest restrictions is expected to be resumed at 2 p.m. tomorrow, after the defendant was taken to hospital.

BelaPAN reporter not allowed attending government-organized seminar in Homel

21.02.2012 BelaPAN reporter not allowed attending government-organized seminar in Homel

On 21 February, BelaPAN journalist Alena Hermanovich was not allowed to cover a seminar on the cooperation of the state and businessmen held in Homel on the initiative of local executive authorities.

Hrodna prosecutor’s office issues warning to independent journalists

21.02.2012 Hrodna prosecutor’s office issues warning to independent journalists

Journalists of the Poland-based independent media Viktar Parfionenka (Radio Racyja) and Ales Dzianisau (BelSat TV Channel) have received official warnings by Hrodna Regional Prosecutor’s Office for working in Belarus without MFA’s accreditation.

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