News for December 2011

13.12.2011 Disabled man goes on hunger-strike to protest against death penalty

He also refused to take medicines. Valery Hancharenka demands to improve treatment conditions for TB patients.

13.12.2011 National-Bolshevik fined for action against TV lies

Dzianis Sakhar, an activist of the organizing committee of the National-Bolshevik Party, was fined 1,050,000 rubles.

13.12.2011 Niakliayeu and Palazhanka face imprisonment

Former presidential candidate Uladzimir Niakliaeu and deputy chairperson of the “Young Front” Anastasiya Palazhanka, given two and one year of suspended sentence respectively, have been issued the last warning.

13.12.2011 Tatsiana Hatsura fined

Human rights activists and journalists were not allowed to enter the court room by two persons in plainclothes. The presiding judge was Andrei Khadanovich.

13.12.2011 Belarusian Association of Journalists proposes round-table discussion to MIA

BAJ sent a letter to the Minister of Home Affairs Anatol Kuliashou, asking to arrange a meeting between law enforcement representatives and journalists todiscuss the problem of “relations between journalists and police, the police “information group” activities, the need to single out from the crowd mass media representatives when covering street protests etc.

Barysau: signature collector Illiushonak gets fined

12.12.2011 Barysau: signature collector Illiushonak gets fined

On 12 December the third hearing on the administrative case of Mikalai Illiushonak took place at the Barysau City Court.

Ihar Sluchak proposes officials to do office work in Belarusian

12.12.2011 Ihar Sluchak proposes officials to do office work in Belarusian

Homel resident Ihar Sluchak, initiator of the campaign “Office Work in Belarusian!” again sent personal addresses to heads of all district, city and regional executive committees with the proposal to extend the use of the Belarusian language in state institutions and organizations. “Being concerned with the development of the Belarusian language and striving to secure its further development and safety as the main integral element of a nation, we address You with the aim to establish the best friendly and partner contacts in this direction. We propose You to try make the Belarusian language the dominating language at You institutions by means which You can determine Yourself,”proposed the activist.

Vitsebsk: trial of “European Belarus” activists

12.12.2011 Vitsebsk: trial of “European Belarus” activists

Ivan Salokhin and Uladzislau Varanetski were detained in the evening of 11 December, while trying to hang out the banner “Freedom to political prisoners!” on a bridge.

Homel: blood donors were unable to receive money for blood for over a week

12.12.2011 Homel: blood donors were unable to receive money for blood for over a week

According to the Belarusian legislation, blood donors are freed from work and receive a financial reward the day when they pass their blood. According to a new ruling of the Soviet of Ministers, donors must receive 35% of a living wage – about 200,000 rubles.

Human Rights Day marked all over Belarus

12.12.2011 Human Rights Day marked all over Belarus

On 10 December Belarusian human rights activists held actions in many Belarusian towns and cities to celebrate the 63rd anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Boxes with 165,000 petitions to Lukashenka sent to Presidential Administration

09.12.2011 Boxes with 165,000 petitions to Lukashenka sent to Presidential Administration

“Amnesty International” demands from Aliaksandr Lukashenka to introduce a moratorium on the death penalty. It was stated at today’s press-conference by the organization’s researcher Heather McGill.

09.12.2011 Over 250,000 people call on Belarus to end executions

Amnesty International and Belarusian human rights organizations Viasna and Belarus Helsinki Committee were today turned away from delivering a global petition to Belarusian President Alyaksandr Lukashenka, calling for an end to executions in Belarus.

Brest: trade union activist struggle for freedom of peaceful assemblies

09.12.2011 Brest: trade union activist struggle for freedom of peaceful assemblies

Valiantsin Lazarenkau, head of the Brest regional unit of the Free Trade Union of Belarus, applied to the Brest Region Court, trying to prove that the decisions taken by the Brest City Executive Committee concerning mass events are almost impossible to implement.

Ales Bialiatski passes words of gratitude to everyone and says: “Don't be afraid!”

09.12.2011 Ales Bialiatski passes words of gratitude to everyone and says: “Don't be afraid!”

A letter was received from human rights defender Ales Bialiatski, sentenced to 4.5 years in a high-security colony. He wrote it on 30 November, after the announcement of the verdict, but before his transfer to the Zhodzina prison. After the trial he returned to his usual affairs – learning English, reading and answering a great number of letters. He feels quite well and calm and wishes it to all his colleagues. Ales is sure that the dirt which was flung at him by state-owned media didn't touch him, but the strong support from many acquaintances and strangers made a great positive impact.

Salihorsk: forced subscription to state-own junk media reaches kindergartens

09.12.2011 Salihorsk: forced subscription to state-own junk media reaches kindergartens

The problem of forced subscription to state-owned press is getting more acute in Salihorsk. Earlier this practice concerned predominately workers of large enterprises and entrepreneurs, but at present even parents whose children go to state kindergartens are forced to subscribe too.

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