News for October 2011

Human rights defenders remind Belarusians about the problem of death penalty (photo report)

10.10.2011 Human rights defenders remind Belarusians about the problem of death penalty (photo report)

On 10 October, the World Day against the Death Penalty, civil activists and volunteers held informational actions in different parts of Belarus. In Minsk, activists of the campaign “Human Rights Defenders against the Death Penalty” came to Nezalezhnasts Avenue to remind passers-by that the Belarusian state still kills people. People eagerly took the informational booklets that were distributed by the human rights defenders. There are many people who are concerned with this problem. Some of them even started discussions with the activists.

Burmese dissident Aung San Suu Kyi expresses solidarity with Ales Bialiatski

10.10.2011 Burmese dissident Aung San Suu Kyi expresses solidarity with Ales Bialiatski

Aung San Suu Kyi, one of the world famous dissidents, joined the international campaign for the protection of the Belarusian human rights defender Ales Bialiatski, vice-President of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH).

Brest: trial on extremism

10.10.2011 Brest: trial on extremism

On 10 October the Brest District Court starts proceedings to recognize as extremist the book “Special Opinion, or Christian's Address”.

Do “black lists” return?

10.10.2011 Do “black lists” return?

At about 4.30 p.m. on 8 October Belarusian border guards took away the passports of human rights defenders viktar Sazonau (in the photo) and Yan Roman, who were returning home from Bialystok. They were kept in the hall of the customs office for some time, but were returned their passports and let go after they demanded the complaint book.

Trials over preventively detained are postponed

10.10.2011 Trials over preventively detained are postponed

On 10 October the Court of the Minsk District and the City of Zaslauye started proceedings on the administrative case of Ihar Trykhanovich, who had been detained preventively short before the People's Assembly, on 8 October. He was kept in the remand prison in Skaryna Street till trial. The case was tried by Judge Minich. The trial was postponed to 13 October because of the absence of the police witnesses.

Minsk procuracy turns down Barys Bukhel's appeal

10.10.2011 Minsk procuracy turns down Barys Bukhel's appeal

Mahiliou human rights defender Barys Bukhel appealed against the refusal of investigator Kasynkina to change the restraint to human rights defender Ales Bialiatski who is kept in custody on charges in tax evasion on an especially large scale.

Actions in support of Ales Bialiatski are still banned in Belarus

10.10.2011 Actions in support of Ales Bialiatski are still banned in Belarus

On 10 October the Leninski District Court fined human rights defender Viktar Sasonau, who had been detained on 23 august for handing out leaflets with information about the arrest of Ales Bialiatski, chairman of the Human Rights Center “Viasna”. The same day the police held a search at his apartment, confiscated two computer system units, informational and human rights editions and T-shirts with Bialiatski's portraits.

Homel: dry hunger-strike and fines

10.10.2011 Homel: dry hunger-strike and fines

Uladzimir Katsora, an oppositionist from Homel and organizer of the People’s Assembly, was taken to the Tsentralny district police department, where a report under article 23.34 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (violation of order of holding mass events) was drawn up on him.

8 October: persecution of organizers and participants of the People's Assembly continued all over Belarus

10.10.2011 8 October: persecution of organizers and participants of the People's Assembly continued all over Belarus

On 8 October, the day of the action, the authorities continued detaining and intimidating civil and political activists. People were seized in the streets arbitrary and arrested on sophisticated reasons.

Sharkaushchyna: detention of journalist Kastys Shytal

10.10.2011 Sharkaushchyna: detention of journalist Kastys Shytal

On 7 October independent journalist Kastus Shytal was hitchhiking to his home town, Dzisna. The car in which he was sitting was stopped by the police. He was told that he resembled the man who war robbing cars on the road Hlybokaye-Sharkaushchyna.

Brest: Vadzim Rabtsevich gets fined

10.10.2011 Brest: Vadzim Rabtsevich gets fined

The Leninski District Court of Brest sentenced Vadzim Rabtsevich, member of the Belarusian Leftist Party “Fair World”, to pay a fine of 70,000 rubles (less than $10) for alleged violation of Article 23.34, part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (“violation of the order of organizing or holding mass events”).

Why is the death penalty in Belarus such a huge issue for the EU?

10.10.2011 Why is the death penalty in Belarus such a huge issue for the EU?

Mrs Rosemary Thomas, British Ambassador in Belarus, writes on the occasion of World Day against the Death Penalty.

World Day Against the Death Penalty:Belarus urged to end executions

10.10.2011 World Day Against the Death Penalty:Belarus urged to end executions

Amnesty International activists around the world are coming together on the World Day Against the Death Penalty to demand an end to executions in Belarus, the only country in Europe and the former Soviet Union that still executes.

PACE adopts a declaration on Ales Bialiatski

09.10.2011 PACE adopts a declaration on Ales Bialiatski

"Ales Bialiatski, leader of the Human Rights Centre Viasna, was arrested on 4 August 2011 and may face up to seven years imprisonment purportedly for income tax evasion. The severe restrictions on freedom of association in Belarus and the impossibility for independent organisations to register and to receive funds from abroad seriously impeded the work of Viasna and jeopardised its efforts to assist victims of political repression," reads the declaration.

Statement of Iranian lawyer Shirin Ebadi in support of Ales Bialiatski

07.10.2011 Statement of Iranian lawyer Shirin Ebadi in support of Ales Bialiatski

Shirin Ebadi, well-known Iranian human rights activist and lawyer, awarded Nobel Peace Prize in 2003, gave a statement on the case of her Belarusian colleague Ales Bialiatski :

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